Occupy Wall Street protesters took over "Union Street Cafe" by making a speech, pausing multiple times to demand the patrons' attention. "We're going to make people who support him {the owner of the restaurant} uncomfortable." After the speech ended protesters walked through the establishment chanting.
##OccupyColumbus Enjoys Underwhelming Support"Three friggin' guys! Three guys and three tents!"#OccupyToronto: ‘This Man Was In My Tent Sniffing My Girlfriend’s Feet’An eyewitness report on some strange shenanigans at Occupy Toronto.A man is arrested at Occupy Toronto after allegedly smelling a woman's feet and trying to get other protesters to drink urine. The Protester who uploaded this video also left this comment on it claiming his girlfriend was groped by this man as well: "He was also groping her but I failed to mention due to being a bit emotionally tied up. Evidently the cop and I cleared it up wish I could have reacted perfectly. If I didn`t get this evidence I feel those who were still in the tent would have discovered it." #Occupy Toledo: Rocking The 99% With 6 ProtestersZuccotti Park Area Residents Go Ballistic at Board Meeting: 'They Are Defecating On Our Doorsteps'![]() Infuriated lower Manhattan residents went ballistic on Zuccotti Park protesters at a chaotic Community Board 1 meeting tonight while blasting politicians for allowing the siege to continue without any end in sight. Naturally, the charming protesters were heard. The line to speak at the standing room only meeting spilled out of the board's office and onto the street outside where Zuccotti sympathizers sparred with angry residents. One elderly woman told a protester to stop screaming and was met with an even higher volume. "Get some earplugs!," retorted David Stano. "This is the street. I can say whatever I want! I can't calm down, I've been struggling for 30 years!" As if it's her problem this loser has struggled for 30 years. Hmm. This David Stano is 30 years old. ![]() He's quite popular with the law down in Florida. A Couple More of Those ‘Egregious Crazies’ at #Occupy Wall Street A couple more videos from the Occupy Wall Street protests in Zuccotti Park. They will inevitably draw the criticism that I am only interviewing the crazies. Again, so be it. This woman was the first person I met yesterday afternoon, when I overheard her loudly shouting the word “Nazi” at passers-by. If they are the notable exception, then I must have quite prodigious luck. Occupy Wall Street Protesters - American Bankers Are Nazis And this gentleman caught my attention straight afterwards with his sign, and then even-worse explanation: Occupy Wall Street Protester Wants To Execute "White Collar Criminals" Is everyone involved like this? No. But there is such a solid supply of them that to walk around the site for twenty minutes with a video camera is to meet a steady stream of bizarro-world characters. I’m afraid that the place is attracting a very healthy portion of New York’s oddballs, some more benign than others. Believe me, were I picking on the crazies at Occupy Wall Street, I would have published a couple of the videos I still have on my camera. For kindness’ sake, however, they will remain where they are. Man with rifle arrested at #Occupy Seattle protestSEATTLE — A convicted felon believed to be part of the Occupy Seattle protest was arrested at the demonstration after he was found carrying an unloaded rifle in a bag, along with 16 rounds of ammunition, police said on Tuesday.And, Finally, Good News! CAIR Announces Friday Prayers To Be Held At Zuccotti Park!They say one can tell a lot about people by the company they keep. If that adage is true, what does the Council for American Islamic Affair’s (CAIR) endorsement of Occupy Wall Street — and the organization’s choice to conduct Friday “Jummah” prayers in Zuccotti Park — tell us about both CAIR, and, the Occupy protesters? An official invitation issued by CAIR’s New York chapter tells members to show “solidarity” with “the 99%” by attending Friday prayers in Zuccotti Park at 1:00pm. CAIR’s stated goal in hosting the prayer service at OWS is to “expand the role of New York Muslims in the Occupy movement.” A “sermon on social justice in Islam” is slated to be delivered my Imam Aiyub Abdul Baki — a supporter of the Ground Zero mosque. From CAIR: October 21st, where we will join in solidarity with “the 99%.” Jummah, hosted by Majlis Ash-Shura (Islamic Leadership Council of New York) is scheduled for 1pm at Zuccotti Park. A sermon on social justice in Islam will be delivered by Imam Aiyub Abdul Baki.
Members are then directed to CAIR’s Facebook Event Page for more information. 276 people have stated they will attend the prayers thus far. |
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