A Tuesday Two-Fer Music for Reading:
allow me to present one of my all-time favourite singers in the history
of music, Miss Nina Simone. She's gonna tell ya what she wants in her
And, then let's let Sir Mick Jagger talk about what he wants with some Brown Sugar of his own.
"You know, there's nothing more interesting than seeing a bunch of
racists become confused and angry at a speech they're not quite certain
what he's saying. It sounds right and then it doesn't make sense. Which,
let's be very honest about what this is about. It's not about bashing
Democrats, it's not about taxes, they have no idea what the Boston tea
party was about, they don't know their history at all. This is about
hating a black man in the White House. This is racism straight up. That
is nothing but a bunch of teabagging rednecks. And there is no way
around that. And you know, you can tell these type of right wingers
anything and they'll believe it, except the truth. You tell them the
truth and they become -- it's like showing Frankenstein's monster fire.
They become confused, and angry and highly volatile. That guy, causing
them feelings they don't know, because their limbic brain, we've
discussed this before, the limbic brain inside a right-winger or
Republican or conservative or your average white power activist, the
limbic brain is much larger in their head space than in a reasonable
person, and it's pushing against the frontal lobe. So their synapses are
misfiring. Is Bernie Goldberg listening"
Remember Ohio's Issue 2 on collective bargaining? It was defeated with 63% of the vote. 81 of 88 counties voted to defeat it.
Do you know what else was on the ballot that day?
Issue 3, which was a referendum on an Ohio law that says no person in Ohio shall be compelled to purchase health insurance.
Do you know how it did?
It passed with 67% of the vote AND WON EVERY COUNTY IN THE STATE OF OHIO.
all of those that voted against Governor Kasich's collective bargaining
reforms and for a law against Obama's individual mandate "WHITE, BIGOTED, CHRISTIAN, CONSERVATIVE RACISTS," who only hate
Obamacare because they "HATE THE BLACK MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE," who
signed it into law?
Do you remember Proposition C in Missouri?
The measure changed state law to bar any government entity from fining a person for failing to buy health insurance.
Bear in mind that over 315,000 Democrats turned out to cast ballots in the primary that nominated Robin Carnahan, while over 577,000 Republicans hit the polls. That is about a 65/35 split — which means that a significant amount of Democrats either supported the ballot measure repudiating ObamaCare, or didn’t bother to cast a vote to defend the programme.
Were all of those Democrats that either supported the ballot measure
repudiating Obamacare or couldn't be bothered to defend it "WHITE, BIGOTED, CHRISTIAN, CONSERVATIVE RACISTS," who only hate
Obamacare because they "HATE THE BLACK MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE," who
signed it into law?

A new Reason-Rupe poll, which surveyed 1200 general-population adults, found that 62% believe that the individual mandate is unconstitutional while 30% think requiring health insurance is constitutional.
those 62%, who believe that the mandate is unconstitutional, all just
Obamacare because they "HATE THE BLACK MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE," who
signed it into law?
Reason-Rupe found that 54% of Americans think the health care law will result in the rationing of health care services.
those 54%, who think that Obamacare will lead to rationing of health
only hate Obamacare because they "HATE THE BLACK MAN IN THE WHITE
HOUSE," who signed it into law?
A new poll of 1,000 likely voters by The Hill found that 50% of Americans say that the Supreme Court should strike down Obamacare.
RACISTS," who only hate Obamacare because they "HATE THE BLACK MAN IN
THE WHITE HOUSE," who signed it into law?
A majority of both men and women want the law voided.
By a
52-percent-to-39-percent margin, women are opposed to the law and want the Court to strike it down as unconstitutional.
RACISTS," who only hate Obamacare because they "HATE THE BLACK MAN IN
THE WHITE HOUSE," who signed it into law, and think that their place is
barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen so they are cosying on up to the
Republicans and joining the "War on Women" that Democrats claim is
a 48-percent-to-45-percent margin (Exhibit A in the argument that there
has been a Pussification of America), men are opposed to the law and
want the Court to strike it down as unconstitutional.
Are 48% of men all just "WHITE, BIGOTED, CHRISTIAN, CONSERVATIVE RACISTS," who only hate Obamacare because they "HATE THE BLACK MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE," who signed it into law, and that Obamacare would be an inconvenient battle in their War on Women? - TALES FROM THE WAR ON WOMEN™ is a great read into these barbarians' mindset! :-)
By a 47-percent-to-42-percent margin, even the youngest of voters aged 18-39
oppose the law and believe it is unconstitutional.
Are those 47% of voters aged 18-39 all just "WHITE, BIGOTED, CHRISTIAN, CONSERVATIVE
RACISTS," who only hate Obamacare because they "HATE THE BLACK MAN IN
THE WHITE HOUSE," who signed it into law?
53% of voters aged 65 and older oppose Obamacare and believe that it is unconstitutional.
Are those 53% of voters aged 65 and older all just "WHITE, BIGOTED, CHRISTIAN, CONSERVATIVE
RACISTS," who only hate Obamacare because they "HATE THE BLACK MAN IN
THE WHITE HOUSE," who signed it into law?
According to The Hill poll, only 22% believe it will make the quality of health care better —
twenty points lower than those who want the bill upheld. 42% believe it will make health care worse, and another 30% believe
it will do nothing to improve or worsen health care, which makes nearly
three-quarters of likely voters who believe ObamaCare will either be
ineffective or worse.
Are the nearly
three-quarters of likely voters who believe ObamaCare will either be
ineffective or worse all just "WHITE, BIGOTED, CHRISTIAN, CONSERVATIVE
RACISTS," who only hate Obamacare because they "HATE THE BLACK MAN IN
THE WHITE HOUSE," who signed it into law?
According to The Hill poll, only blacks (74%), Democrats (71%) and
liberals (75%) want the law upheld.
the 26% of blacks, 29% of Democrats, and 25% of Liberals, who do NOT
want the law upheld all just "WHITE, BIGOTED, CHRISTIAN, CONSERVATIVE
RACISTS," who only hate Obamacare because they "HATE THE BLACK MAN IN
THE WHITE HOUSE," who signed it into law?
A newly released USA Today/Gallup poll shows that, by a margin of 13
percentage points (53 to 40%), swing-state voters want Obamacare to be
repealed. The poll included registered voters in 12 key states: FL,
OH, VA, PA, WI, NV, CO, IA, NH, NC, NM, and MI.
Are the 53% of voters in 12 swing states, who do NOT want the law upheld all just "WHITE, BIGOTED, CHRISTIAN, CONSERVATIVE
RACISTS," who only hate Obamacare because they "HATE THE BLACK MAN IN
THE WHITE HOUSE," who signed it into law?
By a margin of 15 points (53 to 38%), registered voters in those states think it was “a bad thing” that President Obama’s signature legislation was passed.
Are the 53% of registered voters in those 12 swing-states, who do NOT want the law upheld, all just "WHITE, BIGOTED, CHRISTIAN, CONSERVATIVE RACISTS," who only hate Obamacare because they "HATE THE BLACK MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE," who signed it into law?
Are the 42% of swing-voters, who said that their family's healthcare situation would be made "worse" Obamacare, rather than “better," all just "WHITE, BIGOTED, CHRISTIAN, CONSERVATIVE RACISTS," who only hate Obamacare because they "HATE THE BLACK MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE," who signed it into law?
By the overwhelming margin of 4 to 1 (76 to 19%),
registered voters in these 12 states say that Obamacare’s individual
mandate is unconstitutional.
those 76% of registered voters in the 12 swing-states, who believe that the mandate is unconstitutional, all just
Obamacare because they "HATE THE BLACK MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE," who
signed it into law?
Nationwide (not just in the swing states),
a clear majority of Democrats — 56% — agree that the individual
mandate is unconstitutional.
Are all 56% of the Democrats nationwide all of these people just "WHITE, BIGOTED, CHRISTIAN, CONSERVATIVE RACISTS," who only hate Obamacare because they "HATE THE BLACK MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE," who signed it into law?
Are all 56% of the Democrats nationwide all of these people just "WHITE, BIGOTED, CHRISTIAN, CONSERVATIVE RACISTS," who only hate Obamacare because they "HATE THE BLACK MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE," who signed it into law?
And, now, The Greenies have joined the cause!
Candidates and leaders of the Green Party of the United States
expressed hope that the Supreme Court will strike down the 'individual
mandate' section of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) when the court issues a
ruling on its constitutionality in late March.
not forget, Cynthia McKinney ran on the Green ticket for President in
2008 so I think we can dismiss any racism there. This might come as a
shocker to the Obama Firsters, we hate the law, not the man. We hate
the individual mandate without a limiting principle. Cynthia McKinney
and I are in agreement on this subject. Of course, I would never vote
for her to be President. No, the reasons have nothing to do with
#6: CYNTHIA McKINNEY (If she is #6, just imagine who is on first).
Is the Green Party made up of "WHITE, BIGOTED, CHRISTIAN, CONSERVATIVE RACISTS," who only hate Obamacare because they "HATE THE BLACK MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE," who signed it into law?
And, we can't, of course, leave out labour. That just wouldn't be fair. So, take I'll turn it over to John Sweeney of the former AFL-CIO in 2006:
“Forcing uninsured workers to purchase health care coverage or face higher taxes and fines is the cornerstone of Mr. Gingrich’s health care reform proposals. And it is unconscionable that Massachusetts has adopted this misguided individual mandate.”
Are John Sweeney and the AFL-CIO made up of
And here we have the former Chair of the Democratic National Committee, Howard Dean from December, 2009:
“This is not real reform. You’re going to be forced to buy health insurance from a
company that’s going to take on average 27 percent of your money so
they can pay CEOs 20 million dollars a year…and there’s no choice about
that. If you don’t buy that insurance, you’re going to get a fine. This
is a bill that was fundamentally written by staffers who are friendly to
the insurance industry, [endorsed] by Senators who take a lot of money
from the insurance industry, and it’s not health care reform. And I
think it’s too bad that it should come to this…I’d kill the bill
Howard Dean: "Kill The Bill" Or We'll Lose Democrat Seats
And, then again:
“I do believe that it’s likely the individual mandate will be declared unconstitutional. [Justice Anthony] Kennedy will
probably side with the four right-wing justices. But I’d be very
surprised if they — I think Kennedy will switch sides and it will be 5-4
in favor of severing that finding from the rest of the bill. The
question is going to be, is this individual mandate question — can that
be considered separately from the rest of the bill? And I think it will
- Howard Dean, 26 March 2012
Is Howard Dean a
Obamacare because he "HATES THE BLACK MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE," who
signed it into law?
And lastly, President Obama attacked the Individual Mandate in 2008.
"Let’s break down what she really means by a mandate. What’s meant by a mandate is that the government is forcing people to buy health insurance and so she’s suggesting a parent is not going to buy health insurance for themselves if they can afford it. Now, my belief is that most parents will choose to get health care for themselves and we make it affordable.
Here’s the concern. If you haven’t made it affordable, how are you going to enforce a mandate. I mean, if a mandate was the solution, we can try that to solve homelessness by mandating everybody to buy a house. The reason they don’t buy a house is they don’t have the money. And so, our focus has been on reducing costs, making it available. I am confident if people have a chance to buy high-quality health care that is affordable, they will do so. That’s what our plan does and nobody disputes that."
-Senator Barack Obama
Obama repeated the same comment on CNN a few days later.
As President, Obama also expressed doubts about the consitutionality of the mandate, but was too impressed with the numbers it would generate as presented by his healthcare adviser, Nancy DeParle, according to Ron Suskind.
"Let’s break down what she really means by a mandate. What’s meant by a mandate is that the government is forcing people to buy health insurance and so she’s suggesting a parent is not going to buy health insurance for themselves if they can afford it. Now, my belief is that most parents will choose to get health care for themselves and we make it affordable.
Here’s the concern. If you haven’t made it affordable, how are you going to enforce a mandate. I mean, if a mandate was the solution, we can try that to solve homelessness by mandating everybody to buy a house. The reason they don’t buy a house is they don’t have the money. And so, our focus has been on reducing costs, making it available. I am confident if people have a chance to buy high-quality health care that is affordable, they will do so. That’s what our plan does and nobody disputes that."
-Senator Barack Obama
Obama repeated the same comment on CNN a few days later.
As President, Obama also expressed doubts about the consitutionality of the mandate, but was too impressed with the numbers it would generate as presented by his healthcare adviser, Nancy DeParle, according to Ron Suskind.
The fact that I HATE Obamacare is not
based in any race. It is based in Freedom and the colour green -- we
can't afford another out-of-control entitlement programme. If
it makes you feel any better, I hate MittMare (Mitt's Nightmare) in
Massachssetts, too! You can cheque out how poorly it is going here (scroll down to Update #1)
And, for all of those, who STILL believe that we loathe Obamacare because it was the signature legislation of Barack Obama, you know, the "black man living in the White House" that you frequently feel the need to remind us of, just keep on smoking that crack, girlfriend. We would've hated HillaryCare. We didn't like Heritage Foundation's mandates before they admitted their idiocy years ago. We hate MittCare. We would've hated NewtCare. Barack Obama could have been the direct grandchild of George Washington and as white as a bunny rabbit on Easter morning AND HIS HEALTHCARE LAW WOULD STILL BE HATED.
And, for all of those, who STILL believe that we loathe Obamacare because it was the signature legislation of Barack Obama, you know, the "black man living in the White House" that you frequently feel the need to remind us of, just keep on smoking that crack, girlfriend. We would've hated HillaryCare. We didn't like Heritage Foundation's mandates before they admitted their idiocy years ago. We hate MittCare. We would've hated NewtCare. Barack Obama could have been the direct grandchild of George Washington and as white as a bunny rabbit on Easter morning AND HIS HEALTHCARE LAW WOULD STILL BE HATED.
"I Want a Little Sugar in my Bowl"
I want a little sugar
in my bowl
I want a little sweetness
down in my soul
I could stand some lovin'
Oh so bad
feel so lonely and I feel so sad
I want a little steam
on my clothes
Maybe I can fix things up
so they'll go
Whatsa matter Daddy
Come on, save my soul
Drop a little sugar in my bowl
I ain't foolin'
Drop a little sugar in my bowl
Well I want a little sugar in my bowl
I want a little sweetness down in my soul
You been acting strangely
I've been told
Mooove me Daddy
I want some sugar in my bowl
I wanna loose steam
on my clothes
Maybe I can fix things up so they'll go
Whatsa matter Daddy
Come on save my soul
Droppa little sugar in my bowl
I ain't foolin'
Drop some sugaaar - yeah - in my bowl.
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