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06 July 2011

Predictable History & Unpredictable Past: The He Went Dataway Edition

Churchill once said, "Russia is a country with an unpredictable past." I can't help but think that he would say today, “The Democratic Party is a party with an unpredictable past and a predictable history.”

The virtue of patience sits heavily upon the mantle of those cursed with the task of writing about actual historical events for, paraphrasing Churchill again, history is kind to Liberals because they write it.

To understand the enormity and complexity of this exercise, one must first realise that to study an event of yesterday and a Liberal’s role in it, one must almost solely look forward and then bide her time until the future is the past and the unforeseen known. Only when the future becomes the past will the actions or inertia, thoughts or emotions, positions or theories, analyses or suppositions taken by Liberals today or yesterday or a decade ago be “known” regardless of how many press conferences you have watched with your very own eyes.

Liberals will write…and rewrite…and edit, if necessary…history in a manner that dictates that the past must be changed to protect the guilty, praise the incompetent, transfer blame to the mostly inculpable and smear the innocent all while proclaiming dissent is the highest form of patriotism except when dissent is expressed by anyone, who isn’t a Liberal.

Republicans love Wall Street—oh look, Wall Street made historic campaign contributions to Obama; "Nevermind," said Emily Litella.

Republicans love Big Oil like BP – if you say anything about BP being a big Obama campaign donor, the bogeyman is gonna git ya!

Republicans are in the back pockets of Big Pharma – Of course Obama had to cut a deal with Big Pharma, you silly goose! How else could he have gotten their support for his “How to Bankrupt America and Kill Granny” legislation?

Jane Fonda said, "We understand that Nixon's aggression against Vietnam is a racist aggression, that the American war in Vietnam is a racist war, a white man's war... We deplore that you are being used as cannon fodder for U.S. imperialism." Just ignore the fact that JFK started the war. LBJ sent in hundreds of thousands of grounds troops. Nixon ended the war. Ford removed the last soldiers and personnel. Meanwhile, back at the Potomac Swamp, the Democrats were defunding the war at the same time that hundreds of thousands of Americans were in the jungles of Southeast Asia fighting for their lives. But, keep your eye on the shell that says. “Keep your eye on me and disregard the other shells. The shell that you are to look at is meant to be a diversion” and remember that Vietnam was a Republican War.

Republicans hate the poor because they’re trying to block government policies promoting easy mortgages.… Oops, I wonder why the housing market collapsed in 2006, the financial crisis occurred in 2008, and the economy tanked, but James Johnson and Franklin Raines both made over 100 million dollars, have office space free-of-charge at the Watergate paid for by Fannie Mae, chauffeurs for themselves and their wives gratis, and million dollar pension THROUGH FRAUD AND NEARLY BROUGHT DOWN THE AMERICAN ECONOMY WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF THEIR CHUMS AND BUDDIES IN CONGRESS.

“No, no, no, it’s because Bush drove it into a ditch!” It was certainly not because Carter pushed the Community Reinvestment Act nor because Clinton pushed public-private partnerships and his Homeownership Strategy nor because Andrew Cuomo, while Secretary of HUD, announced that he had transformed the agency into an affirmative action programme nor because Janet Reno and Eric Holder threatened to sue banks for redlining nor because the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston put out a bogus study that fraudulently alleged that banks were engaging in discrimination nor because James Johnson and Franklin Raines fought off oversight of Fannie Mae while committing fraud and raking in hundreds of millions of dollars. Look over there! It’s a UFO piloted by two aliens. Nah. It's just Nancy Pelosi and Barney Frank on a broom made for two!

Enron collapsed and Paul Krugman says it’s Bush’s fault, but Krugman was paid by Enron and Bush wasn’t. Didn't Gore bring Kenny Boy to the White House to discuss, develop and plan the implementation of cap-n-trade long before Bush entered the White House? By the way, have you noticed how toned the First Lady's biceps are lately?

Rachel Carson and environmentalists lied about DDT and tens of millions of black Africans died. Bush lied! Kids died! … Obama lied about "days, not weeks", men, women, and children in Libya have died and he has armed terrorists, who will kill innocents. Obama lied about the stimulus and the economy died. But, wait! Did you catch Harry Reid’s impersonation of the painting “American Gothic”? Hysterical, I tell you.

“Bush’s tax cuts ‘for the wealthy’ caused the deficits and the Great Recession.” Weren’t they across-the-board tax cuts? Didn’t revenues to the treasury increase by 21.16% during his administration? And, wasn’t his second smallest deficit of 163 billion in 2007? And, isn’t it true that, before any Bush tax cuts, 27.2% of Americans did not pay Federal income taxes, but by 2007 (pre-recession) 38% of Americans had been relieved of their “patriotic duty to have some skin in the game” (h/t Biden) and 49% in 2008? It's a bird! It's a plane! It’s GeithnerGnome!

Oil prices went up under Bush—it’s his fault—he’s an oilman! Oh, but then oil prices went down under Bush.… Hey, look over there! I spy a blue VW with a Colorado licence plate!

The current top marginal tax rate is the lowest in more than 50 years, according to Obama….well, only if the you FORGET “THE GIPPER,” THE TAX REFORM ACT OF 1986, AND FORGET THAT THE TOP MARGINAL TAX RATE WHEN “THE GIPPER” LEFT OFFICE WAS 28%. Let’s not quibble. Let’s talk about something really important: Thin crust or hand-tossed? Coke or Pepsi?

The total tax revenue as a fraction of GDP since 1950 averages 16.9%. In FY2001, the fraction was 19.37%. In FY2002, the fraction was 17.41%. In FY2003, the fraction was 16.01%. In FY2004, the fraction was 16.84%. In FY2005, the fraction was 17.31%. In FY2006, the fraction was 18.23%. In FY2007, the fraction was 18.74%. In FY2008, the fraction was 17.48%. In FY2009, the fraction was 14.91%. In other words, look at the pretty ducks and ignore the fact that, BEFORE THE RECESSION AND WHEN OBAMA STARTED SPENDING THE STIMULUS, ONLY ONE OF BUSH’S YEARS FELL BELOW THE AVERAGE.

“Bush is a deregulator. Democrats believe in regulations.” Clinton deregulated Wall Street. He began gunning for Glass-Steagall Act as far back as 14-15 December 1992 at the Clinton-Gore Economic Conference in Little Rock, Arkansas, overruled the suggestions about regulating derivatives made by his own CFTC chair, Brooksley Born, and signed the Financial Services Modernisation Act of 1999 repealing Glass-Steagall. Of course, George W. Bush added more than 70,000 new regulations to the CFR and signed Sarbox into law, which increased regulations on Wall Street. Clinton deregulates Wall Street. Bush regulates Wall Street. But, Bush is the deregulator of Wall Street. Go figure.

In other words, “We didn’t do it. Boooosh did it and he went dataway!”

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