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11 October 2011

Mr & Ms Progressive, I Think That You Already Know Monsieur Petard, But Please Allow Me To Introduce You To Your Hoist

Here's the thing: I am not offended by or opposed to the stupid video game, Tea Party Zombies, by I think it is outrageous. I think that it is sad. I think a video game where you could pretend to be Lee Harvey Oswald would be sad. I think a video game where you could pretend to assassinate Clinton, Bush, Obama, and/or Perry/Romney would be sad and disgusting, but I have and always will stand for more, not less, speech.

I would lay down my life for the right of the most offencive person in the world to speak. I am against censorship. I am against speech codes. I am against hate speech AND hate speech laws.

I think that Holocaust denial is obscene, but I also think that it is outrageous that Germany can prosecute a British Bishop (former) for denying the Holocaust on Swedish television while sitting in a British television studio. 

I believe that it is absurd that singing "Kung-Fu Fighting" at a beach bar on a boardwalk on the Isle of Wight can get you arrested for racism.

I think that it is ridiculous that Dire Straights' "Money for Nothing" is banned in Canada.

I am particularly alarmed that the old switcheroo play of "anti-anti-Communist" has become "anti-anti-Islamist."  Back then, rather than defend the horrors of Communism, Communists and Socialists attacked anti-Communists.  Today, instead of defending the savagery of the Islamists, anti-anti-Islamists attack those that call attention to it.  These same people, who are usually all about rights, also will fight to silence those that they claim to be bigots.  For example, Michel Houellebecq is an acclaimed French writer, who was "raised by a Stalinist grandmother, whose influence shows through in the hardline materialistic atheism of his public persona," and he often writes about the "intrusion of the free-market in personal relationships and sexuality." One would think that he would be exactly the type of person toasted by the Left...and he was...until he called Islam "the most stupid of all religions."  For that, he faced criminal charges of "inciting racial hatred" and was shunned by the chattering classes.

I am apoplectic that, in Austria, Susanne Winter has been convicted and Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff faces charges for their criticism of Islam and their desire to "preserve Europe and its democratic and secular values" and that the usual champions of free speech have been silent.

I am incensed that "truth is not a defence" against religious "hate crimes" laws in countries like Denmark where talking about Islamists' treatment of young girls and FGM can get you fined or imprisoned.

I am furious that men like Mark Steyn and Maclean's, a leading magasine in Canada, can be hauled before the Canadian Human Rights Commission, the Ontario Human Rights Commission, aand the British Columbia Human Rights Commission for publishing the article, "The Future Belongs to Islam," that included this quote:

“Just look at the development within Europe, where the number of Muslims is expanding like mosquitoes.”

Four Muslim students at Toronto's Osgoode Hall Law School accused Steyn and Maclean's of violating their human rights over and filed complaints with the three commissions the October 2006 article. While the OHRC eventually decided that it lacked jurisdiction to regulate or punish magasine content, it did release this statement: 

"[The OHRC] strongly condemns the Islamophobic portrayal of Muslims ... Media has a responsibility to engage in fair and unbiased journalism."

As John Martin of The Province, wrote at the time, "There was no hearing, no evidence presented and no opportunity to offer a defence — just a pronouncement of wrongdoing."   The OHRC defended its right to comment by stating: 

"Like racial profiling and other types of discrimination, ascribing the behaviour of individuals to a group damages everyone in that group. We have always spoken out on such issues. Maclean's and its writers are free to express their opinions. The OHRC is mandated to express what it sees as unfair and harmful comment or conduct that may lead to discrimination."

Now, the real, but scary, knee-slapper of this Orwellian, slavish "funnery" by the happy progressive puppets at the various human rights commissions dancing on the PC string (apologies, Nat) in Canada was that the original quote that Steyn wrote and Maclean's published came from a Norwegian Imam.

“We’re the ones who will change you. Just look at the development within Europe, where the number of Muslims is expanding like mosquitoes. Every Western woman in the EU is producing an average of 1.4 children. Every Muslim woman in the same countries is producing 3.5 children. Our way of thinking will prove more powerful than yours.”

- Norwegian Imam Mullah Krekar, Dagbladet, 2006

Imam Mullah Krekar: “Just look at the development within Europe, where the number of Muslims is expanding like mosquitoes.” = Not racist.

Mark Steyn: “Just look at the development within Europe, where the number of Muslims is expanding like mosquitoes.” = Racist.

Racist is as Racist quotes...a protected class...verbatim...not out of context....apparently.


"A dullard strung on the wire. When the master's gone you hang there with your eyes and your limbs so lifeless. Tell me something, if the world is so insane, is it making you sane again to let another man tug at the thread that pulls up your empty wooden head? Your hollow head, your marble eyes, your wooden hands and your metal jaw pins all wait in limbo for the man who knows how to move you this way."


I think that even Orwell would find it hard to believe that former actress and renown animal rights activist, Brigitte Bardot, has been arrested and convicted repeatedly, along with being fined tens of thousands of euros, for protesting the cruel treatment of animals by the Muslim community ... including both the ritual slaughter of hallal and the extermination of dogs. On one occasion, she was convicted of "inciting racial hatred" for "protesting the ritual slaughtering of sheep by Muslims (without stunning them first) as part of the festival of Eid al-Adha." 

"I am fed up with being under the thumb of this population which is destroying us, destroying our country, and imposing its acts."

- Brigitte Bardot, sex symbol, cultural icon, animal rights activist, convict, "inciter" of racial hatred

Sing it, ma Sœur! Of course, I am not talking about Muslims. I am fed up with the hypocrisy of the sanctimonious Left intent on imposing their diktats upon us while exempting themselves. They destroy everything they touch and then scream about how their intentions are honourable and everyone else is immoral.

I'm livid that a couple of hoteliers in Liverpool were charged with breaching Section 5 of the Public Order Act – causing harassment, alarm or distress and faced fines of £2,500 each and a criminal record.  The couple had had a conversation with one of their guests, a Muslim woman, about religion.  Among other inconvenient truths, they had said that "Mohammad was a warlord."  We can't have anyone telling the truth around here.  Mohammed WAS a warlord.  Get over it.

I am not the one that screams about civility and the exploitation and objectification of women. I am not the one, who burned my bra and picketed Playboy, but have no hesitation whatsoever with the glorification of blowing the heads off of your political enemies, especially the women, albeit virtually. Of course, you didn't have a problem with Ted Kennedy killing Mary Jo "The Footnote" Kopechne, whom you have even said may have been fine with being killed since he went on to have such an "enormously positive impact" on the country, nor Clinton raping Juanita Broderick either. So, seriously, who's shocked tthat there's hypocrisy going on here? Not even Captain Louis Renault, played by one of the all-time greats, Claude Raines, can fake it for you this time.

"Who knows -- maybe she'd feel it was worth it."

- Melissa Lafsky, Huffington Post, 08.27.09

I am not the one, who as the head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), rushed to get on MSNBC to denounce Sarah Palin's target map on a CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT saying:

"I really think that that is crossing a line…In this particular environment I think it’s really dangerous to try and make your point in that particular way because there are people who are taking that kind of thing seriously."

I am not the one that called a female and fellow American a “big mashed up bag of meat with lipstick” full of "fascistic hatred" nor did I DEMAND, I tell you, D-E-M-A-N-D the following after the Giffords' shooting:

Sarah Palin -- "She must be repudiated by the members of her own party."

Jesse Kelly -- "He must be repudiated by Arizona's Republican Party."

Allen West -- "He should be repudiated by his constituents and the Republican Congressional Caucus.

Sharron Angle -- "She must be repudiated by her supporters in Nevada."

Tea Party Leaders -- "...must be repudiated by the Republican Party."

Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly -- "Them too, you get it."

I am not the one that rants about gun proliferation in society to the point where even toy guns are taboo, but are thrilled at the opportunity to blow Sarah Palin's head off..."It's just a Zombie!"  Yes, I know, but ask yourself what you would say if the head belonged to Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton instead.

I am not the one, who said:

"At a time when our discourse has become so sharply polarised at a time when we are far too eager to lay the blame for all that ails the world at the feet of those who happen to think differently than we do — it's important for us to pause for a moment and make sure that we are talking with each other in a way that heals, not a way that wounds."

I am not the one, who raised the civility bar, with idiocies like this doozy by John King of CNN:

“Before we go to break, I want to make a quick point. We were having a discussion about the Chicago mayoral race just a moment ago. My friend Andy Shaw used the term ‘in the crosshairs’ in talking about the candidates. We’re trying, we’re trying to get away from that language. Andy is a good friend, he’s covered politics for a long time, but we’re trying to get away from that kind of language. We won’t always be perfect. So hold us accountable when we don’t meet your standards.”

I am not a member of the political party that pointed to Sarah Palin's Facebook page, which used crosshairs to denote districts where vulnerable Democrats voted for health care reform, and called on Republicans to speak out even more to diffuse some of this anger even after Republican House Leader John Boehner has put out a paper statement denouncing some of the violent statements, but now says, as White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer did, that:

“President Obama is not going to "serve as the speech police for the Democratic party. What everyone should do is make their best judgment of how they be civil. What I don't think makes sense is to distract from the major issues at hand to try to get everyone to go back and approve and disapprove of every single thing that every single person has said." 

I am not the one that wailed, tearfully, about violent rhetoric or attempted to blame the horrendous acts of a madman on Sarah Palin and/or millions of my fellow Americans.

I am not the one, who happens to be a very influential Progressive, who tweeted within minutes of the Tucson Massacre, "Mission Accomplished, Sarah Palin," then whined about Palin having put "crosshairs" on Gabby Giffords' Congressional district while forgetting that I had put a "Bull's Eye" on Gabby Giffords' Congressional district back in June 2008.

I am not a member of the Party that SCREAMED BLOODY, FUCKING MURDER about TARGETS ON A MAP released by a woman, who holds no political office and appears not to be seeking one, WHILE THAT SAME PARTY FUNDED a candidate that ran ads that showed JD HAYWORTH'S HEAD IN THE SIGHTS OF A RIFLE SCOPE and funded those commercials.

An incumbent politician's head in the crosshairs of a scope on a rifle in a campaign ad paid for by the DCCC? 


Private citizen's map of targeted congressional districts a/k/a geographical locations?

Very, very, very bad. "Paphurs please. There has been no mistake. Vees must exterminate you. And, give me that Star of David you are wearing. How dare you? Jews are Nazis! The Palestinians live in conditions worse than any concentration camp. The Israelis kidnap Palestinians and sell their organs to rich Jews in Europe and America. They also drain the blood out of Palestinian children to make cookies for Purim. They really, really do."

Yeah, I know. Sucks to be you.

I am not the Nobel Laureate, who wrote this within two hours of the shooting:

"A Democratic Congresswoman has been shot in the head; another dozen were also shot.  We don’t have proof yet that this was political, but the odds are that it was. She’s been the target of violence before. And for those wondering why a Blue Dog Democrat, the kind Republicans might be able to work with, might be a target, the answer is that she’s a Democrat who survived what was otherwise a GOP sweep in Arizona, precisely because the Republicans nominated a Tea Party activist. (Her father says that the whole Tea Party” was her enemy.) And yes, she was on Sarah Palin’s infamous “crosshairs” list.

Just yesterday, Ezra Klein remarked that opposition to health reform was getting scary. Actually, it’s been scary for quite a while, in a way that already reminded many of us of the climate that preceded the Oklahoma City bombing. 

You know that Republicans will yell about the evils of partisanship whenever anyone tries to make a connection between the rhetoric of Beck, Limbaugh, etc. and the violence I fear we’re going to see in the months and years ahead. But violent acts are what happen when you create a climate of hate. And it’s long past time for the GOP’s leaders to take a stand against the hate-mongers."

A few days after the Tucson Massacre, a black man killed a white cop in New Jersey and, recently, a Mexican-American killed 3 white National Guardsmen.

To paraphrase Paul Krugman, "We don’t have proof yet that these individuals were motivated by racial politics, but the odds are that they were.  But violent acts are what happen when you create a climate of hate. And it’s long past time for the Democratic Party’s leaders to take a stand against the hate-mongers."  

Therefore, I call upon Barack Obama, Hilda Solis, Jesse Jackson, Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Andre Carson, Louis Guitterez, Al Sharpton, Loretta Sanchez, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Rubén Hinojosa, John Conyers, Charlie Gonzales, Maxine Waters, Dennis Cardoza, Jim Clyburn, and Xavier Bercerra to separate themselves from racial politics immediately or more white people might be killed.

I won't hold my breath.  The Congressional Race-Baiters Caucus and its fellow hate-trippers would rather die than see scientists develop a pill that made all humans' skin pigmentation the same colour.  

"A message to progressives: By all means, hang Senator Joe Lieberman in effigy."

- Paul Krugman, Pass the Bill, 17 December 2009

“I was nervous until they finally called it on Election Night.  We had an Election Night party at our house, thirty or forty people.  The econ department, the finance department, the Woodrow Wilson school.  They were all very nervous, so they were grateful we were having the party, because they didn’t want to be alone. We had two or three TVs set up and we had a little portable outside fire pit and we let people throw in an effigy or whatever they wanted to get rid of for the past eight years.”

- Paul Krugman and his wife, Robin Wells, The Deflationist, The New Yorker, 1 March 2010

I am not the one, who said this in the wake of the Tucson Massacre:

"All of us need to be more careful about the words that we choose to use, including things like the title of the repeal of the health care reform. I'm glad that Speaker (John) Boehner chose to verbalise a different title for that bill, but they so far have refused to actually change the title of Job-Killing Health Care Repeal."

But said this after James Hoffa's "Take Out Those Sons Of Bitches" speech: 

"I know you'd like to focus on language - that's not what the American people are focused on.  The American people are focused on job creation." 

I am not the sorta-serious-pretend-newsman-when-attacking-Republicans-but-just-a-comedian-when-caught-prevaricating-or-making-a-mistake, who got his "Calvin-Used-To-Have-A-Jewish-Surname-But-I-Cut-It-Out-To-Go-With-My-New-Gentile-Surname" knickers in a twist about the Republicans' "Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act," which the wussies on the red side of the aisle changed to "Repealing the Job-Crushing Health Care Law Act" because they, once again, fell for the Democrat con "Let's be civil" game.

When will Republicans learn? Compromise to a Progressive means agreeing with him.  Civility to a Liberal means you must act, speak, write and think like Mother Teresa while they get to act, speak, write and think like Larry Flynt and Che' Guevara.  El ramo de mucho personas estúpida!

There's a waiver for Democrats in the NuTone© Kabuki Act of 2011. Ask Hal Donahue over at The Huffington Post. He'll tell ya!

I am not labour leader that invoked the Giffords' shooting on the ten-year anniversary of 09.11.01 and attempted to blame it on "wealthy CEOs, anti-government extremist front groups and frothing talk show hosts—from the Rush Limbaughs and Glenn Becks to the Koch brothers, Karl Rove’s American Crossroads group, Americans for Prosperity, the Club for Growth, FreedomWorks and the American Legislative Exchange Council—also pushed open the door to hate."  Jared Loughner became obsessed with Gabby Giffords in August of 2007 and his obsession had nothing to do with Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, the non-existent Tea Party, Senator Obama, etc., although I understand that the paranoid-schizophrenic, Loughner, was a Truther, hated Bush, and was obsessed with lef-twing conspiracy theories.  Hmm....

"We saw it in the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords." 

 - Richard Trumka, 9 September 2011

I am not the one, who claims the Founders were "racist, old, white tyrants, who oppressed minorities and denied Americans of their civil rights," but opine that Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt, who were anti-Semitic, racist, old, white tyrants, who locked up Japanese-Americans and German-Americans (and Italian-Americans in FDR's case and institutionalised and imprisoned homosexuals, suffragettes, socialists, antiwar protestors, etc., in Wilson's case), stole and redistributed their wealth, were merely "products of their time" and are among the greatest presidents in the history of the United States. 

As I said, I don't care about the videos. I am a libertarian for a reason. I am always going to side with MORE speech rather than less and, yes, that means that, while I find the creator of the video that allows one to assassinate Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman, Fred Phelps' bile, crush videos, and virtual child porn abhorrent, disgusting, revolting, repulsive, and every other adjective of contempt that you can imagine, I will always stand with the rights of those monsters to spew their garbage.

Why? Because I don't want the government to be the arbiter of what should be considered "permissible" speech. I believe in the free marketplace of ideas. I believe in allowing bigots, racists, sexists, xenophobes, homophobes, anti-Semites, Islamophobes, Christophobes, etc., to be Mount Vesuviuses of Hate. Allow their words to be heard far and wide. They will marginalise themselves and will be eschewed by the overwhelming majority of the global population.

I believe that the speech of cretins like Fred Phelps has been rejected by the vast majority of Americans and it has been rejected without the need for hate speech laws. The free market did that. We didn’t need a government to tell us what he could and couldn’t say in order to reject his bile for what it is.

I believe the rhetoric of James Hoffa, Richard Trumka, Andre Carson, Maxine Waters, Jesse Jackson and others has been rejected by the overwhelming majority of Americans, who will once again prove it next year.  I believe that most Americans do not find this video game amusing; rather, they think it crass.

So, you run along and play your video game.  Blow their heads off.  Just don't ever say another word about civility because we'll be here to remind the world of your stunning hypocrisy.

Mr & Ms Progressive, in addition to Monsieur Petard, please say "Hello!" to your hoist.