Fund Your Utopia Without Me.â„¢

11 September 2011

Another October. Another Anniversary. Another Year Without Vadim and Yossef. Another Stream of Tears. III

They were beaten, stabbed to death, their faces disfigured....

During the murders, one of the Arab murderers paused in his savage beating to answer a cell phone belonging to one of the dying soldiers.

He told the worried voice on the other end of the line, "We are killing your husband." 

Their bodies were mutilated as the "mainstream Arab-Muslim Palestinians" screamed in ecstasy, moaning in beastly choruses, while waving the body parts and entrails in "joy" ... all that savagery in broad daylight in the public square.

Orgasmic dancing with organs, entails, and other assorted body parts must be a Palestinian thang.

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