This is my working theory. Your mileage may vary...
The reason that the GOPe is balking at defunding Obamacare is part a
fear of losing their jobs, but also another part of their new
Hispandering effort.
They want to pass immigration reform because, well, you know, like
all of those Hispanics are naturally conservatives…not to mention they
provide cheap labour for our big corporate donors.
Now, what does passing immigration reform have to do with voting not to defund Obamacare?
Guess which group most approves of Obamacare?
If you said Conservatives, African-Americans, Libertarians, Union
Workers, young Progressives, blue collar voters, etc, well you’re wrong.
Of all groups, Hispanics support Obamacare the most.
As I wrote some time ago, if Republicans are going to Hispander in
hopes of cutting into the Democrats’ iron grip on the group, which
they’ve had for like forever and I mean forevah, then passing
immigration reform will not cut it – just as it didn’t in the past.
What might, at least in the minds of the GOPe?
Becoming more Progressive and supporting Big Government programmes like Obamacare, which Hispanics love.
How do you say ‘rabbits’ in Spanish?
Related: The Only Relevant Issue In The Immigration Debate: What Is Good For The Country And Her Citizens?
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