She said it grieves me so
To see you in such pain
I wish there was something I could do
To make you smile again
I said I appreciate that
And would you please explain
About the fifty ways to leave a Pauliac lover?
To see you in such pain
I wish there was something I could do
To make you smile again
I said I appreciate that
And would you please explain
About the fifty ways to leave a Pauliac lover?
10. Ron Paul Newsletter—January, 1991: MLK, World-Class Philanderer

"St. Martin was a world-class philanderer who beat up his paramours ('non-violence' didn't apply in all spheres, I guess)."

This second page soft-sells the idea that MLK wished he could be like Castro but was prevented because a violent revolution wouldn't work in the U.S. So, rather than this being an indication of his own good judgement about the best course of seeking equality, it's proof that he was basically a murdering revolutionary thwarted by indifference. It also describes the civil rights movement as "bad from the beginning," because overturning Jim Crow and then refusing to accept that glorious market happiness would elevate blacks to equal status in the United States represents a social injustice.
11. Ron Paul Newsletter—June, 1990: The Pink House?

"What an outrage that, for the first time in our nation's history, the organized forces of perversion were feted in the White House." Here, "organized forces of perversion" means "gay people hoping to be spared dehumanizing violence."

"President Bush invited the heads of homosexual lobbying groups to the White House for the ceremony. As Congressman Bill Dannemeyer (R-CA) noted, 'It's a tragic message that is being sent,' that normality and deviance are equal. I miss the closet. Homosexuals, not to speak of the rest of society, were far better off when social pressure forced them to hide their activities. They could also not be as promiscuous. Is it any coincidence that the AIDS epidemic developed after they came 'out of the closet' and started hyper-promiscuous sodomy? I don't believe so, medically or morally."
"When blacks kill whites, however, it's not defined as news."
13. Ron Paul Newsletter—November, 1990: David Duke

"To many voters, this seemed just like plain good sense. Duke carried baggage from his past, but the voters were willing to overlook that." Fun words, fun ideas: "baggage" that some voters "overlooked."
14. Ron Paul Newsletter—October, 1990: AIDS, Gays, Blacks and Rapetown

A sales pitch for None Dare Call It Conspiracy, one of the finest modern history books you can find at your local Army surplus store, next to the "$3 Bills (Clinton)" and the IMPEACH BILLARY stickers, as well as something about Obama Muslim Hussein NOT RACIST.

"A mob of black protestors, led by the 'Rev.' Al Sharpton, occupied and closed the Statue of Liberty recently, demanding that New York be renamed Martin Luther King City 'to reclaim it for our people.' Hmmm. I hate to agree with the Rev. Al, but maybe a name change is in order. Welfaria? Zooville? Rapetown? Dirtburg? Lazyopolis? But Al, the Statue of Liberty? Next time, hold that demonstration at a food stamp bureau or a crack house."

This page includes a bunch of frankly nutty ideas about how everyone should deal with people with AIDS, followed by, "No kissing, since AIDS can be transmitted by saliva."

This page offers a mixed vote of support for jury nullification (almost always invoked in these pages as a right for a jury to exonerate anyone who refuses to pay federal taxes), while also implying that a jury and city were influenced by black demonstrators for Marion Barry. "There were constant anti-white demonstrations outside the courthouse."
15. Ron Paul Political Report—March, 1990: Homophobes for Andy Rooney

"CBS forced him into an apologotic [sic] interview with The Advocate, a homosexual magazine filled with classified ads for pervert prostitutes. The reporter--who certainly had an axe to grind, and that's not easy with a limp wrist...." It goes on to claim that the reporter for The Advocate made things up about Rooney, as part of the devious homosexual agenda.

"The liberals promised us relief from guilt, points out Murray N. Rothbard, of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, and they did abolish sexual guilt (and gave use widespread sodomy, AIDS, promiscuity, illegitimacy, and abortion in the bargain). But they imposed a thousand new guilts over racism, sexism, speciesism, ageism, and homophobia (the dread belief that normal sexual conduct is superior to abnormal)."
There it is in a nut, kids. It was liberalism that foisted on human beings the idea that you should feel ashamed by unwarranted "superiority," malicious exclusion, self-satisfied exploitation, dehumanisation, disregard and violence. The nemesis that liberalism visits on libertarianism — and, thus, libertarianism's proof of liberalism's great authoritarian imposition — is that the human race is not your basement rec room array of toys; you are not the sole arbiter of value, and you don't get to have all the coolest things because you are you and because others have failed in terms of that singularly pointless achievement.
16. Ron Paul Political Report—July 1992: Blacks, Riots, ACORN

"Perot cannot fix the welfare state any more than Gorbachev could fix Soviet socialism. To achieve even a semblance of success, Perot may resort to authoritarian means. Maintaining order may be the number one priority, especially as the race riots grow.... Just after a basketball game ended on June 14, blacks poured into the streets of Chicago in celebration. How to celebrate? How else? They broke the windows of stores to loot, even breaking through protective steel shutters with crowbars to steal everything in sight.... (Is this why Hollywood tells us White Men Can't Jump?)."

"Of all the stores that were looted, only one had its goods simply thrown on the sidewalk rather than stolen: a bookstore." Ahahaha, I get it. It's because black people don't read! "Jury verdicts, basketball games, and even music are enough to set off black rage, it seems."

"What does it say about a party when its candidate can't criticize those who advocate killing white people without upsetting its core voters? What does it say about blacks that they would find it upsetting to hear this criticized? My guess is that Jesse Jackson and friends talk like this in private."

"Another good example is a study just released by ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) called 'Take the Money and Run: The Siphoning of Deposits from Minority Neighborhoods.' It alleges that banks take deposits from blacks and then don't grant them loans. They say that for every dollar on deposit, only 4 cents goes [sic] back to blacks. Ever vigilant against economic differences that express themselves in racial terms, the American elite are busy instituting race quotas in lending. ACORN called for a summit meeting with bankers to 'work out the differences'--meaning that banks fork over the cash.... They all agreed to fork over more money--so long as the regulators don't notice that they are not paid back."

This last page emphasises the sinister nature of equal lending by describing Jack Kemp's support for the idea of having a black person see if he can get a loan, then report back. It's just like the Thought Police, but with numbers and other objective measures employed against thoughts. Tremble, tremble, tremble, Middle America.
You just slip out the back, Jack
Drop off these scans, Stan
You don't need to be toy, Roy
Just get yourself free
Run, Run, Run to the nearest bus, Gus
You don't need to discuss much
Just drop off the Alex Jones DVD, Lee
And get yourself free
Drop off these scans, Stan
You don't need to be toy, Roy
Just get yourself free
Run, Run, Run to the nearest bus, Gus
You don't need to discuss much
Just drop off the Alex Jones DVD, Lee
And get yourself free
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