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06 September 2013

Map: All The Countries Insane McVain Has Wanted to Attack

Graphic h/t MotherJones

Old & Busted:

‘Let’s bomb Syria!’ 

- Senator Senile of Arizona 

Older & Flat-Busted: 

Let’s bomb Libya!’ 

- Senator Senile of Arizona 

Even Older & Psychotic: 

‘Let’s bomb, bomb, bomb Iran!’ 

- Senator Senile of Arizona 

Older Than That & T1ts’ Up: 

‘Let’s bomb Iraq!’ 

- Senator Senile of Arizona 

Dirt-Old & Roadkill: 

‘Let’s bomb Afghanistan!’ 

- Senator Senile of Arizona

Ancient & Pushing Up Daisies: 

‘Let’s bomb Somalia and Yemen!’ 

- Senator Senile of Arizona 

Iron-Aged & Demented: 

‘Let’s bomb Yugoslavia, Bosnia, and Kosovo!’ 

- Senator Senile of Arizona 

Older Than The Wheel & Rocking A Potted-Plant IQ: 

‘Let’s bomb Iraq and Kuwait!’ 

- Senator Senile of Arizona 

Bronze-Aged & Clusterfarked: 

‘Let’s bomb Nicaragua!’ 

- Senator Senile of Arizona

 Adam & Eve Still Haven’t Eaten The Apple & Everyone Loves A Snake:

‘Let’s bomb Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos…just as soon as I crash my 5th plane!’ 

- Senator Senile of Arizona 

Older Than The God Particle & FUBAR’d:

‘Let’s bomb the Soviet Union, Communist China, North Korea, Cuba, and the entire Eastern Bloc at the same time!’

- Senator Senile of Arizona 

New Hotness: 

Senator Senile, to placate your ‘Bomb, bomb, bomb, anything!’ itch, how about you start with one of your 7 houses?

- Sophie

UPDATE:  AZ GOP issues formal rebuke of John McCain...

'Conduct unbecoming'


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