By Monty Pelerin
current economic crisis rivals the one of the 1930s. Despite shameless
propaganda by government and its cronies in the media, people
understand that the situation is getting worse. Consumer confidence
continues to decline as does confidence in the future.
We are headed for an event that history will record as worse than the Great Depression. It is unavoidable.
The Level of Debt
principal reason for the dire prediction is the level of debt
outstanding. Current debt levels are simply not sustainable. Assets
and cash flows cannot support or service this debt.
No economic recovery can occur without massive debt reduction. As shown below, current debt is much higher than the 1930s:

a percentage of GDP, debt is at an all-time high. Immediately prior to
the Great Depression US debt was about 200% of GDP. It rose briefly to
300% as a result of massive government interventions to combat the
At the beginning of the current downturn, debt was about 370% of GDP. It is about 400% currently.
the chart from 1870 forward, debt levels are generally in the range of
150% of GDP. That appears to be the norm for the last 140 years. Only
in the 1920s and recently did debt exceed 180% of GDP. Even funding
World Wars I and II did not drive debt above 180%.
To return to 150% requires a reduction of about $30 Trillion in debt. That represents about two full years worth of GDP!
The Political Myths
After the 1930s politicians convinced themselves and the public of two things:
- Free markets need government interventions to produce a healthy economy.
- Keynesian pseudo science provided the tools necessary to manage the economy.
beliefs were false, but both aided politicians' insatiable drive for
power and control. Once the public came to believe these myths,
government owned the economy. Any economic problem became a political one. Economic slowdowns were no longer politically acceptable.
just stand there, do something" drove economic policy. It was
politically impossible to allow an economy to correct on its own.
Political action was required, even if such activity was ultimately
harmful. Politicians had to do something, anything! Their constituents demanded it.
"government is responsible" attitude quickly spread. Today, virtually
any perceived problem or inequity is assumed to be fixable by
government. Government readily took on responsibility for virtually
every aspect of our lives.
The madness is evident. It is assumed that government creates jobs, educates kids, designs toilets and light bulbs. It is necessary to provide mortgages,
retirement benefits and healthcare. "Green energy" and other new
technologies are assumed impossible without the assistance of
litany of the presumed need for government could continue for pages.
Virtually all these presumptions are false. Worse, many in the public
still believe that these "services" are "free."
Economic Reality
swing in the business cycle, no matter how mild, became the
responsibility of government. Government was to step in and "fix"
economic problems. Seventy years of such "fixes" preceded our current
downturns are both normal and necessary. Individual and business
mistakes are remedied via economic slowdowns. Misplaced capital and
labor is freed up for more productive uses. When this cleansing does
not occur, an economy becomes less efficient and grows at a slower rate.
The mistakes remain in place and are perpetuated.
intervention is not corrective. It is a cover up of prior mistakes.
The phrase "pretend and extend" describes what happens. Instead of
allowing the economy to correct, government attempts to avoid the
correction and the pain by covering up the mistakes. That has been the
history of much of the last 80 years. Continued interventionism
brought the economy to this crisis point.
artificial boom that began decades ago is exhausted. Response to the
dot-com stock market bubble was the last coverup that "worked." The
system was flooded with credit and one bubble was replaced with another.
Now the housing bubble has burst, marking the high point of "pretend
and extend."
expansion since 2008 has been impotent. The real economy has stopped
responding. Economists who advocate more stimulus or credit are either
ill-trained or have political motives. Governmental stimulus and credit
expansion created the problem. Recommendations for more of the same
qualify as insanity per Albert Einstein's definition.
A Worldwide Problem
US is not unique. Most of the developed world is burdened by excessive
credit and government spending. Easy credit enabled governments to
grow too large and individuals to take on too much debt. The point
where markets are unwilling to provide more debt has arrived.
The position of the US, thought to be stronger than other countries, is not, as shown in this chart:

Rumors of another US credit downgrade circulate for good reason.
everywhere are trying to prevent a massive economic and financial
correction, but they will not succeed. In order for economies to return
to health, debt must be liquidated. De-leveraging must occur. Debt
will be paid down and/or defaulted upon. Normal economic growth cannot
resume until excess debt is removed from the system.
The Problem With De-Leveraging
debt is known as de-leveraging. The ramifications of de-leveraging are
not widely understood. Ray Dalio of Bridgewater Associates discussed
the process on the Charlie Rose show (full transcript):
I think it's important to understand that we're going through a deleveraging. So we have to understand the big picture is -- there's a deleveraging. Three big themes: first there's a deleveraging; secondly we have a problem with monetary and fiscal policies are running out of ammunition; and thirdly we have an issue in terms of people most importantly who are at each other's throats politically and globally in terms of having a problem resolving those.
So then we begin the process in reverse as you can't spend as much you -- somebody else's income falls. And that process works in reverse.
Imagine you earned $100,000 a year and you didn't have any debt. You can go to a bank and borrow $10,000 a year. You can spend, therefore, $110 a year. When you spend $110,000 a year, somebody else earns $110,000 and they can go to a bank and there's a self-reinforcing process in which your debt rises in relationship to your income.
And that goes on for a long time and that goes on for 50 or 75 years through history. We've had 50, 75-year cycles and then you reach a point where you can't anymore get more debt and the process starts to change. And you can't leverage up. Traditionally the private sector leverages up, we leveraged up then we got to a point in 2007 where we had a bubble and that same sort of bubble that happened in Japan, same sort of bubble that happened in the Great Depression, meaning we reached our debt limits. Europe's reached its debt limits.
current credit bubble is bigger than the one that preceded and caused
The Great Depression. Consumer and government balance sheets are worse
than they were eighty years ago. Income is incapable of supporting
current debt levels.
Reducing debt to manageable levels will produce another Great Depression, likely greater and more painful than the original. Debt reduction requires lower spending and higher savings. Large amounts of debt will not be paid and will be liquidated via defaults.
now, governments have done everything to prevent this natural process
from occurring. According to Dalio, governments have "no more tools in the tool kit."
governments and private companies will experience bankruptcy.
Harrisburg, PA just did so. National government defaults will occur
with Greece most likely be the first. When the economy begins to shrink,
private companies will follow.
The Other Alternative
There is no other alternative cure for the economy other than de-leveraging.
around the world will attempt to avoid de-leveraging because of the
associated pain of a Great Depression. Unfortunately, that is not
possible as Ludwig von Mises pointed out:
There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit (debt) expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit (debt) expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved.
attempts to avoid corrections got us to this point. Now the supply of
credit has been exhausted and taxpayers deeply indebted. Another
coverup is not possible.
simple summary of what years of governmental intervention accomplished
is the impending economic and financial tragedy. Politicians from the
past may have gleaned benefits. Our generation is left to pick up the
printing press is available to most countries. It is no solution to
the underlying economic problems, but is the method that the political
class will try once again. Doing so will make the situation worse. It
steals purchasing power from the private sector. In extremis, it will
cause hyperinflation, effectively wiping out the value of savings and
fixed contract obligations.
creation cannot prevent de-leveraging. It merely defers it and
impoverishes the citizens of a country prior to the onset of a
Depression. Will the US government engage in such chicanery? Based on
past history, the answer must be an unqualified Yes! Jon Hilsenrath, sometimes referred to as the unofficial trial balloon holder for the Fed, has reported:
Federal Reserve officials are starting to build a case for a new program of buying mortgage-backed securities to boost the ailing economy, though they appear unlikely to move swiftly.
Steve Englander of Citibank describes how Europe will be set up as an excuse for more credit creation:
Policymakers in the US, UK and elsewhere are using the euro crisis as cover to ease policy. For example, the FRBNY's Dudley yesterday characterized even the improved US numbers as disappointing and pointed to further measures if growth did not improve. Chinese growth targets and policy maker comments imply that measures might be taken if there is any sign of slowing. The BoE has already expanded it QE program.
a Great Depression lies in our near future is not at issue. Whether we
are forced down the route of hyperinflation before the correction occurs
is unknown.
best outcome is a Depression tomorrow. Better sooner than later. That
is what politicians have provided. Hopefully they will not "do
something" but "just stand there." The economy needs to be left alone.
Their help is killing us. Hyperinflation will truly destroy.
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