M2RB (h/t mankai): Roger Daltrey
Say it ain't so, Joe, please
Say it ain't so
That's not what I want to hear, Joe
And I've got a right to know
Say it ain't so, Joe, please
Say it ain't so
They keep on telling us lies, Joe
Say it ain't so
That's not what I want to hear, Joe
And I've got a right to know
Say it ain't so, Joe, please
Say it ain't so
They keep on telling us lies, Joe
Please tell us it ain't so

The story: A young provincial couple was unable to pay the $6,500
fine to permit it to have a second child. The seven-month pregnant wife
was dragged off to a hospital, where she was given an injection of
poison to kill her baby and induce an abortion.
The outcry over this photograph has caused Chinese authorities to
discipline the local officials who carried out the forced abortion.
Without the outrage caused by the photo, they would have simply been
doing their duty. After all, the interests of the state as defined by
the party trump the interests of the individual. If the officials had
not waited until the seventh month or had confiscated the photograph,
this public relations mess could have been avoided.
Don't bother complaining to the Obama Administration. Women’s rights, Human rights, etc. are not high up on the "To Do" List. In fact, from the very beginning, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made it clear what the administration considers most important. Climate Change usurps Human Rights. Women's Rights are trumped by Sustainable Growth. Trade barriers crowd out Tibet. The huge stake in the prosperity and stability of Asia and the Pacific that both America and China have clearly drown-out any cries from preborn babies being ripped from their mothers' wombs to face a certain death. Infanticide of a girl baby by a mum or dad is hardly ever treated as a crime.
The Bully Pulpit must be neutered for the United States needs China to buy Treasury Notes & Bonds. Above all, the United States' need for Chinese money will in return buy our silence to many atrocities.
Of course, it doesn't hurt when some of our leaders kinda-sorta make the Sign of the UN and offer their blessings....

"But as I was talking to some of your leaders, you share a similar
concern here in China. You have no safety net. Your policy has been
one which I fully understand — I'm not second-guessing — of one child
per family. The result being that you're in a position where one wage
earner will be taking care of four retired people. Not sustainable."
- Vice-President Joe Biden
This is the reality of the policy which Joe Biden fully understands and would never second guess.
She was forced to abort, and then the tiny body of the seven-month-old child was left bleeding on a bed next to the woman. On 3 June, Feng Jianmei, a young Chinese woman from the country’s Shanxi region, experienced a double horror.
Missionary news agency AsiaNews reported that the woman was beaten and dragged into a vehicle by a group of Family planning employees, while her husband, Deng Jiyuan was at work. Population control had asked the family to pay 40 thousand Yuan (approximately 4 thousand Euro, the equivalent of three years’ work) for violating the one-child law. But they did not make the payment, so the authorities forced Jianmei to abort in her seventh month of pregnancy.
This is what 'policy' looks like. Beaten, dragged and forced to abort. A
dead bleeding baby lying next to her distraught mother the result of
violating 'policy.'
Why would we ever second guess that, Joe?
Better Question: Who would NOT second, third, and fourth guess Joe Biden?
Say It Ain't So, Joe, Please - Roger Daltrey
Say it ain't so, Joe please
Say it ain't so
That's not what I want to hear Joe
And I've got a right to know
Say it ain't so, Joe please
Say it ain't so
I'm sure they're telling us lies Joe, please tell us it ain't so
They told us that our hero has played his trump card
He doesn't know how to go on
We're clinging to his charm and determined smile
But the good ole days are gone
The army and the empire may be falling apart
The money has gotten scarce
One man's word held the country together
But the truth is getting fierce
Say it ain't so, Joe please
Say it ain't so
We pinned our hopes on you, Joe
And they're ruining our show
(Ooo, babies)
Don't you think we're gonna get burned
(Ooo, babies)
Don't you think we're gonna get turned
We're gonna get burned
We're gonna get learned
We're going to get turned
We're going to get burned
We're going to get burned
Ooo, learn
Ooo, burned
Say it ain't so, Joe please
Say it ain't so
That's not what I want to hear, Joe
Say it ain't so
That's not what I want to hear Joe
And I've got a right to know
Say it ain't so, Joe please
Say it ain't so
I'm sure they're telling us lies Joe, please tell us it ain't so
They told us that our hero has played his trump card
He doesn't know how to go on
We're clinging to his charm and determined smile
But the good ole days are gone
The army and the empire may be falling apart
The money has gotten scarce
One man's word held the country together
But the truth is getting fierce
Say it ain't so, Joe please
Say it ain't so
We pinned our hopes on you, Joe
And they're ruining our show
(Ooo, babies)
Don't you think we're gonna get burned
(Ooo, babies)
Don't you think we're gonna get turned
We're gonna get burned
We're gonna get learned
We're going to get turned
We're going to get burned
We're going to get burned
Ooo, learn
Ooo, burned
Say it ain't so, Joe please
Say it ain't so
That's not what I want to hear, Joe
Please tell us it ain't so
Say it ain't so, Joe please
Say it ain't so
I'm sure they're telling us lies Joe
And I've got a right to know
They told us that our hero has played his trump card
He doesn't know how to go on
We're clinging to his charm and determined smile
But the good ole days are gone
The army and the empire may be falling apart
The money has gotten scarce
One man's word held the country together
But the truth is getting fierce
Say it ain't so, Joe, please
Say it ain't so
That's not what I want to hear, Joe
And I've got a right to know
Say it ain't so, Joe please
Say it ain't so
They keep on telling us lies, Joe,
Say it ain't so, Joe please
Say it ain't so
I'm sure they're telling us lies Joe
And I've got a right to know
They told us that our hero has played his trump card
He doesn't know how to go on
We're clinging to his charm and determined smile
But the good ole days are gone
The army and the empire may be falling apart
The money has gotten scarce
One man's word held the country together
But the truth is getting fierce
Say it ain't so, Joe, please
Say it ain't so
That's not what I want to hear, Joe
And I've got a right to know
Say it ain't so, Joe please
Say it ain't so
They keep on telling us lies, Joe,
Please tell us it ain't so
Say it ain't so
Say it ain't so
Cause I've got a right to know
Say it ain't so
Say it ain't so
Cause I've got a right to know
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