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06 August 2013

Coming Out, Loud And Proud, As A Trans-Racialed™ Woman, Er, Man

M2RB:  Diana Ross

I'm coming out
I'm coming
I'm coming out
I'm coming out
I'm coming out

I'm coming out
I want the world to know
Got to let it show
I'm coming out
I want the world to know
I got to let it show

There's a new me coming out
And I just had to live
And I wanna give
I'm completely positive
I think this time around
I am gonna do it
Like you never knew it
Ooh, I'll make it through

The time has come for me
To break out of this shell
I have to shout
That I am coming out

I'm coming out
I want the world to know
I got to let it show
I'm coming
I'm (coming out) coming
(I want the world to know)
(I got to let it show)

I've got to show the world
All that I wanna be
And all my abilities
There's so much more to me
Somehow, I have to make them
Just understand
I got it well in hand
And, oh, how I've planned
I'm spreadin' love
There is no need to fear
And I just feel so good
Every time I hear

I'm coming out
(I want the world to know)
(I got to let it show)
I'm coming out
I want the world to know
I got to let it show

I'm coming out
I want the world to know
Got to let it show....

With today's 'I'm-a-Man-I-a-Woman-No-Really-I'm-a-Man-and-ALL-Confusion-Is-My-Wife's-Fault' 'stunning announcement by ABC News editor, Don Ennis, I, too, wish to do some closet cleaning and throw caution (and skeletons) to the wind!

I’ve decided that I am a Trans-Racialed™ woman.  There, I've said, bend down and kiss my ring.  I'm special!

After all, if a man can decide to be a woman even though his DNA proves that he is a man, why can’t I ‘come out’ as a  '50% Black, 25% Hispanic, 25% Native American, Lesbian Wiccan Woman' '50% Black, 25% Hispanic, 25% Native American, Lesbian Wiccan-Amish Man With A Vajayjay' and be loud and proud about it?

In fact, since this administration arbitrarily and capriciously administers the law in favour of special classes, I encourage all white people and 'others' to become ‘Trans-Racial™.’

If what makes an unborn foetus a 'baby' instead of a 'clump of cells' incapable of feeling pain and to whom no greater rights are 'granted' than those imputed to Dred Scott,' and the line of demarcation between the sexes are both based on 'feelings' and how one person decides to label another - in other words, 'being a *fill-in-the-blank'* is nothing more than a 'state-of-mind' -  then why can't I decide to be a '50% Black, 25% Hispanic, 25% Native American, Lesbian Wiccan Woman' '50% Black, 25% Hispanic, 25% Native American, Lesbian Wiccan-Amish Man With A Vajayjay' without the idiot, Touré, screaming that I'm not really '50% Black, 25% Hispanic, 25% Native American, Lesbian Wiccan Woman' '50% Black, 25% Hispanic, 25% Native American, Lesbian Wiccan-Amish Man With A Vajayjay'?   

In fact, I will likely be called a Peruvian-American or some such fake, idiotic construct that the Left thrills its collective leg divining in faculty lounges.  Wouldn't that make Touré a h8te, h8te h8ter?

If Fauxchahontas can be a Native American woman, why can't I be a '50% Black, 25% Hispanic, 25% Native American, Lesbian Wiccan Woman' '50% Black, 25% Hispanic, 25% Native American, Lesbian Wiccan-Amish Man With A Vajayjay'?

To deny me my 'right' to be a  '50% Black, 25% Hispanic, 25% Native American, Lesbian Wiccan Woman' '50% Black, 25% Hispanic, 25% Native American, Lesbian Wiccan-Amish Man With A Vajayjay' is 'insensitive' (Prepare for mandatory diversity, tolerance, and sensitivity classes), bigoted, ignorant, unfair, and worthy of public other words, the definition of Touré.

Shouldn't those that discriminate against me  be charged? 

Seriously, the Civil Rights Act of 1965 prohibits discrimination on the grounds of : Race, gender, national origin, and religion...and, here's the kicker:  The Obama administration has expanded the CRA to protect transgenders, which was certainly not even contemplated by Congress and President Lyndon Baines Johnson, because, well, they have self-identified as trans-gendered. 

I'm self-identifying as a  '50% Black, 25% Hispanic, 25% Native American, Lesbian Wiccan Woman' '50% Black, 25% Hispanic, 25% Native American, Lesbian Wiccan-Amish Man With A Vajayjay.'

To quote the smartest people in the world:  'It's. The. Law. And. It's. Constitutional. Bitches!'

Indeed, but then again, so, too, were slavery, Jim Crow, the internment of more than 100,000 Japanese-Americans, segregation, Tileston v Ullman, DOMA, DADT, the extermination of Mormons in Executive Order No 44, the line-item veto, among others.

I've decided it...and that settles it. 

You are required to respect my 'choice'! 

Lick my hand, lick my hand!

Kiss my Louboutin-clad  feet, you bitch!

Suck it up (and since I don't have a dick, I'm gonna borrow Anthony Weiner's)!...

In my present state of mind, I'm a '50% Black, 25% Hispanic, 25% Native American, Lesbian Wiccan Woman' '50% Black, 25% Hispanic, 25% Native American, Lesbian Wiccan-Amish Man With A Vajayjay'..and you are just going to have to learn to deal with it.

 So, oh yeah, bitches!

I soooo own you.

PS: Seek immediate medical help if you experience an exploding head for more than 4 hours.


'talking points' at Hot Air reminded me of something: The Amish.  They are excluded from, make sure that you throw it into your ABC-ID, too. 

UPDATE II 08.10.13:

As I said,  race/gender/etc are really just 'states of mind,' it is true that when I wrote this piece and 'came out' as a  '50% Black, 25% Hispanic, 25% Native American, Lesbian Wiccan Woman,' but now, my state of mind has changed and I want to be known as a '50% Black, 25% Hispanic, 25% Native American, Lesbian Wiccan-Amish Man With A Vajayjay'!

1 comment:

Axe said...

To deny me my 'right' to be a '50% Black, 25% Hispanic, 25% Native American, Lesbian Wiccan Woman' is 'insensitive' . . .


In for a penny, in for a pound.