Obama, Harf & Friends:
'All these people need are good job opportunities!'
Uruguayan President:
David Burge @iowahawkblog
“ISIL doesn’t represent Islam.” – Barack Obama (JD Harvard)
“Yes we do.” – ISIL Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (PhD Theology Islamic U of Iraq)
5:51 PM – 18 Feb 2015

Hey, Marie! Legally Blonde was a movie.
Filed under 'Don't Try This At Home':
Didja know that raising taxes will never result in Utopia? Over to you, Barack Obama State Department:

'You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.'
- Leon Trotsky
And, who's up for some BDS...
Howard Fineman ✔ @howardfineman
#Rumsfeld is back on #Fox. Another #Bush is running. #AmericanSniper is killing. Somewhere they're painting a Mission Accomplished banner.
4:21 PM - 18 Feb 2015
Sophie Ro @SophieRo3
An Ambassador has been killed.
Americans are fleeing embassies.
Ayatollahs are threatening.
Somewhere Libs are painting a #PartyLikeIts1979 banner.
According to Barack Obama and Marie Harf:
Islamists aren’t Muslims.
Jews are just ‘random folks’.
Beheaded Christians are just ‘citizens.’
But, Joseph Kony is a ‘Christian.’
BTW: Copenhagen Terrorist Pledged Allegiance to Islamic State
Obama can’t or doesn’t even want to win a ‘War against ISIS.’
Obama can’t or doesn’t even want to win a ‘War against Putin.’
Obama can’t or doesn’t even want to win a ‘War against the Ayatollahs.’
So, he is engaging in the wars that he thinks he can win:
The ‘War Against Words.’
The ‘War Against The Mythical Anti-Muslim Army.’
He’s picking his shots and his choices tell us everything.
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