Even a majority of Democrats...

Closing Guantanamo Bay was one of the president's core campaign promises in the 2008 presidential election.
On his first full day in office, Obama stated that 'Guantanamo will be closed no later than one year from now.'
never happened, in part, because the idea became politically unpopular
and Congress clamped down on the president's authority to release and
transfer detainees.
have never wanted president Obama to close the prison and move the most
dangerous inmates to prisons on U.S. soil, but the number in favor of
keeping it open has sharply increased since the president brought
attention to it by promising to shut it down.
2007 a simple majority, 51 percent, of Americans thought the U.S.
should keep Guantanamo Bay open. By 2009 that number had jumped up to 65
percent, and since then, roughly 66 percent of Americans have said they
don't want it to close.
The majority of the president's own
political party doesn't think he should close Guantanamo Bay.
percentage of self-proclaimed Democrats who believe Obama should close
Gitmo has decreased 53 percent to 41 percent since 2009.
Gallup's latest poll, 54 percent of self-proclaimed Democrats said Obama
should not close the prison.
Nevertheless, President Obama has pushed forward with his plan.
told Congress in his 2014 State of the Union address in January, 'With
the Afghan war ending, this needs to be the year Congress lifts the
remaining restrictions on detainee transfers and we close the prison at
Guantanamo Bay – because we counter terrorism, not just through intelligence and military action, but by remaining
true to our Constitutional ideals, and setting an example for the rest
of the world.'
Current law prohibits the president from transferring terrorists to U.S. prisons.
Additionally, the president is legally required to show that it is in the national interest of the country to release detainees and steps have been taken to
'substantially mitigate the risk of such individual engaging or
reengaging in any terrorist or other hostile activity that threatens the
United States' before they can be repatriated.
He is also required to give Congress 30 days notice before releasing detainees.
did not confer with Congress in the case of Bergdahl exchange, but the
Obama administration has said they did not break the law because it only
applies to prisoner releases, not trades.

This March 2013 picture shows the exterior of
Camp Delta at the U.S. Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. The
president has said he wants to shut down the U.S. detention facilities
there, but he lacks the power to do so.

Even members of the president's own party don't want him to shut down Gitmo.
As a result of the
stringent restrictions placed on the president, only 17 Guantanamo Bay
prisoners have been released in the last 13 months. That number includes
the five Taliban fighters Obama traded last month.
way the president may legally be able to release the terrorists being
held at Guantanamo Bay is by ending the war in Afghanistan.
scholars have argued that the U.S. is only authorized to keep the
captured Taliban associates in prison as long as it is at war with the terrorist organisation.
Obama announced two weeks ago that he would withdraw the majority of
America's troops in Afghanistan by the end of the year, effectively
ending the war there as far as the United States is concerned.
Administration officials recently told CNN that
the president's first preference would be to work with Congress to shut
down the terrorist detention camp rather than go it alone, however.
And, according to a Politico
article from earlier this year, the Obama administration believes that a
third of the combatants being held at Guantanamo bay are too dangerous
to release outright but are unsuitable for trial, further complicating
the matter and making it unlikely the the president will fully close the
camp at the end of this year.
1 comment:
Obama doesn't care what Americans want, he needs to clear out Gitmo and get his people back into the fight against America. They aren't getting any younger and the Caliphate needs them now.
You have to be intentionally delusional not to know by now that this cretin is an American hating, muslim.
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