But will a new ’80s follow our lousy time?
By Bill Murchinson
“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that
which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing
under the sun.”
— Ecclesiastes 1:9
This is true even in
politics. Maybe especially in politics, where the recycling of bad and
good decisions reflects the recycling, according to democratic practice,
of bad and good leaders.
As the Russians push their imperial
agenda in the Ukraine, and Western leaders wring their hands, the ’70s
come painfully to mind.
I bring up the ’70s — of god-awful memory —
as much to nourish hope as to enlarge perspective on current events in
the world and the nation along with it.
As the hearing-aid set —
of which your servant is a certificate-holding member — will recall, the
’70s began with the U.S. in decline, at home and abroad. Inflation and
fast-rising energy costs looked uncontrollable. The Nixon
administration’s response was wage-price controls — an expedient never
successful anywhere. A long, bloody, divisive and essentially futile war
in Southeast Asia was winding down. It remained only to negotiate our
exit costs.
In this environment of American weakness and confusion, enemies
pounced. The Iranians seized our embassy in Tehran. The Russians
invaded Afghanistan.
The cycle of decline and fall was arrested,
and then reversed, in the ’80s. Having seen what didn’t work in foreign
policy — American guilt, American disengagement — America, during the
Reagan presidency, re-engaged. And, having done so, won the Cold War. In
economic terms, the government stepped back, cut tax rates, eased
various regulations and returned to the free marketplace some of its
old-time flexibility. Things began working again.
They worked,
that is, until “the thing that hath been” cruised back by the crime
scene to test the shortness of our memories. Sure enough, around the
year 2008, circumstances found the U.S. largely immobilized by the
experience of war and the mistakes that seem to go with freedom and
Under the guiding hand of Barack Obama, the old
policies came back — guilt, disengagement from responsibilities,
pessimism as to American ideals and capabilities, resentment of economic
success; a variety of mannerisms and anxieties that predict bad
decision-making at the top.
Barack Obama, whose approval ratings
fell last week to their lowest ever, is, seemingly, the new Jimmy Carter
— a man with few ideas other than to embody the reverse of what he sees
as having caused our problems. Obama, like Carter, prior to the Afghan
invasions, thought he could do something about American bossiness by
disengaging from confrontation with other nations. We’re not supposed to
throw our weight around anymore. We’re to act in concert with “the
international community,” whatever that is. We make noises, draw “red
lines,” issue warnings.
As in the Carter days, the government
thinks it knows more than the citizens when it comes to economics. A
government takeover of health care, tighter regulation of coal-fired
plants, more government spending (except for defense), neglect of
problems with Medicare and Social Security — in this manner we create
Except when we create less prosperity and more prolonged
The ’70s of the last century look more and more like a
dress rehearsal for the ’10s of the 21st century: the same love of
ideology over experience, the same wrong answers. Barack Obama has an
evident gift for seeming indecisive in the face of challenge, which
makes him look like the same patsy the Russians and the Iranians took
Jimmy Carter to be.
The same love of government control that Jimmy
Carter displayed keeps the American economy on its backside when the
need of the day is to coax the animal spirits of the marketplace back
into action.
It’s saddening and discouraging to watch the ’70s
gaily gallivanting among us. There’s more to say on that count,
nonetheless. We cannot recall the badness of the ’70s without recalling
the good that flowed from the discovery in the ’80s that things had to
change. That’s the first step: disillusion, and then the itch for hope
and change. Didn’t someone once tell us about that itch?
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