M2RB: Cher
(h/t Ace)
No breed...

If you have a minute please sign this petition.
It’s for a worthy cause. Really.
Please sign.
In honour the first Native
American Woman of Colour‘s election to the United States Senate, we propose
that Elizabeth Warren be annually and in perpetuity by a National Holiday, whose
date shall be the Anniversary of Sitting Bull’s Death. This holiday shall be one of reflection,
reparation, self-mutilation, and the feeling of pain and shame for what
Americans did to the Native Americans hundreds of years ago:
WHEREAS, on this day,
December 15, Native American leader Sitting Bull died; and
WHEREAS, Elizabeth Warren is the first Native American woman of
color elected to the Senate; and
WHEREAS, Senator Elect Warren should be recognized and honored for
facing discrimination, insults and hardships due to her high cheekbones; and
WHEREAS, the time has come to honor Native American Elizabeth
Warren for being the pride of the tribe.
WHEREAS, we encourage the Congress to share in this historic event
by offering meals at the Congressional cafeteria that honor Native Americans
including those provided by Elizabeth Warren for the cookbook Pow Wow Chow; and
We urge that the White House provide recognition and honour for Ms
Warren’s great strides on behalf of the Native American community forthwith.
Thanks again for signing.
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