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13 April 2012

Sky Rocket: All of the Above. None From Below.

Sky Rocket Gasoline:

  All of the Above.  None From Below.


JTGA said...


What a way to start off a Saturday morning! The ONLY reason I did not hurt myself laughing was when the stark TRUTH of it hit me! All-in laughter & pissed-off-edness at the same time!

When lib/progs are wailing about the poor polar bears, whatever happened to the "Save the baby seals" uproar from years gone by? I guess it's only when it's PEOPLE taking out the poor baby seals that it's unacceptable, but if you are a polar bear, have at it. Just more lib hypocricy I suppose....

James Butler said...


"Specially formulated by Eco-Marxists to force you toward the fantasy world of green energy."

James Butler said...

Here is the song for one of your blogs..
But perhaps it fits this one well...

the Love with "The ring o fire..."