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Outofthebubble Wrote: "Walker has collected 35 times more money than Barrett. Most of it from outside donors."
Cry me a bloody river already. Barrett had been the nominee for what? A month. Walker has been the
governor, who is the target of the recall, for more than 15 months. He's been raising money all of that time. How
much out-of-state money did ALL of the Democrat candidates receive? How
much out-of-state money has been spent on this recall?
Better yet, from where did many of the tens of thousands of original protesters hail?
Where did the 14 Democrat senators go to prevent a quorum?
Where do many of those that signed the recall petition live?
Where did much of the $21 million come from that Big Labour spent trying to recall Walker?
Where do people like Richard Trumka, James Hoffa, etc., live?
Where does the President, who accused the Republicans of "assaulting the unions," live?
Where does the stunningly attractive MSNBC presenter, Rachel Maddow, who claimed that Walker did not inherit a $3 billion budget deficit, live?
Where does Special Ed Schultz of MSNBC live?
Where does Michael Moore live?
Where does George Soros live?
Where does your 11th hour cheerleader, Bill Clinton, live?
You guys started this. You kicked a hornet's nest with this recall business and now you will have to live with the results. You cry about money and unfair advantages; yet, you overlook the fact that Walker received more votes in May than all of the Democratic candidates combined. Where did those voters live?
Better yet, from where did many of the tens of thousands of original protesters hail?
Where did the 14 Democrat senators go to prevent a quorum?
Where do many of those that signed the recall petition live?
Where did much of the $21 million come from that Big Labour spent trying to recall Walker?
Where do people like Richard Trumka, James Hoffa, etc., live?
Where does the President, who accused the Republicans of "assaulting the unions," live?
Where does the stunningly attractive MSNBC presenter, Rachel Maddow, who claimed that Walker did not inherit a $3 billion budget deficit, live?
Where does Special Ed Schultz of MSNBC live?
Where does Michael Moore live?
Where does George Soros live?
Where does your 11th hour cheerleader, Bill Clinton, live?

You guys started this. You kicked a hornet's nest with this recall business and now you will have to live with the results. You cry about money and unfair advantages; yet, you overlook the fact that Walker received more votes in May than all of the Democratic candidates combined. Where did those voters live?
"Barrett raised a mere $4 million on his own, while outside PACs did the heavy lifting — We Are Wisconsin raised more than $5.5 million in the last month alone, including seven-figure donations from AFSCME and the AFL-CIO, six-figure donations from the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers, and a mere $720 from its three (that’s three) individual donors. The Left will complain that Walker outspent Barrett handily, but this is no vice considering Walker also handily outraised Barrett in individual donations, about three-quarters of which were for less than $50. It was Walker’s strength, after all, that convinced national Democrats to stop spending on a race they didn’t think they could win."
If Walker wins, you will have given the biggest scalp so far to the Tea Party because that's from where Walker has gotten most of his money.
As Alanis Morrisette would say, "Isn't it ironic? Don't you think? A little too ironic...and, yeah, I really do think..."
PS: Not even Barrett claims that he has been out-spent 35:1. Try 8:1. I wouldn't care if it were 1 trillion:1. You deserve what you get. People are fed up with you prima donnas demanding unsustainable benefits and requiring all of the attention be on you. You are in the minority. Union membership in the United States is around 7%...not too much greater than the percentage of the population that is gay (2-3%). More people believe that Elvis is eating in a dinner in Minnesota right now and aliens are walking down 5th Avenue as I type than belong to a union in this country.
Talk about old, wrinkled, worn-out, washed-up, used, ridden hard and put up wet. Sheesh. At least Gloria Swanson and Mae West had the decency to retire or parody themselves.
Update 06.06.12:
You also lost in San Diego and San Jose. Those cities are in California. Were those Koch Brothers' conspiracies, too?
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