...people will start believing in fish tales.

...Americans will stop believing that my economy is dead in the water.

...I'll will focus like a laser on jobs, but first I have to pivot to tamp down a few divots at Vineyard Golf Club.

...Americans will start to wag their tails enthusiastically and embrace Big Brother.

...Americans will see that Benghazi is a phony 'scandal' and forget about 'Ambassador Chris Stevens,' 'Sean Smith,' 'Ty Woods,' and 'Glen Doherty.'

...Bailed-Out Motors will come roaring back and return Ford to 'Found On Road Dead' status. Any day. You wait and see!

...the courts will see the wisdom of my Nanny State Fascism.

...NYC voters will learn to stop worrying about weiners and love the Weiner.

...the rain will stop falling on my leg and telling me that it's just my bud, Vlad, pissing. Yes, we can reset overcharge!

...the Arab world will embrace Israel.
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