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04 January 2000

They Pretend They're "Sane And Rational." We Pretend They're Relevant.

2.  Free Healthcare.

It looks like he needs "adequate mental healthcare,” too.

"If there is a core theme to the Occupy Wall Street movement, it is that the virtuous 99 percent of society is being cheated by the richest and greediest 1 percent.  This is a theme that allows the people in the 99 percent to think very highly of themselves. All their problems are caused by the nefarious elite." 

- David Brooks

(This is exactly what the Hitler and Stalin did.  "The Jews are the cause of all of your problems. They are the reason that your children are starving.  They have all of the money and they won't share."  "The kulaks are the cause of all of your problems.  They are the reason that your children are starving.  They have land and they won't share.)

3. Free housing

Mmmm-Kay, well, maybe not....

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