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26 January 2000

They Pretend They're "Sane And Rational." We Pretend They're Relevant.

 OccupyWallStreet alternative name: 

Take A Massive Dump On The Pigs / NYC / 2011!!!

Ding!  Ding!  Ding!  I think we have a winnah!  Meet the Democrats' "Just Your Average, Hard-Working, Middle Class American" Spokesperson!!! 

If there is violence, there will be a repeat of 1968 in next year's elections. Once again, as it did when it voted for the law-and-order Nixon (Progs, see what happens when you go nuts?), the Middle Class will send the radicals back to the asylum.  And, Progs, if you don't believe me, then ask some of your leaders and ardent supporters like Michael Tomasky.

 Astounding brilliance....

I seriously doubt that we are going to witness stampedes at "Flyover America" airports around the country with the "racist, bigoted, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, xenophobic, flat-Earther, home-schooling, dirt-eating, snake-handling, squirrel-eating, fire-breathing, cousin-marrying, Bible-clinging, gun-worshiping, non-Che-shirt-wearing Americans making pilgrimages to Zuccotti-Tarhir Square U.S.A to join the Socialists, Communists, DSAs, Anarchists, 9/11 Truthers, Palin Uterus Trigger-Truthers, eco-Nazis, and "the Chicanos, the Marxist professors...structural feminists...punk-rock performance poets," etc., in drum circles, hair-braiding clusterfucks, downward-facing dog poses, sprout-cooking classes, hemp-basket weaving, pot smoking, French "bathing," and "visits" to Riker's Island.

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