President Barack Obama meets with, from left: Kathryn Ruemmler, Lisa Monaco, and Susan E. Rice (White House Flickr photo by Pete Souza)
Chronic bungling by DOJ officials who have the President's ear.
As Ninth Circuit Chief Judge Alex Kozinski has written, prosecutorial
misconduct has become “an epidemic.” And evidence has come to light
that our president, the nation’s chief law enforcement official, seeks
his counsel from the worst.
If ever a picture was worth a thousand words, it is a recently
released White House photo of President Obama and his muses—if one only
knew the truth behind those muses whispering in the President’s ear as
they strategized in the aftermath of the Benghazi tragedy. To understand
the (politely-put) “lack of transparency” from the White House, the
enormous politicization of the Department of Justice, the release of
Taliban leaders from Guantanamo, refusal to cooperate with congressional
investigations, the IRS’s harassment of political opponents, and the
cover-up of Benghazi, read on.
President Obama’s right-hand woman Kathryn Ruemmler, conveniently
seated to his right, was his longest serving White House Counsel and
remains one of his closest and most trusted advisors. When Mr. Obama
selected Ms. Ruemmler to advise him on the most important legal matters,
including the selection of federal judges, responses—actually
oppositions—to congressional investigations, assertions of executive
privilege and expansive executive orders, Mr. Obama said she “was an
outstanding lawyer with impeccable judgment.” The press reported that
Jamie Gorelick said Ms. Ruemmler knew “the traditions and values of the
Upon her recent departure, the President said he “deeply valued her
smarts, her wit, her impeccable judgment — but most importantly her
uncanny ability to see around the corners that nobody else in the room
anticipates.” More aptly put, she had an uncanny and nefarious ability
to circumvent the rule of law by cutting those aforementioned corners.
Ms. Ruemmler returned as a Partner to the prominent international law
firm Latham & Watkins, where she has sheltered intermittently
between stints in the Department and the White House.
If you were feeling some sense of relief that Ms. Ruemmler is no
longer in the White House, let that be fleeting. Obama also said that he
“will continue to seek her counsel, and most of all, I am proud to call
her a close friend.”
Disturbingly, evidence has surfaced that the President Obama’s close
friend and senior advisor violated her oath “to protect and defend the
Constitution of the United States,” the rules of legal ethics, not to
mention the law. As a senior member of the Enron Task Force, Ms.
Ruemmler prosecuted four Merrill Lynch executives and sent them to
prison on an indictment that was “fatally flawed.” The conduct the
prosecutors alleged was not criminal. At the same time, she deliberately
hid exculpatory evidence—that is, evidence she was constitutionally
compelled to hand over to the defense. Indeed, the prosecutors not only
acknowledge the evidence as exculpatory, they yellow-highlighted it as
such—then buried it.
Not only did Ms. Ruemmler hide the evidence she had identified as
crucial to the defense, but she signed the false and misleading
“disclosure letter” to defense counsel. Ms. Ruemmler then elicited
hearsay testimony from witnesses that was directly contradicted by the
first-hand evidence she and her Task Force hid. She capitalized on and
compounded the injustice, repeatedly telling the court and jury “facts”
that were directly refuted by the evidence she hid.
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ultimately reversed 12 out of 14
counts of conviction against the executives, acquitting one entirely.
All the defendants were released, after having spent up to a year in
prison on a sham indictment, while Ms. Ruemmler and her cronies
continued both to hide the evidence that defeated the government’s case
and to demand that the Merrill executives be prosecuted a second time on
the same indictment.
Mr. Obama’s second muse, directly to his left in the photo, is Lisa
Monaco—probably just a coincidence that she’s a close, longtime friend
of Ms. Ruemmler—who also served on the elite Enron Task Force. Ms.
Monaco was implicated in the prosecutorial misconduct that infected the
Enron Broadband case prosecution. Houston Judge Vanessa Gilmore was
irate with the prosecutors. They elicited false testimony from a
government witness, threatened witnesses for the defense with indictment
if they testified, and used evidence already ruled inadmissible. The
Broadband jury wised up. It hung on some counts and acquitted the
defendants on others. Of course, the prosecutors demanded a second
trial. Drunk on unlimited taxpayer resources, they continued fighting to
keep the evidence hidden and protect the ascension of the cabal.
Obama chose Ms. Monaco to be his Counter-Terrorism advisor. Was that
because of Ms. Monaco’s experience with the “terror of a prosecutor”
Leslie Caldwell, also from the Enron Task Force, who now heads the
Criminal Division of the Department of Justice? Ms. Caldwell spearheaded
the destruction of Arthur Andersen LLP and its 85,000 jobs only to be
reversed 9-0 by the Supreme Court because of the flawed indictment and
the absence of criminal intent.
Or was Ms. Monaco chosen because of her illustrious rise in the
Department of Justice following her Task Force stint? And there was also
her close connection with the FBI, where she had served as Director
Mueller’s chief of staff, apparently while Enron Task Force Director
Andrew Weissmann (who helped Caldwell destroy Andersen) also served as
special counsel to Mr. Mueller. Mr. Weissmann later became General
Counsel for the FBI in 2011 while Ms. Monaco was heading the
Department’s national security division.
It leaves one to wonder why the former Enron Task Force cabal
dominates the president’s inner circle? All of their trials were tainted
with Supreme Court and appellate reversals, outrageous abuses of
government power, a plethora of prosecutorial misconduct, and even
guilty pleas had to be withdrawn because of their over-reaching.
All the President’s muses could learn something from All the President’s Men:
“Nothing’s riding on this except, uh, the first amendment to the
Constitution, freedom of the press, and maybe the future of the
The picture is rounded out, shall we say, by the presence of yet
another Obama muse: Susan Rice. She was not on the Enron Task Force, but
is, as George F. Will politely described it in the Washington Post,
“accident-prone.” Individually or combined, their disregard for truth,
for individual rights and liberties, their willingness to hide evidence
and intimidate witnesses, and their contempt of Congress and for the
Rule of Law, is staggering. Bowe Bergdahl, the Taliban leader-release,
and the Benghazi cover-up are but a mere sampling of the corruption.
Perhaps the President would “rather laugh with the sinners than cry with
saints,” perhaps his muses are much more fun, but where does that leave
the rest of us?
Attorney General Robert H. Jackson once said, “The prosecutor has
more control over life, liberty, and reputation than any other person in
America. His discretion is tremendous. . . .While the prosecutor at his
best is one of the most beneficent forces in our society, when he acts
from malice or other base motives, he is one of the worst.” A prosecutor
has almost unilateral, unchecked ability to destroy the lives of those
he charges. It is beyond troubling that our top law enforcement officer
chooses the company of those who repeatedly failed their duty.
Sidney Powell worked in the Department ofJustice for 10 years and was lead counsel in more than 500 federal appeals. She is the author of Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice.
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