The world is closing in.
Did you ever think
That we could be so close, like brothers?
The future's in the air.
Can feel it everywhere
Blowing with the wind of change?*
Did you ever think
That we could be so close, like brothers?
The future's in the air.
Can feel it everywhere
Blowing with the wind of change?*
Greece now has 19 Neo-Nazis in Parliament. Yeah! Just what an already volatile, desperate, Greek Tragedy of a situation needed.
Yesterday, Nikos Michaloliakos, the leader of the Greek Neo-Nazi group, “Golden Dawn,” delivered the following Hitler-style speech after his group has entered the parliament with almost 7% -- as the leader was walking in, a henchmen shouted at the journalists to rise up and show respect to the leader. Those who didn’t were told to leave.
Michaloliakos' henchman: "All rise!" "All rise!" "Show your respect!"
Michaloliakos: "We just came to record... Whoever doesn't want this, go out! What's the problem?"
Journalist: "We were asked to rise up when you entered the room. We think this offends us."
Michaloliakos: "Do it as a sign of respect. You can go. You can go. Wouldn't you rise for Papandreou and Samaras? It's over. Nobody talks! Nobody talks!"
"I would like to thank with all the strength of my Greek heart the hundreds of thousands of Greeks, who voted for the popular, national movement: the Golden Dawn, who turned their backs to the defamation by TV channels and the yellow press. They were against all this time. They accused us in the worst possible way. On their TVs, they showed only people, who didn't receive half of the votes we got.
"They despised the Greek people, and the Greek people despised them."
- Nikos Michaloliakos
I want to thank the hundreds of thousands of Greeks, who voted for the nationalistic movement, "Golden Dawn." And I want to denounce one of our greatest accusers, the president of the Conservative Party, Samaras. He spoke about patriotism; whereas, he has served for 3 months only in the military navy. He was lying before the elections that he would not pursue a coalition government. He immediately changed that afterwards, and now they are planning their government.
In brief, the junta of the bailout continues. The national resistance of Golden Dawn against the bailout's junta will continue, too. Both inside and outside the parliament. We will continue the struggle for a Greece liberated from global speculators. For a Greece, independent and proud. For a Greece, without the slavery of the bailout agreement and the surrender of our national sovereignty. For a Greece, that will not be a social jungle because of the millions of illegal immigrants they brought into our homeland...without asking us.

Nikos Michaloliakos, the leader of the Golden Dawn, with a couple of his henchmen at the "victory" press conference
This campaign has lasted for almost a year. I have a phrase to tell you and, for those who will not understand it, I will be more specific. "Veni, vidi, vici." (I came, I saw, I conquered) It means: You accused me. You defamed me. You silenced me. I defeated you.
The victory of the Golden Dawn is a victory against the tyrantship of a mass media, against the junta of TV and the yellow press. The fight will continue.
In the end, I want to dedicate this victory to all of our brave lads, who wear the black t-shirts with the ancient letters reading "Golden Dawn."
When the dirty TV channels, the porn channels, broadcast porn movies after 2 o'clock in the afternoons and disgusting and illegal adverts, these men were running in villages waving the Greek flag...for Golden Dawn...for Greece.
"The new golden dawn of Hellenism is rising. For those, who betray this homeland the time has come to fear."
- Nikos Michaloliakos
We are coming! That's all I had to say and nothing more. Shame on our sycophants! Shame on our accusers! We are Greek patriots. We are nationalists. And, we don't let anyone question that. The fight continues even stronger...inside and outside the Parliament.
That's all I had to say. Goodbye."
As you can tell, Michaloliakos warned rivals and reformers that “the time for fear has come” after Golden Dawn secured their entry in parliament for the first time in nearly 40
years. According to exit polls, the once-marginal party won 7% of the vote, which will result in Golden Dawn sending 19 deputies to the
300-seat parliament on a wave of immigration and crime fears, as well as
anti-austerity anger.
Michaloliakos said his party would fight against “world usurers” and
the “slavery” of an EU-IMF loan agreement which he likened to a
“dictatorship." A mathematician, Michaloliakos has said Greece could survive “very nicely” without the EU-IMF recovery deal. (He must have obtained his degree in the maths at the University of the Holiday Inn Express). “Certainly we should break the agreement,” he told the Athens News English-language weekly last month. “After that, we will survive very nicely. Greece is a rich country,”
he said, adding that the country would not necessarily have to return to
the drachma. (Well, what would he use for currency? The country would have to leave the euro...something that it should have done 2 years ago).
“Greece is only the beginning!”
- Nikos Michaloliakos, leader of Golden Dawn, shouted at reporters as he walked
to the news conference, accusing foreign media of spreading lies about
his movement.
At the last general election in 2009, the virulently anti-immigrant group had scored just 0.29 percent. The group's 2012 vote marks a 24-fold increase.
Golden Dawn has benefited greatly from the financial crises and the depression in Greece. Since 2010, the government has raised taxes and cut pensions and state salaries across the board. In October, the outgoing Coalition government announced it would put 30,000 workers on reduced pay, as a precursor to termination, and unveiled its plans to slash the pensions of nearly half a million public sector retirees. The former government imposed a ‘solidarity tax’ ranging from 1-4% of income to shift the burden of unemployment services from the government onto taxpayers, as well as introduced an additional tax on self-employed workers. The VAT has been increased on most items. For example, the VAT on food has gone from 13% to 23%. Even as demand for health services increased by 24% last year, the universal healthcare programme saw 40% cuts across the board.
In spite of all these harsh measures, the government has failed to control its debt. When the European Union concluded the Brussels Agreement, it decided to cut Greece’s debt burden in half; yet, the debt still rose, the economy contracted a further 5% in 2011, and unemployment went to 20%. This set off another round of calls for humanitarian and state economic spending. Unfortunately, more deficit spending is impossible given that the EU Constitution prohibits a deficit-to-GDP ratio greater than 3% and, more importantly, such would kill further bailouts. As a result many are now facing the threat of extreme poverty for the first time in their lives.
Before the financial crisis, Greece had the lowest suicide rate in the EU and one of the lowest on earth. Since 2008, suicides have doubled and, in between January and May of 2011, the suicide rate skyrocketed by 40% alone. In some suburbs of Athens, unemployment is 80% -- yes, you read that correctly: EIGHTY PERCENT. Living standards have decreased by 30%. The scrapping of needle exchange services has seen the number of HIV and AIDS sufferers in central Athens rise by 1,250% -- yes, you read that correctly: ONE THOUSAND, TWO HUNDRED FIFTY PERCENT -- in 2011 alone. Endemic malaria, tuberculosis, STDs (from an explosion in prostitution), heroin addiction, mental health issues, malnutrition, and a whole host of diseases normally seen in third world countries are reaching levels not seen in Europe since World War II.
Golden Dawn has benefited greatly from the financial crises and the depression in Greece. Since 2010, the government has raised taxes and cut pensions and state salaries across the board. In October, the outgoing Coalition government announced it would put 30,000 workers on reduced pay, as a precursor to termination, and unveiled its plans to slash the pensions of nearly half a million public sector retirees. The former government imposed a ‘solidarity tax’ ranging from 1-4% of income to shift the burden of unemployment services from the government onto taxpayers, as well as introduced an additional tax on self-employed workers. The VAT has been increased on most items. For example, the VAT on food has gone from 13% to 23%. Even as demand for health services increased by 24% last year, the universal healthcare programme saw 40% cuts across the board.
In spite of all these harsh measures, the government has failed to control its debt. When the European Union concluded the Brussels Agreement, it decided to cut Greece’s debt burden in half; yet, the debt still rose, the economy contracted a further 5% in 2011, and unemployment went to 20%. This set off another round of calls for humanitarian and state economic spending. Unfortunately, more deficit spending is impossible given that the EU Constitution prohibits a deficit-to-GDP ratio greater than 3% and, more importantly, such would kill further bailouts. As a result many are now facing the threat of extreme poverty for the first time in their lives.
Before the financial crisis, Greece had the lowest suicide rate in the EU and one of the lowest on earth. Since 2008, suicides have doubled and, in between January and May of 2011, the suicide rate skyrocketed by 40% alone. In some suburbs of Athens, unemployment is 80% -- yes, you read that correctly: EIGHTY PERCENT. Living standards have decreased by 30%. The scrapping of needle exchange services has seen the number of HIV and AIDS sufferers in central Athens rise by 1,250% -- yes, you read that correctly: ONE THOUSAND, TWO HUNDRED FIFTY PERCENT -- in 2011 alone. Endemic malaria, tuberculosis, STDs (from an explosion in prostitution), heroin addiction, mental health issues, malnutrition, and a whole host of diseases normally seen in third world countries are reaching levels not seen in Europe since World War II.
On his agenda, Michaloliakos has said that his focus would be on “national
issues, social issues, the problem of illegal immigration, attribution
of responsibility for all scandals.” He has called for all illegal migrants to “leave our country.” He and Golden Dawn have portrayed immigrants as stealing Greeks’ jobs and as being
responsible for a wave of crime, as Greece is the first point of
entry for many illegal migrants into the European Union.
Further, the mainstream parties, including New Democracy of the
country’s likely next prime minister, Antonio Samaras, have been forced
to boost their own anti-migration rhetoric to keep up. The outgoing coalition government comprised of the liberal-conservative New Democracy and the social-democratic Panhellenic Socialist Movement planned a network of detention
camps around the country to hold migrants earmarked for repatriation,
and its socialist predecessors began building a wire fence on the
Greek-Turkish border as a deterrent.
With Greece the main entry-point for illegal migrants into Europe,
thousands of migrants unable to cross to other EU states due to legal
constraints have created urban ghettos in Athens, Patras and other
While I couldn't disagree more with the idea of "detention camps" and "ghettos," I have to say it again, when even David Miliband has recognised that immigration is driving the British and European middle class away from the Left, you have a problem. David Miliband of the Red-But-Milquetoast Milibands is the brother of Ed the Red, the leader of Labour.
parties are losing elections more comprehensively than ever before. They are
fragmenting at just the time the Right is uniting. I don’t believe this is some
kind of accident.”
- David Miliband, at a recent lecture
Karl Marx and Frederic Engels recognised 150 years ago that Marxism would not probably not work in a situation where there were different cultures, languages, races, and heritages. It is human nature to understand why: People are more likely to want to share with people like themselves. I am not arguing that this is celebrated human trait...quite on the contrary, in fact. Jealousy and envy are base human emotions. Like the desire to share with homogenous peoples, they are part of human nature.
This election, as was the one in France and the other 9 elections since the financial crisis of 2008, which have seen one party ousted and replaced, was as much an expression of outrage at Merkozy, Brussels, the IMF, Frankfurt, and the 27 unelected apparatchiks, who decide just how much "democracy" people in the European Union may have, is
about internal affairs of each particular nation. Merkel is seeing loses in her party because Germans do not want to bailout Greeks and who can blame them? The spendthrift Germans can't retire until 67 and only get 46% of their final salary as a pension, while the
Greeks retire at 57 or earlier (if they are in one of the dangerous professions, like hair stylist or news anchor...Not. Kidding.) with 94% of his last salary. In the barrooms and on the talk shows of Germany, impatience
with Europe and the euro is at a boiling point. The opinion pollster
Renate Köcher of the Allensbach Institute found recently that in the
course of 2011, the percentage of Germans uneasy about the eurozone rose
from 38% to 55%. Whereas at the turn of last year, voters
opposed kicking any country out of the eurozone by a margin of 40% to 36%, by September they favored kicking out the biggest
debtors by 46% to 29%.
On the other hand, one can't help but feel for the people of Greece. They were lied to by their government. They are the ones suffering by diktats imposed upon them by EU apparatchiks, heads of states in member states within the EU, bureaucrats at the IMF and ECB, etc. They didn't vote for this, but they did vote for decades of extravagant spending and living beyond their means. They did vote for a bigger state and a cradle-to-grave welfare system.
When the Nanny State infantilises the populace, it strips the citizenry of its ability to take care of itself. It strips human beings of the most basic human instincts like survival. It creates a people that strands itself in a city that is under the sea level when a Category 5 is headed their way. It creates the situation in Greece. It creates a people, who can't feed themselves without government. It creates a people, who can't imagine working more than 35 hours a week. It creates a people, who refuse to imagine working past 60...if they work at all. In turn, incapable, ignorant, infantile, and feral people create more incapable, ignorant, infantile, and feral people.
When the Nanny State infantilises the populace, it strips the citizenry of its ability to take care of itself. It strips human beings of the most basic human instincts like survival. It creates a people that strands itself in a city that is under the sea level when a Category 5 is headed their way. It creates the situation in Greece. It creates a people, who can't feed themselves without government. It creates a people, who can't imagine working more than 35 hours a week. It creates a people, who refuse to imagine working past 60...if they work at all. In turn, incapable, ignorant, infantile, and feral people create more incapable, ignorant, infantile, and feral people.
Big Government = Small Citizen
The continued failure of the ruling class in Europe will drive everyday Europeans into the arms of fringe parties, which, of course, will make solutions impossible to obtain and almost certainly guarantee violence in the streets...against the government...and against one another. The more the fringes promise yesterday and vilify groups, i.e., immigrants, Jews, Muslims, the financial business, corporations, globalisation, etc., the more the centre will rip. Anything for yesterday's welfare state. Anything or anyone else to blame except for me.
Just remember: Hitler did not win a majority of the vote. He only won around 30%.
When people are starving, dying, and chaos is all around, they will listen to the first person that comes along, who promises to feed them, save them, and set the world right again.
Those that refuse to learn history are destined to repeat it.
Related Reading:
The Lessons Of The Fall Of Communism Have Still Not Been Learnt
Give Me Liberty or Give Me Dearth...You Can Keep The "Equality"
What comes after Europe?
Voting For Yesterday In France
Europe, 2012
Uber Alles After All
Bambino, My Cash Money
Europe's Demographic Deficit Grows Wider By The Day
The callous cruelty of the EU is destroying Greece, a once-proud country
Après Sarkozy, Le Déluge. Viva M Hollande - L'homme, Qui Va Détruire La France!
Hitler's Ghost Haunts Europe
Norway: A Tolerant, Inclusive, Diverse, Multicultural Society For Everyone...Except Jews
Occupy Wall Street & Anti-Semitism
Why Anti-Semitism Is Moving Toward The Mainstream
Update on Norway: The Poison of Multiculturalism
The True Perpetrators of the Antisemitic Attacks in Toulouse and Throughout the World
Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death...You Can Keep The "Equality"
The Taxman Cometh Differently On Either Side Of The Pond....Although Probably Not For Long Divide
Slouching and Slothing Our Way to Ameritopia
France Commits Suicide
Wind Of Change lyrics - The Scorpions
Follow the Moskwa
Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change
An August summer night
Soldiers passing by
Listening to the wind of change
The world is closing in
Did you ever think
That we could be so close, like brothers
The future's in the air
Can feel it everywhere
Blowing with the wind of change
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change
Walking down the street
Distant memories
Are buried in the past, forever
I follow the Moskwa
Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams
With you and me
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change
The wind of change
Blows straight into the face of time
Like a storm wind that will ring the freedom bell
For peace of mind
Let your balalaika sing
What my guitar wants to say
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams
With you and me
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change
Follow the Moskwa
Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change
An August summer night
Soldiers passing by
Listening to the wind of change
The world is closing in
Did you ever think
That we could be so close, like brothers
The future's in the air
Can feel it everywhere
Blowing with the wind of change
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change
Walking down the street
Distant memories
Are buried in the past, forever
I follow the Moskwa
Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams
With you and me
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change
The wind of change
Blows straight into the face of time
Like a storm wind that will ring the freedom bell
For peace of mind
Let your balalaika sing
What my guitar wants to say
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams
With you and me
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change
* This song was written to celebrate the collapse of the USSR, the fall of the
Berlin Wall, and the end of the Eastern Bloc. There is change in the
air in Europe now and you can feel it, but it is very different than
that two decades ago. Now, the "Western Bloc" is enslaving itself into a
system not unlike the USSR, sovereignty has been surrendered, democracy
and freedoms eroded, and a future economic collapse is guaranteed, as
is the fundamental shift of a white, Judeo-Christian Europe to a Europe where Islamists will hold much more sway than they do now.
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