When 41 aides at the OBAMA WHITE HOUSE owing $831,055 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison….
When 2,265 employees of the DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE owing $17,824,971 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 5,817 employees of the DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE owing $46,787,244 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 14 employees of the ARMED FORCES RETIREMENT HOMES owing $164,072 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 11,330 employees of the DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY owing $89,966,859 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 1,556 employees of the DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE owing $22,246,314 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 4,454 employees of the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE owing $38,495,128 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 163 employees of the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION owing $3,995,066 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 331 employees of the DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY owing $4,899,649 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 2,841 employees of the DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SVCS owing $37,327,491 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 4,856 employees of the DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY owing $37,012,174 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 491 employees of the DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEV owing $4,991,608 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 1,812 employees of the DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR owing $12,684,470 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 1,971 employees of the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE owing $14,350,152 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 463 employees of the DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR owing $7,481,463 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 6,841 employees of the DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY owing $72,432,604 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 356 employees of the DEPARTMENT OF STATE owing $3,259,502 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 1,328 employees of the DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION owing $17,098,463 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 1,204 employees of the DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY owing $7,670,814 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 12,013 employees of the DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS owing $156,604,799 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 754 employees of the ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE US COURTS owing $11,808,236 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 5 employees of the ADVISORY CNCL ON HISTORIC PRESERVATION owing $37,948 pay their taxes and/or got to prison...
When the 56 employees of the BROADCASTING BOARD OF GOVERNORS owing $653,395 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 13 employees of the COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING COMM owing $160,623 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 12 employees of the CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY COMMISSION owing $96,638 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 24 employees of the CORP FOR NATL AND CMNTY SERVICE owing $108,202 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 61 employees of the COURT SERVICES AND OFFENDER SUPERV A owing $420,776 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 442 employees of the ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY owing $5,862,994 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 50 employees of the EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT owing $812,917 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 10 employees of the EXPORT IMPORT BANK OF THE US owing $166,288 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 7 employees of the FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION owing $17,290 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 58 employees of the FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION owing $712,416 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 155 employees of the FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP owing $2,249,326 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 8 employees of the FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION owing $115,747 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 4 employees of the FEDERAL HOUSING FINANCE BOARD owing $79,829 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison....
When the 3 employees of the FEDERAL MARITIME COMMISSION owing $21,646 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 7 employees of the FEDERAL MEDIATION AND CONCILIATION SVC owing $25,662 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 5 employees of the FED MINE SAFETY & HEALTH REVIEW COMM owing $11,769 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 81 employees of the FEDERAL RESERVE SYS BD OF GOVERNORS owing $1,076,733 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 4 employees of the FED RETIREMENT THRIFT INVESTMENT BD owing $23,519 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 35 employees of the FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION owing $363,579 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 385 employees of the GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION owing $4,646,308 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 66 employees of the GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE owing $704,485 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 158 employees of the GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE owing $2,143,812 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 3 employees of the INSTITUTION OF MUSEUM AND LIBRARY SERVICES owing $22,541 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 8 employees of the INTL BNDRY & WATER COMM: US & MEXICO owing $6,879 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 10 employees of the MERIT SYSTEMS PROTECTION BOARD owing $126,398 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 9 employees of MILLENIUM CHALLENGE CORPORATION owing $8,412 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 327 employees of NASA owing $3,854,072 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 100 employees of the NATL ARCHIVES AND REC ADMIN owing $341,061 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 5 employees of the NATL CAPITAL PLANNING COMMISSION owing $26,947 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 17 employees of the NATL CREDIT UNION ADMINISTRATION owing $48,299 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 4 employees of the NATL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS owing $34,740 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 7 employees of the NATL ENDOWMENT FOR THE HUMANITIES owing $79,279 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 57 employees of the NATL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD owing $566,154 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 67 employees of the NATL SCIENCE FOUNDATION owing $588,764 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 8 employees of the NATL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARD owing $70,469 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 3 employees of the OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT ETHICS owing $75,304 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 172 employees of the OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT owing $2,367,268 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 3 employees of the OVERSEAS PRIVATE INVESTMENT CORP owing $1,605 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 31 employees of the PEACE CORPS owing $75,459 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 43 employees of the PENSION BENEFIT GUARANTY CORP owing $334,211 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 10 employees of the PRESIDIO TRUST owing $680,682 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 31 employees of the RAILROAD RETIREMENT BOARD owing $531,798 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 91 employees of the SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMM owing $1,030,485 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 5 employees of the SELECTIVE SERVICE SYSTEM owing $68,163 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 249 employees of the SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION owing $2,745,489 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 251 employees of the SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION owing $2,226,791 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 1,920 employees of the SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION owing $17,841,329 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 292 employees of the TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY owing $6,766,333 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 123 employees of the US AGENCY FOR INTL DEVELOPMENT owing $1,104,009 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 3 employees of the US ACCESS BOARD owing $11,495 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 3 employees of the US COMMISSION ON CIVIL RIGHTS owing $2,537 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 4 employees of the US ELECTION ASSISTANCE COMMISSION owing $33,272 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 84 employees of the US EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPRTNTY COMM owing $1,303,316 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 5 employees of the US HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL MUSEUM owing $42,872 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 421 employees of the US HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES owing $6,524,892 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 12 employees of the US INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION owing $63,936 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 57 employees of the US NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMM owing $1,099,897 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 6 employees of the US OFFICE OF SPECIAL COUNSEL owing $34,737 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison....
When the 27,807 employees of the US POSTAL SERVICE owing $283,365,996 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 217 employees of the US SENATE owing $2,774,836 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 4 employees of the US TAX COURT owing $51,111 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 4,125 employees of OTHER CIVILIAN owing $37,921,682 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 97,200 civilians of the MILITARY owing $962,100,000 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 27,111 ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY owing $102,474,672 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 29,069 MILITARY RESERVES/GUARDS owing $198,541,636 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 40,000 CIVILIAN RETIRED owing $454,938,448 pay their back taxes and/or go to prison...
When the 81,905 MILITARY RETIRED owing $1,343,538,055 pay their back taxes...
….Then, you MIGHT have a right to say anything about my taxes. I pay them and I certainly know that they are far from “fair” in your eyes, but, frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.
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