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16 February 2015

Pic of the Day: The New York Times Is As Obtuse Today As It Was Then...


Axe said...

The rest of the sentence is what really floors me. After the highlighting. It's the wink and nod thing, a hint of the "adult understanding" a political leader by necessity must manipulate the masses to gain and maintain power — power that may (will?) be used for good.

That last bit has everything — Progressive gumbo. The ends justifying the means, the elitism, mankind as a herd of idiots that don't know what's good for them, sympathy for the devil.

It reminds me of all the winking and nodding over Obama's fake positions on issues and subsequent fake "evolution."

Axe said...

*that a political leader

Caynon said...

You are LONG overdue for a new post....I look forward to your writings, PLEASE POST MORE!