"There is clear evidence that tightening laws — even in highly
individualistic countries with long traditions of gun ownership — can
reduce gun violence."
- Fareed Zacaria, The Solution To Gun Violence Is Clear, The Washington Post, 19 December 2012
and 49 states now have CCW laws enabling citizens to carry the means to
protect themselves (soon all 50 will given Illinois’ law has been held
unconstitutional by the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals) and, yet, the
Assault Weapons Ban a/k/a The Prohibition On Certain Guns With Cosmetic
Changes That Make Them Look Skeery And Are Painted Skeery (And Racist!)
Remember the “holocaust” that Dianne Feinstein predicted would occur if the expiration of the AWB was allowed to happen?
Yeah, me neither.
As an Indian-American, Mr Zacaria, allow the words of Gandhi to penetrate your world of epistemic closure:
“Among the many misdeeds of the British rule
in India, history will look upon the act depriving a whole nation of
arms as the blackest.”
– Gandhi, “Gandhi: An Autobiography”, p 446
PS: I've already debunked many of the claims made in your article:
Murder Rate Per 100,000 Inhabitants From 1900-2011
1900: 1.2…………………..1910: 4.6
1901: 1.2…………………..1911: 5.5
1902: 1.2…………………..1912: 5.4
1903: 1.1…………………..1913: 6.1
1904: 1.3…………………..1914: 6.2
1905: 2.1…………………..1915: 5.9
1906: 3.9…………………..1916: 6.3
1907: 4.9…………………..1917: 6.9
1908: 4.8…………………1918: 6.5
1909: 4.2…………………1919: 7.2
1920: 6.8…………………..1930: 8.8
1921: 8.1…………………..1931: 9.2
1922: 8.0…………………..1932: 9.0
1923: 7.8…………………..1933: 9.7
1924: 8.1…………………..1934: 9.5
1925: 8.3…………………..1935: 8.3
1926: 8.4…………………..1936: 8.0
1927: 8.4…………………..1937: 7.6
1928: 8.6…………………..1938: 6.8
1929: 8.4…………………..1939: 6.4
1940: 6.3…………………..1950: 5.3
1941: 6.0…………………..1951: 4.9
1942: 5.9…………………..1952: 5.2
1943: 5.1…………………..1953: 4.8
1944: 5.0…………………..1954: 4.8
1945: 5.7…………………..1955: 4.5
1946: 6.4…………………..1956: 4.6
1947: 6.1…………………..1957: 4.5
1948: 5.9…………………..1958: 4.5
1949: 5.4…………………..1959: 4.6
1960: 5.1…………………..1970: 7.9
1961: 4.8…………………1971: 8.6
1962: 4.6….…..………….1972: 9.0
1963: 4.6…………………1973: 9.4
1964: 4.9…………………..1974: 9.8
1965: 5.1…………………..1975: 9.6
1966: 5.6…………………..1976: 8.7
1967: 6.2…………………..1977: 8.8
1968: 6.9…………………..1978: 9.0
1969: 7.3…………………..1979: 9.8
1980: 10.2...………………1990: 9.4
1981: 9.8…………………..1991: 9.8
1982: 9.1…………………..1992: 9.3
1983: 8.3…………………..1993: 9.5
1984: 7.9…………………..1994: 9.0 - AWB signed
1985: 8.0…………………..1995: 8.2
1986: 8.6…………………..1996: 7.4
1987: 8.3…………………..1997: 6.8
1988: 8.4…………………..1998: 6.3
1989: 8.7…………………..1999: 5.7
2000: 5.5…………………2010: 4.2
2001: 5.6…………………..2011: 4.7
2002: 5.6
.2003: 5.7
2004: 5.5 - AWB expired
2005: 5.6
2006: 5.7
The homicide rate peaked at 10.2% in 1980.
4.7 homicide per 100,000 puts 2011 somewhere between 1956/1959/1962/1963 (with 4.6%) and 1908/1953/1954/1961 (with 4.8%).
In 2011, the Department of Justice announced that the homicide rate in 2010 dropped to 4.2 homicides per 100,000 residents AND, THIS WAS SEVEN YEARS AFTER THE Assault Weapons Ban a/k/a The Prohibition On Certain Guns With Cosmetic Changes That Make Them Look Skeery And Are Painted Skeery (And Racist!) Black Act of 1994 EXPIRED.
Far from JUST being "The lowest US homicide rate in four decades," THE NATIONAL HOMICIDE RATE IN 2010 WAS THE LOWEST RATE SINCE 1909, according to collected data from the FBI, Census, state records, etc.
Chart from 1900-2010:

The AWB or CCW Laws: Which Has Had More Of An Impact On The Murder Rate?
This is the kind of race crap, which prevents honest discussion:
RWM: "Guess when the first school massacre took place?"
Allidunce: "1999. More than 4 deaths"
RWM: "No. 1764 - Greencastle, Pennsylvania: 4 Lenape American Indians entered a log schoolhouse. Inside were the schoolmaster, Enoch Brown, and twelve young students. Brown pleaded with them to spare the children before being shot and scalped. The warriors then began to tomahawk and scalp the children; killing nine or ten of them (reports vary). Two children who had been scalped survived. 11 dead."
Allidunce: This kind of post promotes racism toward Native Americans.
RWM: Moron, it is the first school shooting/massacre in the American colonies.Should we not talk about gun crime when minorities are the killers?
[Evidently, the answer is "yes." 453 school-aged children have been shot in Chicago this year. 63 have died: That's 2.42 TIMES the number killed at Newtown Since 2008, more than 530 people under the age of 21 have been shot and killed in Chicago.
Murder in Chicago is, strangely, a racist subject. The mainly MSM won't touch the subject because most victims are black and they don't want to be accused of racism (Outrage to the MSM: "Are you saying that blacks are more violent?!?!?! Huh? Huh?"). To be fair, white also sells. Jon Benet Ramsey, probably, would not have drawn the ratings had she been black. Just making an honest observation, not an approval of such coverage.
The Race-Pimps like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson will hue-and-cry about Trayvon Martin, but a Trayvon is shot every day in Chicago...by another Trayvon. We know what the problems are, but heaven help a Bill Cosby if he dares to speak the causes that shall not be named.
I love the children of Newtown and Chicago and I feel the pain that everyone does, but when is the MSM going to start covering the deaths in Chicago and elsewhere. It is not an issue of gun control. Chicago has had some of the most draconian gun control laws in the nation.]
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