"Auschwitz meant that six million Jews were killed, and thrown on the waste-heap of Europe, for what they were considered: money-Jews. Finance capital and the banks, the hard core of the system of imperialism and capitalism, had turned the hatred of men against money and exploitation, and against the Jews. . . . Antisemitism is really a hatred of capitalism."
- Ulrike Meinhof, a left-wing German terrorist of the 1970s
In the Middle Ages, there was a myth that Jews needed to use the blood of Christian children in their rituals for the celebration of Passover. The Nazis revived this ancient blood libel. |
I mean this quite sincerely: There are hundreds of millions of Muslims that share the same hopes and dreams for themselves and their children that Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists, etc., have. We know this. Unfortunately, there is a very sinister element in the Islamic world whether on the “Muslim Street” in Tehran or Oslo.

Following the Oslo terrorist bombing and shootings, Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg was quoted as saying: “No one will bomb us to silence. No one will shoot us to silence. No one will ever scare us away from being Norway.”
Islamists* really do want a Caliphate. Islamists really do want to kill all Jews. Islamists really do want the conversion of the West or its destruction. None of this is hysterics on my part.
Palestinian TV uses "crematorium" to show how Jews cook Palestinian "children" in ovens |
Norway's friend, Mahmoud Abbas’ and his Palestinian Authority, routinely airs programming that tells children that Jews use Palestinian blood for cookies, steal Palestinian organs and sell them, cook Palestinians in ovens and that there was no Holocaust.
"These textbooks do not give Palestinian children an education; they give them an indoctrination. This propaganda is dangerous. You know, words really matter…Because in idealising for children a world without Israel, children are taught never to accept the reality of the State of Israel, never to strive for a better future that would hold out the promise of peace and security to them, and is basically a message of pessimism and fatalism that undermines the possibility for these children living lives of fulfillment and productivity.” - Senator Hillary Clinton, 2007
Sadly, many on the Left (and even some on the Right like Bill Kristol) are being played by the Arab Spring like Jimmy Carter was played by the Ayatollah Khomeini. When the “professional class” was in the throes of ecstasy as Egypt overthrew the dictator Mubarak, there were those of us that warned that the Muslim Brotherhood was using the student democracy movement. We have been proven correct. Islamists love Useful Idiots…just like Hitler and Stalin did…and the world has an abundant supply. Today, alongside your Islamists friends, you may scream that “Israelis are Nazis!” and “Jewish bankers are responsible for the precarious economy,” but tomorrow, if they are successful, you will learn what the terms “dhimmitude” and “jizyah” mean.
Norway may be a tolerant and diverse society where multiculturalism is joyously embraced and there is a melding of ancient Norse culture with Islamic traditions, but if you are a Jew, you are not welcome….well, at least…not as welcome as Muslims.
Following the Oslo terrorist bombing and shootings, Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg was quoted as saying: “No one will bomb us to silence. No one will shoot us to silence. No one will ever scare us away from being Norway.”
Perhaps, it would be wise of Norwegians to decide if "Being Norway" means continuing their anti-Semitism. If so, then returning to "Being Norway" would compound the tragedy.
* I do NOT use the word "Islamist" interchangeably with Muslim.
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