From HotAir.com...
Colorado city weighs allowing women to go topless in public
FORT COLLINS, Colo. — Officials in this city of 150,000 residents are considering changes to their ordinance on public nudity that would permit women to go topless in public.
The proposal is in response to requests from residents who say the current ordinance discriminates against women. City law does not prohibit men from appearing in public without shirts.
At one point in August when the temperature was about 20 DEGREES warmer than Tuesday’s 66-degree high, Brittiany Hoagland, 24, stood on a busy street corner in Fort Collins, about 65 miles north of Denver, wearing a bikini and a placard across her chest: “Illegal to remove.”
For her it’s simple: Colorado’s Constitution prohibits denying equal rights on account of sex. If men may go bare chested in public legally, so should women.

This reminds me of a Twitter convo that I had last night with George Eliseo…
George Eliseo @GeorgeEliseo
Feminists Call The Cops When I Show Up. Here’s Why. http://bit.ly/1Z0Zmke via @BreitbartNews
Sophie Ro @SophieRo3
@GeorgeEliseo @BreitbartNews U’ve really got to stop staring at the braided, beaded, non-deodourised, purple-dyed armpit hair of FemiNazis.
Sophie Ro @SophieRo3
@GeorgeEliseo @BreitbartNews You’ll drive the Neo-Victorian Feminists to their fainting couches in their safe spaces to cuddle w/their…1
Sophie Ro @SophieRo3
@GeorgeEliseo @BreitbartNews…’comfort animals or plush toys’ whilst screaming about patriarchy & the ‘violence’ you inflicted on them… 2
Sophie Ro @SophieRo3
@GeorgeEliseo @BreitbartNews…to their Diversity & Tolerance Deans and trauma counsellors and demand that a Star Chamber convene to… 3
Sophie Ro @SophieRo3
@GeorgeEliseo @BreitbartNews…send you to Rm 101 for castration for committing a thoughtcrime & the failure to issue… 4
Sophie Ro @SophieRo3
@GeorgeEliseo @BreitbartNews…a trigger warning. Afterall, they have the ‘right’ to parade their fugly axilla folicles…5
Sophie Ro @SophieRo3
@GeorgeEliseo @BreitbartNews…and you don’t have any ‘right’ whatsoever to look at them!
George Eliseo @GeorgeEliseo
@SophieRo3 Ha I wish I were that cool, unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) the article’s by @nero @BreitbartNews
Sophie Ro @SophieRo3
@GeorgeEliseo Well, in that case, @Nero had better watch his step or ‘one way or another they're gonna find ya. They’re gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha.’
George Eliseo @GeorgeEliseo
@SophieRo3 Blondie rocks! @Nero
Sophie Ro @SophieRo3
@GeorgeEliseo @Nero Yes, she does. I was listening to that song earlier today as I wrote a post. Had to go with Goodbye Earl instead.
'Earl, ain't it dark, wrapped up in that tarp?'
Sophie Ro @SophieRo3
@GeorgeEliseo @Nero If you read this, you can probably understand why...
Who says Lorena Bobbitts can't strike twice?
And, sure ’nuff, the day after Fort Collins votes to allow women to parade around topless in public, women will start screaming that men are ogling them for good, bad, and repulsive reasons. Then, they will start protesting about how #FreeBreastsMatter and anyone who disagrees with them is just a cog in the patriarchal wheel attempting to 'continue oppressing them'.
They will argue that when someone looks at their breasts without a ‘Yes Means Yes’ contract – whether they are a male, female, child, tranny, eir, zirself, etc – they are committing an ‘act of violence’ and should be prosecuted because this #RapeCulture MUST end!
Before long, the nutters will be demanding a new tax increase to pay for universal, government-controlled blinders so that everyone can only look at that which is permitted by Big Brother.
This insanity reminds me of this ridiculous nugget of Leftist Lunacy: The Left’s Hysterical Israelaphobia: If You Rape, You’re A Sexist Pig; If You Don’t, You’re A Racist
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