By Ringo
The Occupation of Los Angeles - Part 4 - October 3, 2011 through October 13, 2011 | |||||||
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A few days ago the Los Angeles City Council unanimously, passed a resolution in "support" of the Occupy L.A. squatters who’ve been living in tents in the small park that surrounds Los Angeles City Hall. It’s worth noting that there is not a single Republican on the Los Angeles City Council. L.A. mayor, Antonio Villaraigosa (also a Democrat) is expected to sign the resolution. | |||||||
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So let’s take a look around City Hall Park and see exactly who and what the elected representatives of America’s second largest city have decided to support. I visited the original occupation of Los Angeles City Hall back on Oct 1st and have been back a number of times since. All of the following pictures were taken by me at Occupy L.A. between 10/01/11 & 10/13/2011. | |||||||
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The grass on the north and west lawns is now pretty much dead as the city has turned off the sprinkler systems. The only reason the south lawn is not completely dead as well, is because the south lawn was commandeered a few days after the north lawn. Give it five more days and it will be dead too. | |||||||
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The first thing any visitor will notice when visiting Occupy L.A. is the smell of marijuana smoke wafting through the park. | |||||||
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It’s hard to tell which direction it’s coming from as the scent of burning cannabis seems to permeate the entire park, along with the smell of garbage and body odor. Police are no where to be seen, although I assume there are some undercover officers keeping an eye on the squatter camp. | |||||||
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But rather than bore you with a lot of words, let’s just get straight to the pictures. So here, my friends, are over 170 pictures of the occupiers, their messages and the encampment they’ve created around City Hall in the center of Downtown Los Angeles. | |||||||
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Let’s start it off with a few signs promoting the oldest and nastiest of conspiracies, that of the maniacal Jewish bankers who control the world. | |||||||
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Be sure to look closely at every picture. Soak up the messages. Look into the eyes of the "occupiers"….Remember they claim to represent 99% of America - so, unless you’re a multimillionaire, they’re there to represent YOU! | |||||||
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Ronald Reagan’s head impaled on a stake… | |||||||
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Union members have joined with Occupy LA for various marches throughout the past week, including the SEIU, AFL-CIO and The United Teachers of Los Angeles. | |||||||
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American flags can be seen throughout the encampment used as tarps and blankets, or simply crumpled on the ground. | |||||||
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Chemtrail conspiracies seem to be catching on among the paranoid, conspiracy-addled "occupiers". | |||||||
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Someone scrawled Buddhist scripture on an unfolded cardboard box. | |||||||
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No conspiracy theory, utopian ideology or political philosophy is too crazy for these folks. | |||||||
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"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" - This particular Karl Marx quote has always been more appealing to those with "needs" than to those with "abilities"…The sickle and power fist is adds a nice touch. | |||||||
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I noticed a lot of people doing yoga to relieve the stress of camping in a public park. | |||||||
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As the encampment has grown, so too has the number of stolen shopping carts. | |||||||
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Related Posts: A Circus Parade of Freaks, Anti-Semites, Bare-Breasted Ladies, Radicals, Pinkos, and Hardly An "Average, Hard-Working, Middle-Class American" In Sight The Guy Fawkes' Mask Slips: As Wall Street Protests Spread Across The Globe, The 'Day of Rage' Turns Violent |
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