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28 November 2011

A Prog Lets You Know What Really Matters

"To Rep. Ed Markey (D., Mass.), for example, the leaker or leakers responsible are attempting to "sabotage the international climate talks" and should be identified and brought "to justice."


I don't remember Representative Markey being outraged when Bradley Manning stole classified information from his own government and gave it to foreign nationals for publication.

I don't remember Representative Markey being outraged when Julian Assange and Wikileaks published classified information and intelligence, outed informants, etc., gained from stolen and intercepted emails, documents, etc.

I don't remember Representative Markey being outraged when the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Guardian, and Der Spiegel were publishing classified information and intelligence, outing informants, etc.

Engage in espionage, publish classified information, out informants, cause the deaths of at least 1500 people (Kenya)?

Progs will consider you for the Nobel Peace Prize and Time's Man of the Year.

"Sabotage" one of the biggest RICO enterprises, if not THE biggest, in the history of civilisation?

Honey, you are a D-E-A-D  M-A-N.  You shouldn't even get the same rights to which Khalid Sheik Mohammed, who never set foot on American soil prior to his capture - an important legal distinction - is entitled.

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