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18 July 2012

Pic of the Day: Not Working In A Coal Mine

M2RB:  Devo (with new lyrics)

Worked in a coal mine
EPA's done shut down
No other jobs in a town with a closed coal mine
So, we had to blow town

Five o'clock in the mornin'
I'm up at the unemployment office before the sun
I walk and walk and knock and knock
Being unemployed makes a woman too tired for havin' fun

My man's been over at the food pantry standing in line
Too late and had been walkin' down town
Tried the SNAP office, begged for some help from the woman at the end of the line
No help until you bring your meager assets down

We always worked hard up-and-down the line
Faced the day with a smile not a frown
Hoped one day that our sacrifice would lead to a business I'd call "Mine"
With a place for Al to feed our kids from food grown from our own ground 

Lord, we are so tired.
How long can this go on?

"His Mercurialness"

Not Working In A Coal Mine - Lyrics

Worked in a coal mine
EPA's done shut down
No other jobs in a town with a closed coal mine
So, we had to blow town

Five o'clock in the mornin'
I'm up at the unemployment office before the sun
I walk and walk and knock and knock
Being unemployed makes a woman too tired for havin' fun

My man's been over at the food pantry standing in line
Too late and had been walkin' down town
Tried the SNAP office, begged for some help from the woman at the end of the line
No help until you bring your meager assets down

We always worked hard up-and-down the line
Faced the day with a smile not a frown
Hoped one day that our sacrifice would lead to a business I'd call "Mine"
With a place for Al to feed our kids with food grown from our own ground 

Lord, we are so tired.
How long can this go on?

In '08, we voted for history and the future gen,
For hope, change, and an opportunity to erase 
What our kids' have been told is America's Original Sin
To honour the individual while remembering that community is not an idea, but a place.

Yet, we've been workin', goin', workin'
Toilin', slavin', hopin', and praying face down
And, whew!  How utterly irking!
All we've and the country have done is slipped on down
(Seriously, the bloody Canucks are richer than we are -- and their Medicare has NOTHING to do with it).

So, Lord, we were just thinking
We could go on being anxious and worrying
Since hope and change has turned to hoax and chains linking
One bad year to another and that is not freeing

Lord, you told us to be our Brother's Keepers
Our President tells us that we must remember your words and he would show the way
We do what we can for our parents, siblings, communities, and our oaths are keepers
Yet, our President's brother lives in a mud hut on less than $1 a day
To him, his Brother George is not his responsibility - it's the duty of Kenya.

Our President, who put me on the unemployment list,
Said that my former bosses didn't build their company...someone else did...
Someone like me...on my back...and barely did I even exist.
But, they were wrong and their fatal conceit left many people undid.  

My bosses made their company.  Washington undid it.
My bosses made many of us employed and homeowners.  Washington undid that.
Our coal mine made lots of electricity -- cleanly -- and left the ground as we found it.  Washington undid that, too.
When your electricity goes out this hot summer, well, Washington would have undid your power, too.

So, here's the deal, Lord.
We're not too big on politicians, even less so on rich ones from Taxachusetts.
But,we'd bet Romney could tell us with whose coin you were going to render unto Caesar.
On the other hand, our modern-day Caesar believes that all is his in ducats.
Mitt will, at least, allow us a modicum of freedom while Obama will just add another Czar.

If, you don't mind, we are going to kick the Black Jesus (h/t Axelrod) to the curb
Because we are sick and tired of being broke, beaten, blamed, and vilified.
Accused of being lazy, told that we need SNAP to look superb,
And, that "bed rest" constitutes "work" for welfare à la cockeyed.
Going on SSDI, we're told, is better for the country than getting a job
'Tho Social Security is nearly tits up so sayeth the proverb,
And, other than the nattering nabobs of negativity and their plus bedaub,
Food stamps and unemployment benefits make the case why "stimulative" should be an adverb.

They are the cash infusers that drive the economy, we are told, out of the ditch, over the fence when a polevault is unavailable across the curb.
Or, so we are told by those in charge of our lives, but  in return, we condemn. 
Called racists, bigots, and haters by those we seek to perturb.
We sit back -- with a wry smile -- on our faces on our alleged empty heads and recall the words of Orwell, "Some ideas are so stupid that only 'intellectuals' believe them."

We can try out the foolishness propounded by the Left and conduct an experiment:  
Everyone should just quit work, apply for food stamps and unemployment. 
The stimulative effect will make the Roaring Twenties
look like Shiva followed by Shloshim. /s
Or, we could just go back to what has worked fairly well for the last 236 years.

Workin', Goin', Workin'
We got ourselves a job at the "We Mad As Hell And We're Not Taking It Anymore" Local 2459 
Workin', Goin' Workin'
On 6 November, we're goin' drop a dime 
The size of Fat Man and Little Boy on "Spread-the-Wealth / I love America, I just want to fundamentally transform her" Jesus.

Can I get an Amen?

I can't hear you....

That's better.



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