Obama's Philosophy of Governing...Two Decades Later
the 9 November 2034 edition of the New
York Times:
by disastrous midterm results for his party, President Gerald P. Hedge insisted
that he plans on going ahead with executive action on tax reform. “I’ve been
very patient with Congress,” the president said at a press conference the day
after the midterms. “But the American tax system is broken. And Democrats in
Congress have refused to step up to the plate. So I will act as much as I can
within the confines of the law to grant the tax reform that our nation so
desperately needs.”
ambitious tax-reform package — headlined by 20 percent rate cuts across the
board — passed the Republican-led Senate in 2033 but was blocked by the Democratic-led
House. In the lead-up to the 2034 midterms, Mr. Hedge pledged to take executive
action to provide what advocates term “tax relief,” but he had delayed
announcing the specifics of that action until after the midterms on November 7.
about what executive action the president may take remain unclear, but top
administration sources say the White House is looking at a variety of steps.
One policy under consideration would build on 2032’s Deferred Action for
Striving Americans (DASA), an executive order that put a hold on all efforts to
penalize households making under $200,000 a year for not paying capital-gains
taxes. A potential DASA+ might, some say, halt all penalties for income-tax
evasion or underpayment for those making under a certain threshold each year
(perhaps $75,000). Some tax activists are encouraging the Hedge White House to
“go big” by refusing to have the IRS investigate or penalize any household that
professes to make below $100,000 annually, and to refrain from prosecuting or levying
fines against anyone above that threshold as long as they pay at least 80
percent of their legally mandated tax burden.
IRS has enough on its hands going after the big fish,” said Fielding
Soderquist, president of the National Council of American Taxpayers and a
leading tax activist. “They don’t have the resources to go after the minnows,
too. President Hedge needs to go big in order to deliver on his promise to the
American taxpayer that he will get the economy moving again. The American taxpayer
community and the nation cannot afford to wait any longer.”
Soderquist and others argue that DASA and any other actions taken by Mr. Hedge
are simply an extension of his executive powers of prosecutorial discretion. As
Anita Schilling, a professor of constitutional and tax law at the University of
Chicago, said, “Very, very few people making under $100,000 a year are audited
anyway — let alone targeted for tax evasion. DASA+ would merely formalize what
is already implicit government policy.”
however, are concerned about the political implications of the president’s
potential executive action on tax reform. California’s Pat Reedy, the No. 2
House Democrat, has blasted this plan: “If President Hedge thinks that he can
rewrite tax policy at whim, he’s got another thing coming. The American people
rebuked his policies at the polls on November 7. Going rogue on tax policy
would be like firing a nuclear missile at bipartisan relations.”
even some congressional Republicans have expressed anxiety about the
president’s actions. Ohio senator Roger Khanna, facing a close reelection race,
urged the president to forgo executive action on tax reform during the summer.
Having scraped out a narrow win, Mr. Khanna still encourages the White House
not to act: “It’s better for Congress to act on tax reform than to have the
president go it alone.”
White House and its allies sniff at these objections. As Chief of Staff Louis
Paige said in an interview the day after the midterms, “The president will take
action as a catalyst to encourage Congress to act. If Congress passes the 20
percent rate cut, the president can withdraw his executive action. Congress had
a chance to act to pass tax reform. Now it’s the president’s turn.”
the record, administration insiders are even more dismissive of White House
they don’t like the president’s policies, they can go out there and win an
election,” said one White House aide before stopping himself and suddenly
laughing. “Actually, it doesn’t even matter if they win an election or not.”
key Senate Republican outlined the thinking of some in Congress: “Democrats can
whine and howl, but, at the end of the day, what are they going to do? Try to
impeach him? For giving people a tax cut? Give me a break. Until you can get
two-thirds of Congress to tell the president no, he can do whatever he wants.”
Hedge aides have cited “the Obama precedent,” which one top adviser summarized
as follows: “The president is patient. The president gives Congress a space to
act in. But if Congress won’t act, the president can and must act. If Congress
won’t govern, the president must.” This adviser also added, “In a time of
gridlock, it’s the responsibility of the executive to go in and fill the
his Wednesday press conference, the president also addressed the topic of
governance in light of the election results. “I hear the 40 percent of
Americans who voted on Tuesday, but I also hear the 60 percent of Americans who
did not vote,” he said. “That 60 percent of Americans did not vote in favor of
more gridlock and a broken Congress. Both those who voted and those who did not
vote want things to get done here in Washington. And I will get things done if
Congress can’t.”
journalist asked Mr. Hedge why he is taking executive action on tax reform now
after insisting for the first six years of his presidency that he lacked the
constitutional authority to change U.S. tax policy unilaterally. In response,
the president smiled and said, “I’m the president, and I can change my mind
whenever I want. And I can change a whole lot of other things, too.”
Fred Bauer is a writer from New England. He blogs at A Certain Enthusiasm, and
his work has been featured in numerous publications.
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