Diplomat Ishmael Khaldi, an Israeli Arab and a Muslim, (centre in blue shirt) at his Edinburgh University address, which was shutdown by the Palestine Edinburgh University Students for Justice organisation
By Melanie Phillips
The delegitimisation campaign against Israel, comprising
the obsessional lies and blood libels promulgated by the media and
intelligentsia week in, week out, has produced this result: Jewish students in
Britain are being forced to abandon their university courses out of fear.
On the
Jewish Chronicle blog, Marcus Dysch reports:
incidents at Scottish universities have contributed to Jewish students quitting
their courses in despair, it was claimed this week.
have created a “toxic atmosphere” in which Jewish students no longer feel
comfortable, a delegation of community representatives told senior Edinburgh
University officials.
those who felt the need to leave was a former Edinburgh Jewish Society chair
who dropped out of his course to study abroad, partly because of the fall-out
from an incident in which Ishmael Khaldi, the Israeli Foreign Ministry’s most
senior Muslim diplomat, was mobbed as he spoke at the university in February
last year.
incident also allegedly affected a Jewish postgraduate student so severely that
she was forced to seek an extension for her dissertation before cancelling an
option to continue studying in Scotland. She also left for a different course
elsewhere in Europe.
the most recent incident at Edinburgh, in October, an address by Israeli
ambassador Daniel Taub was disrupted by chanting students waving Palestinian
JC understands that the stress of responding to anti-Israel attacks and
campaigns has divided the university’s JSoc, with some members so apprehensive
about the issue that a separate group has now been formed solely to handle
matters relating to Israel.
source said JSoc had been “decimated by these events” with Jewish students left
“arguing with each other” and “scared” to defend Israel on campus.
claims emerged after representatives of the Jewish community met university
officers last week to discuss their concerns.
of Scottish Jewish Student Chaplaincy and the Scottish Council of Jewish
Communities told the university bosses that Jewish students had felt it
necessary to “hide their Jewish identity due to the hostile atmosphere at
Edinburgh” and were now seeking “secure and safe” space on campus’ [my
also reported a rise in the number of enquiries from parents and potential
students in the US and Europe about the safety of Jewish students at Scottish
universities. In the past three years, the number of queries about campus
antisemitism had risen five-fold, SCoJeC said.
delegation claimed the university was “failing in its duty of care” to Jewish
students and had given “free licence” for disruptive groups to “repeat their
abusive behaviour”.
other academic institutions had taken on board the community’s concerns,
Edinburgh had shown no urgency to tackle the problem, the group claimed.
university needs to be aware of the international damage that is being done not
only to Edinburgh’s reputation, but also to that of other Scottish universities
and to the wider nation,” a community spokesman said.
Edinburgh University spokesman said: “We welcomed the opportunity to meet those
who had raised concerns about this matter. We work closely and collaboratively
with students to foster good relations and we want all of our students to feel
safe and supported.”
the Khaldi incident last year, the university attempted to restore calm by
inviting JSoc members to a discussion with members of the Students for Justice
in Palestine group, which operates on the campus.
at University College London’s students’ union are due to vote from today in a
referendum on whether to “condemn the inhumane situation in Gaza”. The proposed
motion calls on the university to ban products from Israeli settlements and to
avoid “complicity in any way with the occupation of Palestine”.
University’s Guild of Students confirmed it is investigating a complaint
received after an anti-Israel demonstration by students last week. It is
claimed a number of Guild officers took part in the rally, possibly breaching
the organisation’s own rules on officer impartiality.
So this is what it has come to. In the 2Ist
century, British Jews are being forced to hide their Jewish identity out of
fear for their personal safety - because they support the state of Israel in
its struggle to defend itself against genocidal attack.
This disgusting and surreal state of affairs has arisen
from what can only be described as the madness that has all but consumed the
British intelligentsia and media, which portray Israel – the target and victim
of Jew-hating extermination – in the deranged propaganda terms set out by its
Arab and Muslim attackers. The result is rampant Israel-hatred, Judeophobia and
Jew-baiting which is either tolerated or actively promulgated by a so-called
educated class – including broadcasters and many mainstream politicians - which
on this issue is in fact totally impervious to evidence or reason.
A case in point was one of the incidents described
above, when Ishmael Khaldi was forced to abandon his invited address at
Edinburgh University. He was called a
Nazi and accused of representing an ‘apartheid state’ by a baying mob who
unfurled Palestinian flags and screamed that the university’s Jewish society
was a ‘religious club that supports violence and unjust behaviour’ before
security officials hustled him away. The JC
‘At one stage the mic was ripped from his lectern
and a demonstrator shouted: “We don't discuss with the Ku Klux Klan, why should
we discuss with this thug?”’
But Ishmael Khaldi is an Israeli Arab, a Bedouin
from the Galilee who is an advisor to Israel’s Foreign Minister. He is
thus living proof that Israel cannot possibly be an ‘apartheid state’.
treatment at the hands of the screaming Edinburgh University mob was therefore not
merely an unconscionable outbreak of thuggery but defied reason itself. As does
the whole way in which Israel is presented in British public debate.

This appalling Judeophobic violence on campus is
also the direct result of the cavalier indifference of many university
authorities to the Islamic radicalisation and intimidation taking place right
under their noses. Scotland may be particularly
virulent – hardly surprising, since the Scot Nats routinely trash
both Israel and the truth, as well as sanitising
Islamic extremism – but this bigotry has also taken root in many other
universities, where the authorities have simply ignored the recruitment to
Islamic extremism taking place on campus, the routine eruptions of
Israel-phobic bigotry and violence and the intimidation of Jewish students.
The silence of our political class in the face of
what is taking place, not just on campus but in the incitement to racial hatred
that now passes for mainstream discussion of Israel in the media and public
debate, is a disgrace. But that, alas, is because so much of the British body politic
has itself succumbed to this madness.
This is not a good time to be a Jew in Britain. To
put it mildly. Sixty-seven years ago, when the true horror of the genocide of
the Jews was finally laid bare, who would have thought that Judeophobic bigotry
– tragically embedded in Britain’s ancient history - would take hold of the
country once again?
For those concerned not just with upholding elementary
decency, truth and justice but with the defence of the west against barbarism,
there is simply no more urgent and crucial issue than this. The battle for Israel
is also the battle for Britain and the west. In turning against Israel – the forward
salient of the titanic struggle to defend civilisation - Britain and the west
are turning against themselves.
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