It has been brought to global attention that President Obama sought to
build a giant bulletproof tunnel on his entrance into Narnia: a place
where animals talk, magic is common, and good battles evil. The
objective for the problem-solving tunnel was that the tunnel's
construction would ultimately create jobs for those physically building
the tunnel, security personnel, and encourage economic expansion into
the fictional realm of Narnia. In a place where children could become
kings and queens, this
was a promising note for our children and their future.
was a promising note for our children and their future.
The tunnel was estimated to cost at $200
million dollars a day, which would be bomb-proof, have air conditioning,
and a series of plasma televisions. The television screens would be able to
monitor Narnia upon entry in order for the President to greet Aslon, the
talking lion, and know of the White Witch's presence at all times. From
now on this day shall mark a new turn in deficit spending; whenever
we're in a hole, we'll build a giant tunnel and dig ourselves out into a
land of make-believe.
By Keith Backer
six days out from the finish line so there’s not much time left for the press
to get in their final push for their preferred candidate. Lucky for the Left, there is the wonderfully
incompetent trio of CBS/New York Times/Quinnipiac
to rush into the fray and magically find polls with Obama winning just close
enough that, when it flips on Election Day, they can shout “Margin of Error!”
and head back into their cocoon.
economy remains the paramount issue in this election with ~50% saying it is the
top priority and ~20% saying it is the #2 priority across all three states
polled. No other topic is even close. Despite this, the lead questions
in the survey were:
· “Which
candidate cares about the needs and problems of people like you?”
· “Who
cares about the middle class?”
· "Who
cares and understands the needs and problems of women in the workplace?”
not making this up. These are straight out of Obama stump speeches. For the
uninitiated, polling is as much art as it is science and question order greatly
affects responses of those surveyed. PPP does this in a very biased way
all of the time, which is among the countless reasons I will never blog them.
In the Q-poll, even after their pro-Obama wave of questions, when
they get to whether candidate X is a strong leader, Obama still solidly lags
Romney polling at ~56% while Romney polls ~64 across the 3 states.
9 straight ostensibly pro-Obama questions, they ask about the economy, which
again is the TOP issue in
everyone’s book and happens to be THE
issue in every Romney stump speech. With 9 questions ramping up good
feelings about Obama, Romney barely leads on this issue in Florida and Virginia
and trails by one in Ohio. Well done, Quinnipiac. Now, if you’ll just
survey far more Democrats than have ever shown up at the polls in these states,
the Death Star may finally be fully operational and Obama can pull out an
election that he is almost assuredly losing right now. On to the states!
Florida: The Lion
- Obama leads +1 at 48 to 47 with 3% Undecided; Romney leads with Independents by 5.
- Party ID was D +7 (37/30/29). In 2008 it was D +3 (37/34/29). In 2004 it was R+4 (37/41/23).
Good show Quinnipiac!
In a state that has since 2008 elected a GOP governor, massively increased its
congressional delegation in favor of the GOP, elected a popular GOP Senator,
and witnessed a strong state house swing toward the GOP, you found Democrat
strength equal to 2008 while Republican flight since 2004 remarkably continues
unabated. You found a Democrat identification advantage in your survey that more
than doubles the advantage they enjoyed in 2008 despite a nearly net 300,000
swing towards Republicans in voter registrations. Your Florida poll is
unassailable…at least in Narnia.
- Obama job approval +1 at 49/48 … if Quinnipiac surveyed only Dade County and even there I’d double check the numbers.
Ohio: The Witch
- Obama leads +5, 50 – 45 with 4% Undecided; Romney leads with Independents by 6.
- The party ID was D +8 (37/29/30). This compares to D +8 in 2008 (39/31/30) and R +5 in 2004 (35/40/25).
- There is no chance the Democrat turnout advantage will meet Obama’s 2008 best in a generation turnout which we write as D +8 based on the CNN party ID generally used. This is even though the actual 2008 party ID was really only D +5 making this D +8 that much more implausible. How many statistics on changes in enthusiasm favoring Republicans, unrealistic Democrat demographic assumptions, and elimination of Obama’s early vote advantage do you need to see before they start polling an electorate dissimilar to 2008 when their dream candidate fulfilled their liberal inner guilt and healed a nation or whatever BS they were peddling at the time? Quinnipiac is not going to let silly facts get in the way of its mission to buck up the Lefties and turn this contest into a horse-race. One more piece to the puzzle before the Death Star is complete.
- Obama job approval +3 at 50/47 — Can you imagine what it would be if they surveyed Ohio?
Virginia: The Wardrobe
- Obama leads by 2, 49 – 47 with 3% Undecided; Romney leads with Independents by 21.
- The party ID is D +8 (35/27/35). This compares to 2008 of D +6 (39/33/27) and 2004 of R +4 (35/39/26).
- Who knew the blue wave continues so far south of the DC Beltway? Certainly not Virginia and certainly not Governor Creigh Deeds. Just because Virginia flipped its state delegation dramatically in favor of Republicans, doesn’t mean the voters turned their backs on Democrats! It’s just that there must have been a good TV rerun of Martin Sheen spouting nonsensical liberal tripe on The Left Wing that it distracted Democrats from voting. Yeah, that’s it!!! Good thing Quinnipiac found these ultra-micro-targeted hidden Democrats only Project Narwhal knows about because otherwise, without those gnomes (Step 1: Call random #s only in Fairfax County, Step 2: ???, Step 3: Obama wins!), I’m not sure we’d have a fully operational Death Star. Come November 6, we’ll see how well those gnomes delivered for this survey of a fantasy electorate.
- Obama job approval flat at 49/49 — Really? 49% with a D +8 turnout in a state closer to even D/R? Suuuuuuuure.
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