The Eurasian movement of Putin and his allies draws from both Nazism and Stalinism.

Tim Stanley’s definition excludes basically all real socialists, past and present.
This feels like old times. Across the pond at the Telegraph, Tim Stanley and Daniel Hannan
are having a friendly disagreement on the question of whether the Nazis
were in fact socialists. I don’t usually wade into these arguments
anymore, but I’ve been writing a lot on related themes over the last few weeks and I couldn’t resist.
Not surprisingly, I come down on Hannan’s side. I could write a whole book about why I agree with Dan, except I already did. So I’ll be more succinct.
warning, though, I wrote this on a plane trip back from Colorado and
it’s way too long. So if you’re not interested in this stuff, you might
as well wander down the boardwalk and check out some of the other stalls
Stanley makes some fine points here and there, but I don’t think
they add up to anything like corroboration of his thesis. The chief
problem with his argument is that he’s taking doctrinaire or otherwise
convenient definitions of socialism and applying them selectively to
Stanley’s chief tactic is to simply say Nazis shouldn’t
be believed when they called themselves socialists. It was all
marketing and spin, even putting the word in their name. Socialism was
popular, so they called themselves socialists. End of story.
So when Nazi ideologist Gregor Strasser proclaimed:
We are socialists. We are enemies, deadly enemies, of today’s capitalist economic system with its exploitation of the economically weak, its unfair wage system, its immoral way of judging the worth of human beings in terms of their wealth and their money, instead of their responsibility and their performance, and we are determined to destroy this system whatever happens!
. . . he was just saying that because, in Stanley’s mind, socialism was “fashionable.”
Obviously there’s some truth to that. Socialism was popular.
So was nationalism. That’s why nationalists embraced socialism and why
socialists quickly embraced nationalism. It wasn’t a big leap for either
because they’re basically the same thing! In purely economic terms,
nationalization and socialization are nothing more than synonyms
(socialized medicine = nationalized health care).
Nazis Hated Bolsheviks, Who Knew?
Stanley writes:
That Hitler wasn’t a socialist became apparent within weeks of becoming Chancellor of Germany when he started arresting socialists and communists. He did this, claim some, because they were competing brands of socialism. But that doesn’t explain why Hitler defined his politics so absolutely as a war on Bolshevism — a pledge that won him the support of the middle-classes, industrialists and many foreign conservatives.
a stolen base here. Sure, Hitler’s effort to destroy competing
socialists and Communists “doesn’t explain” all those other things. But
it doesn’t have to. Nor does Stalin’s wholesale slaughter (or Lenin’s
retail slaughter) of competing Communists and socialists explain the
Molotov–Ribbentrop pact or the infield-fly rule. Other considerations —
economic, cultural, diplomatic — come into play. But when people say
Hitler can’t be a socialist because he crushed independent labor unions
and killed socialists, they need to explain why Stalin gets to be a
socialist even though he did likewise.
The fact that many “foreign
conservatives” supported Hitler’s hostility to Bolsheviks is a bit of a
red herring. Many conservatives today support the military in Egypt as a
bulwark against the Muslim Brotherhood. That tells you next to nothing
about the content of the junta’s domestic policies. But, it’s worth
noting that some foreign Communists and liberals, such as W.E.B. Du
Bois, actually supported Hitler’s domestic economic policies (though not
the anti-Semitism) in the mid-1930s.
For what it’s worth, the reason that Hitler declared war on Bolsheviks is a rich topic. The short answer is that he was a socialist but he was also a nationalist (hence national-socialism). And the nationalist part considered Bolshevism an existential threat — which it was!
Speaking of Nationalists
Stanley goes on:
Dan asserts that Hitler was a socialist
with reservations, that:
Marx’s error, Hitler believed, had been to foster class war instead of national unity – to set workers against industrialists instead of conscripting both groups into a corporatist order.Yet, by this very definition, Hitler wasn’t a socialist. Marxism is defined by class war, and socialism is accomplished with the total victory of the Proletariat over the ruling classes.
Ah. So deviating from the definition of
Marxism disqualifies one from being a socialist? Preferring national unity to
international class solidarity will get your socialist membership card revoked?
If that’s true, no one is a socialist in the real world.
Stanley’s standard, if uniformly applied, would expel from the ranks of
socialists: Stalin, Mao, Lenin, Castro, Chavez, Maduro, Ortega, Ho Chi Minh,
Pol Pot, Kim Il Sung (and progeny), Norman Thomas and all of the American
Socialist Party, the Fabians of England, virtually every social-democratic or
avowedly socialist party in the West now or recently. If none of them are
socialists, then why ever again talk about socialism?
Simply put, no one talks
about uniting the workers of the world anymore. Every socialist movement or
party that comes to power promises national unity, not international
solidarity. Sure, rhetorically a handful of tin pots may talk about their
brothers across some border, but that’s a foreign-policy thing. Domestically,
economically, culturally, it’s all about nationalism, not internationalism. In
other words, nowhere in the world does being a nationalist preclude a person or
movement from being a socialist. Rather, it’s a requirement.
As for splitting with Marx, they all did
it and continue to do it. Some admitted it, some simply stumbled on Marx’s
shortcomings without saying so and just tangoed-on, adding hyphens and
modifiers: Marxism-Leninism, Marxism-Stalininism, Marx-Lenin-Stalin-Maoism,
socialism with “Chinese characteristics,” etc. It was like totalitarians from
across the globe kept forming booming law firms and adding names to the
shingle. Finding Marx in error in one way or another isn’t a disqualifier for
being a socialist; it is once again a requirement for being one (outside the
classroom, at least).
Stanley at times seems to hold up Marx as
the only acceptable standard for socialism. It isn’t and never was. I would
argue as a matter of sociology and philosophy, socialism traces back to caveman
days. But simply as a matter of accepted intellectual history it long predates
Marx. Babeuf’s “Conspiracy of the Equals,” for instance, was hatched
long before Marx was even born.
Hitler: The Non-Egalitarian?
Then Stanley goes on to insist Nazism
wasn’t socialist because it was anti-Semitic and racist. He writes, “Hitler’s
goals were, in fact, totally antithetical to the egalitarianism of
This is some weak sauce. Yes, Nazism was
the worst of the worst when it came to organized bigotry and prejudice. But
Stanley misses that the basic idea of Nazism was egalitarianism — egalitarianism
for Aryans. Nazi rhetoric was incredibly populist. Workers were exalted
over everyone. Economic policies were populist too — remember the peoples’ car
(a.k.a. Volkswagen)? But it was all aimed at “good Germans.” This differed from
Stalinism’s rhetoric to be sure, but it’s not all that dissimilar from various
forms of African or pan-Arab socialism.
And again, why is only Nazism
disqualified from the “honor” of belonging in the socialist club because of its
bigotry? Why is it alone held up to the theoretical ideals of socialism, rather
than compared to other socialist systems? (And, it’s worth noting, even in
theory, socialism fails Stanley’s test. One need only read what Marx had to say
about “the Jewish question”
blacks to recognize that.)
Stalin was hardly a racial egalitarian
(or any other kind of egalitarian). Before he died, Stalin was planning a major
new assault on the Jews to improve on the impressive work he’d already done.
And he had no problem treating non-Russian Soviet populations as expendable
playthings and puzzle pieces. Even later regimes had preferential policies for
ethnic Russians. But, hey, is North Korea not socialist because its ideology is
It’s somewhat amusing that Stanley
invokes George Bernard Shaw as an authority on the inauthenticity of Hitler’s
socialism. This is the same George Bernard Shaw who said “the only
fundamental and possible socialism is the socialization of the selective
breeding of Man.” Shaw wanted a “human stud farm” in order to “eliminate the
yahoo whose vote will wreck the commonwealth.” Do such non-egalitarian comments
mean that Shaw wasn’t a socialist either?
Corporatism v. Socialism
Stanley is certainly right that German
National Socialist economics differed from Russian Bolshevik economics. So
what? The question was never, “Were Nazis Bolsheviks?” Nor was it “Were Nazis
Marxists?” The question was “Were Nazis socialists?” Demonstrating that the
answer is no to the first two doesn’t mean the answer to the third question is
a no, too.
I actually agree with Stanley that
corporatism is the better term for Nazi economics. Here’s the problem: that’s
also true of most socialist systems.
Yet in these historical debates, the term
is only dusted off for Nazis and Italian fascists. “Oh, the Nazis weren’t
socialists, they were ‘corporatists’” is a fine argument to make, if you’re
willing to acknowledge that corporatism is actually a more accurate word for
the socialisms of Sweden, France, South America, etc. In other words, the “they
were corporatists!” line is usually an attempt to absolve socialism of any association
with Nazism and fascism rather than an attempt to get the terms right.
A Final Word
I’ve come to believe that corporatism
(which does not mean “rule by corporations”) is the natural resting
state of pretty much every political order. Politicians naturally want to
lock-in and co-opt existing “stakeholders” at the expense of innovation.
They love talking about “getting everybody at the table,” which really means
getting the existing insiders to create rules that help themselves.
Stanley says that politics came before
economics in the Nazi state. That’s true. But where is that not true? Certainly
not in America or the U.K. Which is why conservatives, libertarians, and other
champions of free-market economics must constantly put pressure on politicians
to fend off the natural human tendency to fight innovation as a threat to the
status quo and the powers that be. Across the West there’s a tendency among
bureaucrats, politicians, academics, and other members of the New Class to
convince the people to hand over the major decisions of their lives to the
“experts.” These experts aren’t all in the government, but they all collude
with government to convince people that the experts have all the answers and
that the people need to hand the reins over to them. They will tell us what to
eat, what to drive, what to think. It’s an approach that puts politics before
economics. Because it is an attempt to politicize peoples’ lives. Or as Hitler
put it, “Why need we trouble to socialize banks and factories? We socialize
human beings.”
SoRo: I've always thought that one of the gravest mistakes the West made at the end of the Cold War was its failure to conduct Nuremberg-style trials of the Communist leaders for crimes against humanity and crimes against the Russian, Chinese, Polish, Ukrainians, Bulgarians, Romanians, swaths of Africa, Southeast Asia, and South America. Without full and fair airing of allegations and grievances - unlike Nazism - Communists have lived to fight another day without having to bear the shame of what their philosophical leaders did to 100 million=plus people. Because of this failure, many on the Left continue to believe in Marxism. While sometimes acknowledging the bloodbath, they always say 'But, we are Americans. Communism will succeed in the USA - unlike its nearly 200 failures - because we will have the right technocrats and intellectuals, along with money. LOL!
Should they succeed, I hope they like writing their new manifestos on used toilet paper (shortages) by candlelight (semi-weekly power outage) in the Workers' Paradise of the United Soviet States of Amerika.
Related Reading:
Progressivism, Eugenics, and the Jewish Butcher of Buchenwald
If I may I’d like to add a note or two of my own.
You didn’t mention the author Tim Stanley’s false premise on gun control – so I’ll take upon myself to rip that apart for you:
A classic example of the misuse of Hitler's record is the gun debate. He did not, as some libertarians say, take away Germany's guns. That policy started under Weimar and, if anything, it was Hitler who rearmed the populace by arming his henchmen, expanding the army and invading Poland. Hitler liked guns. Really, really liked guns.
Here he pushes the false assumption that those in favor of gun control hate guns.
While there are those in the gun grabber community who suffer from the ravages of Hoplophobia, most gun grabbers don’t hate guns, they just hate guns possessed by the WRONG PEOPLE.
They are perfectly okay with guns wielded by their body guards and other governmental functionaries, they are not okay with guns owned by the hoi polloi.
Correspondingly, the same was true with the NAZI’s – they weren’t afraid of guns or disliked guns, they just didn’t want that power to resist their tyranny to be possessed by their enemies. That would have certainly put a kink in their plans.
This part of the author’s piece was either a gross misreading of historical fact or a deliberate perpetration of a false theory. Either way, it should bring into question the author’s credibility in this case and the rest of what he espouses.
But simply as a matter of accepted intellectual history it long predates Marx. Babeuf’s “Conspiracy of the Equals,” for instance, was hatched long before Marx was even born.
Early Anarchists have the same roots as Marx, grew parallel with Marx, and were politically Socialistic, differing with Marx only in their belief that a transitional, dictatorial "State" was unnecessary before people could enter into pure Communism (an imaginary brotherhood of man, where cuddling replaces inequity, where unicorn biscuits replace "capital," and where [to be announced] galvanizes mankind into perpetual agreement and frees it from the need for government.)
All these people were and are equally idiotic -- but the point is that Stanley should probably have known something about all this before he started writing about all this. Arguing that Nazis aren't Socialists because they disagree with Marx is silly. It would be hard to find any two Communist clubs, newspapers, student organizations, or t-shirts that agreed with each other. These apparatchiks and useful idiots are not exactly "flexible."
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