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28 September 2011

Chart of the Day: Illinois Democrats Were Soooo Certain They Were Right And Scott Walker Was Wrong


Do your demons do they ever let you go
When you've tried do they hide -deep inside
Is it someone that you know
You're a picture just an image caught in time
We're a lie you and I
We're words without a rhyme

There's no sign of the morning coming

You've been left on your own
Like a rainbow in the dark 

"We have an emergency, a fiscal emergency... Our state was careening toward bankruptcy, fiscal insolvency. Even in the last couple of months, the situation got seriously more dire. So the governor has to act at the moment. And that's what I did." 

- Illinois Governor Pat Quinn, upon passage of a 67% tax increase at end of lame duck session, 12 January 2011

"Democrats argued the tax increase was needed to rehabilitate the state's deadbeat image, but Republicans predicted it would drive businesses out of state." 

- The Chicago Tribune, 12 January 2011 

Data released 08.19.11 by the bureau confirms this downward trajectory. When it comes to putting people back to work, Illinois is going backwards. Since January, Illinois has dropped 89,000 people from its employment rolls.

It’s too early to know conclusively the full impact of the tax hikes on the Illinois economy. Nevertheless, Illinois’s employment numbers serve as a good reminder that public policies have dramatic consequences for the daily lives of Illinoisans. A combination of high taxes, overspending and red tape do nothing but chase away job creators and leave too many citizens without jobs. Springfield needs to act now and reverse course.

Rainbow in the dark

When there's lightning it always bring me down
'Cause it's free and I see that it's me
Who's lost and never found
I cry for magic I feel it dancing in the light
But it was cold I lost my hold
To the shadows of the night

There's no sign of the morning coming
You've been left on your own
Like a rainbow in the dark

Do your demons do they ever let you go
When you've tried do they hide -deep inside
Is it someone that you know
You're a picture just an image caught in time
We're a lie you and I
We're words without a rhyme

There's no sign of the morning coming
You've been left on your own
Like a rainbow in the dark

When there's lightning it always brings me down
'Cause it's free and I see that it's me
Who's lost and never found
Feel the magic feel it dancing in the air
But it's fear and you'll hear
It calling you beware

There's no sign of the morning coming
There's no sight of the day
You've been left on your own
Like a rainbow in the dark

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