Why is it the West's responsibility to take in mostly Muslim 'refugees', 73% of whom are military-age men? We are called selfish, xenophobic, bigoted, etc, if we don't accept, without reservation, all of these refugees. Why aren't these people going to countries with which they share a common religion, culture, and language? Caliphate construction? Furthermore, why isn't the West demanding the rest of the world step up to the plate for a change?
Are #RefugeesWelcome in the Muslim-majority country of Saudi Arabia?
No, but it has offered to build 200 mosques in Germany.
Are #RefugeesWelcome in the Muslim-majority country of Iran?
No, but it has sent 50,000 troops to back Assad.
Are #RefugeesWelcome in the Muslim-majority country of Qatar?
No, 'it would expose us to terrorism.'
Are #RefugeesWelcome in the Muslim-majority country of Kuwait?
No, 'it would expose us to terrorism.'
Are #RefugeesWelcome in the Muslim-majority country of Bahrain?
No, 'it would expose us to terrorism.'
Are #RefugeesWelcome in the Muslim-majority country of the UAE?
No, 'it would expose us to terrorism.'
Are #RefugeesWelcome in the world's largest Muslim-majority country of Indonesia?
Yes, 7,000 are...sort of...They must be Muslims...and Malaysia and Bangladesh must agree to accept some of the 7000.
Are #RefugeesWelcome in the Muslim-majority country of Jordan?
No, 'we have enough of them and Pallies already, thank you very much!'
Are #RefugeesWelcome in the Muslim-majority country of Lebanon?
Not anymore.
Are #RefugeesWelcome in the Muslim-majority country of Pakistan?
A number 'infinitesimally small.'
Are #RefugeesWelcome in the world's largest country w/ the second largest economy, China?
Are 'RefugeesWelcome in Japan?
Are #RefugeesWelcome by Il Papa at The Vatican?
Bien sûr! Il Papa certainly couldn't come to the US & join the Asshole-in-Chief in lecturing us that we must open our hearts, hearths, and wallets to Syrian 'refugees' or we're evil, greedy monsters...so, obviously, the Vatican is making #RefugeesWelcome by...accepting TWO...temporarily!
Are #RefugeesWelcome in the living quarters at the #WhiteHouse?
Are #RefugeesWelcome at 5046 S Greenwood Avenue, the Obamas' empty crib in Chicago?
Yeah, right! The man, who lectures US that we must be our brother's keeper while his own brother still lives on $3 a day in a hut in Kenya, is going to open the doors of his manse to a bunch a 'smelly savages.' PUH-lease.Can you please pass the Grey Poupon Have you seen the price of arugula lately???
Yeah, right! The man, who lectures US that we must be our brother's keeper while his own brother still lives on $3 a day in a hut in Kenya, is going to open the doors of his manse to a bunch a 'smelly savages.' PUH-lease.
We're told that we shouldn't be the 'world's policeman'. Fine. We're told that we should not try to impose our values on others. Fine. But, we are supposed to let others impose their values on us while demanding that we play the role of the world's piggy bank? Well, honey, they can fuck that and the horse that rode in on them (reversed on purpose...think about it).
They want us to withdraw from the world? OK, fine. They can take responsibility and pay for it...for a bloody, fucking change.
RELATED READING: Super Thunderdome: Thousands of #SyrianRefugees and Hundreds of Thousands of #KatrinaSurvivors Enter. Few Will Leave.
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