Matthew Continetti
peculiar has happened. As I write, none of the Republican candidates for Senate
has become a public embarrassment. On the contrary: For the first time in a
decade, it is the Democratic candidates, not the Republican ones, who are
fodder for late-night comics. That the Democrats are committing gaffes and
causing scandals at a higher rate than Republicans not only may be decisive in
the battle for the Senate. It could signal a change in our politics at large.
at any given moment, one of the Republican candidates could say something
stupid, could be revealed to be unethical, could act like an idiot. These are
human beings we are talking about. There is a little more than two weeks to go
before Election Day—plenty of time for Republicans to screw it up. But the fact
that the GOP field has come so far without committing unforced errors is news
in itself.
2006, when Republican Senator George Allen of Virginia referred to an
Indian-American Democratic tracker as “Macaca,” GOP candidates have found ways
to provoke, to offend, to annoy, to spawn unpleasant narratives, to let
themselves become the story. In 2014, though, the Macaca moments aren’t coming
from Republicans. They are coming from Democrats.

The U. S. Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, has removed the name of U.S. Senator John Walsh (D-MT) from a plaque honouring graduates of the prestigious military institution.
Montana, Senator John Walsh bowed out after he was exposed as a plagiarist. His
replacement: avowed “punktuator” and socialist Amanda Curtis.

Amanda Curtis, the Democratic nominee to replace Max Baucus John Walsh, the plagiarist, at the memorial of fellow Wobblie, Frank Little, whose epitaph reads: ‘Slain by the capitalist interest for organizing and inspiring his fellow men.’
In Kentucky,
Alison Lundergan Grimes won’t reveal her presidential vote, citing—I am not
making this up—the constitutional right to privacy (maybe what she had in mind
was her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination).

But, Ally still supports card check. You know, princesses and peons or something.
In Colorado, Mark
Udall’s pro-abortion strategy is so tone-deaf, so extreme, that the press has
dubbed him “Mark Uterus.”
In Louisiana, Mary Landrieu is saddled with charges of taking improper charter flights, and of claiming her parents’ home as her own, raising questions of residency.
In Arkansas, Mark Pryor couldn’t give an answer when a reporter asked if he approved of the president’s handling of the Ebola crisis.
In Alaska, Mark Begich had to pull a scurrilous attack ad.
In New Hampshire, Jeanne Shaheen is outraged by a Washington Free Beacon story revealing her involvement in a business that sold stolen goods.

'Rather than run on his record, Udall's campaign has devoted a shocking amount of energy and money trying to convince voters that Gardner seeks to outlaw birth control despite the congressman's call for over-the-counter sales of contraceptives. Udall is trying to frighten voters rather than inspire them with a hopeful vision. His obnoxious one-issue campaign is an insult to those he seeks to convince.'
- Denver Post, Cory Gardner for U.S. Senate, 10 October 2014
In Louisiana, Mary Landrieu is saddled with charges of taking improper charter flights, and of claiming her parents’ home as her own, raising questions of residency.

In Arkansas, Mark Pryor couldn’t give an answer when a reporter asked if he approved of the president’s handling of the Ebola crisis.
Sen. Mark Pryor Vs. Miss Teen South Carolina
In Alaska, Mark Begich had to pull a scurrilous attack ad.

In New Hampshire, Jeanne Shaheen is outraged by a Washington Free Beacon story revealing her involvement in a business that sold stolen goods.

'In 1969, Shaheen and her husband, Bill, cofounded and had a stake in “Bill & Bob’s—A Sterling Example,” a shop with locations in both New Hampshire and Maine that sold used jewelry, silver, and leather items. The business was co-owned by Bill Shaheen’s brother-in-law, future state senator Bob Fennelly.
In 1980, police executed a search warrant at the Maine Bill and Bob’s location in connection to an investigation of a burglary ring that authorities said had stolen up to $200,000 of property from 27 residences.'
- Dem Senator’s Small Business Experience Was Co-Running Store that Sold Stolen Goods, The Washington Free Beacon, 14 September 2014
Bruce Braley of Iowa is in a category all his own. His classless remark about
longtime Senator Chuck Grassley being a farmer had such an impact that months
later, when Braley said at a debate that his first call as senator would be to
the Iowa Republican, the audience burst into laughter. Then there is the story
of how Braley threatened a neighbor with a lawsuit over her pet chicken. It
revealed him to the world as Congressman Schmuck.

chicken is illustrative. It shows how candidate skills can be the key factor in
a race. On one level, 2014 resembles 2010. The country is pretty much evenly
divided between Democrats and Republicans. President Obama is unpopular, the
economy is improving but only the rich are really feeling it, and Republicans
have a lead in the generic ballot.
difference? The Republican candidates are of much higher quality. After years
of running Foleys and Akins, the GOP has marshaled an impressive slate of
Senate prospects: McConnell, Gardner, Cassidy, Cotton, Sullivan, Brown, and
Ernst have waged slick campaigns with few mistakes. In 2010, the Republicans
fielded lightweights Sharron Angle and Ken Buck and “I’m Not a Witch”
O’Donnell. It cost them the Senate. Chickens played a role in Sue Lowden losing
the Republican Senate nod to Angle, helping deny the party Harry Reid’s seat.
Four years later, they may play a similar part in Bruce Braley’s undoing.
this year may be less like 2010 than 2006. The varnish of power, of legitimacy,
of seriousness is wearing off the incumbent party. It is not only that we are
in the sixth year of a two-term presidency. It is also because the grand dreams
of the president’s reelection—the major reforms, the gains in House and Senate
seats, the talk of enduring majorities—are no longer tenable. The president’s
approval rating is cratering; voter frustration and anger is mounting; the
party of government is presiding over a time of government failure and
condition of the world and of America is awful and getting worse. Putin, Assad,
the Islamic State, Ebola, Libya, child refugees on the border, war on the
police in Ferguson, Iran, head-choppers in Oklahoma, market crash, the IRS, the
VA, the DOJ—all this, and president is ready to amnesty illegal immigrants and
empty Guantanamo Bay.
liberal agenda is stagnant. Liberal discourse is insular, sophomoric, divorced
from everyday life. What liberals say about race and gender and climate change
is designed not to persuade the unconvinced but to rally the base. MSNBC is
imploding. Vox.com is a laughingstock. The New Republic, now a hedge fund, is running
articles calling for revolution against straight, white, and middle-class men.
Have they looked at their masthead?
Democrats are in danger of entering a period of caricature and jest similar to
what the GOP has so long endured. The onset is sudden. One minute you are on
top: proud, exultant, vindicated, and rather vindictive. You feel invincible.
You can’t lose.
without warning, the wheel of fortune turns. Your armor of confidence is ripped
away. Loss becomes not a possibility but a reality. A few moments ago you were
boastful, demanding, serious. Now you are a joke. And once you become a joke,
it is difficult to persuade others to stop laughing.
is plenty of time for Republicans to have a Macaca moment. But right now, as of
October 17, 2014, the Republican Senate candidates have performed better than
they have in years. For the moment, today, as you read this, the Democratic
candidates are the jokes.
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