04 April 2015

#FabulousFascists To #MemoriesPizza: Donate That Money To #LGBT Causes!

Consider this your 'Trigger Warning'

LOLZ, you can't make this shit up!

As we approach Easter Sunday, we’re calling on you, O’Connor family, to do what Jesus H. Christ asks of all true Christians and share your blessings with others by donating the nearly three quarters of a million dollars raised on your behalf to charity. 
On the eve of such an important Christian holiday, we would be remiss not to remind you of the greatest commandment Jesus taught us: “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” (Matthew 22:39). Mr. O’Connor, you said yourself in an interview with the Daily Beast that you “don’t have a problem with gay people.” We implore you to put your money where your mouth is, and donate all the funds — every penny — to a human rights or pro-LGBT organization in your area. (Perhaps this handy map of LGBT organizations across America published by the American Family Association will help you locate one.) 
As today is Good Friday, we also find it pertinent to point out that your accepting this money for yourselves would be in line with Judas’s accepting silver to betray Jesus Christ. God bless. 
Your friends at Queerty

Jesus H Christ is right!

It's like: 'Yes, I killed my parents and your entire family, but you should feel sorry for me and give me all of the donations that you've received because I'm an orphan on death row! And don't forget the insurance proceeds either.'

At this point, I wouldn't care if the O'Connors took the money and blew it all on coke and shots of tequila at El Squid Roe in Cabo.


There is some weapons-grade, industrial-sized BUTTHURT going on...

...and, it's the most bloody beautiful thing that I have witnessed in aeons. 

The Left needs to stock up on some ButtButter.

Related Reading: You Lost Me At...#MemoriesPizza


I can't wait for the #FabulousFascists from the Westboro Tolerance Church to start holding signs that say: 

'God Hates Christians' 

I have a friend working on a pic modelled after those carried by the loons from the Westboro 'Baptist' Church for me. Maybe from the Gay Pride Parade in the Castro District? Snicker.

03 April 2015

You Lost Me At...#MemoriesPizza

A truly Righteous Rant by my friend, Dread Pirate Cates:


For years, I have supported LGBTers and fought for them, including having to withstand the inundation of claims that I was naive by many of my friends on the Right. In many respects, they were right.  After the last two weeks, I must say that I've had it...and, as an Atheist, this isn't about my religious sensitivities or 'sincerely-held beliefs.'

'You can still support them. Just call out the radicals trying to grab all the attention with stunts like this.'

- Dread Pirate Cates

LGBTs run the gamut like any other group. We can't lay the extremism of some on all of them as difficult as it may be.

- Brad The Impaler @BEBolly71

True, but they need to corral their Fascists. Until then...


!If they can't stand up for the rights of believers - and, like I said, I'm not one - then why the hell should I stand up for them?

I mean, here's the deal: Are there some Christians that would support jailing or killing gays? Yes, a very small minority, but do the O'Connors seem like those kind of people? Hell no. If the Tolerant Left weren't Fascists, they'd have just said something like 'Bless their hearts' and moved on.

For the record, I actually know some atheists that would support jailing or killing gays. They also support insane things like 'government-installed bedroom cams'.  They're nuts.

If you needed any more proof that this isn't about gay rights and discrimination, consider the crickets that you hear from the Left about this, which goes quite well along with my Great News, LGBTers! Muslims To Outnumber Christians In 50 Years! post from yesterday:

I mean, sure, it is much easier to descend upon a couple of placid Christians in the middle of Indiana and set out to destroy them over a ThoughtCrime (Crystal O'Connor merely offered her opinion on a hypothetical. Even though she has had the right for the entirety of the 9 years she and her husband have been in business to REFUSE TO SERVE gay people for ANY REASON because sexual orientation hasn't been a protected class under Indiana state law, she hasn't nor has her business ever been asked to provide pizzas for a gay wedding) than it is a couple of Muslims in Dearbornistan that may cut your head off because you blasphemed their Prophet Mohammed, Peace Be Upon Him, in some cartoon.

Seriously, peeps, you certainly prove your fearlessness and courageousness by picking on the people, who turn the other cheek, instead of those that will tell you to turn the other cheek so that they can finish separating your head from your Atlas-like shoulders. Not.

You see, we understand what you are trying to do. You want to take away the power that you perceive white Christians have because they are the oppressors and give it to the oppressed. It's a power grab. As long as you can enlist the support of minority groups that may not share your extreme beliefs, you'll put up with their discrimination of women, gays, other religious or non-religious groups, etc, but, my dear, eventually they will have the power.

And, how is that going to work our for ya?

You see, dudes, criticising Islamic countries for their treatment of gays, women, liberal bloggers, etc, is criticising Islam because their constitutions are based on Islamic law. Thus, if you criticise them because they execute gays, which is permitted under their constitutions - which are, again, based on Islamic law - YOU. ARE. AN. ISLAMOPHOBE. because you are criticising Islam!

Upset? Feel disabused? Think that you've fallen down a civil rights and social justice rabbit hole?

Then, welcome to the club, pal!  My heart's BLEEDING for ya!

Salon wrote, after Memories Pizza was forced to close due to death threats, that it was 'Getting Exactly What It Deserved'.

I doubt this was what they had in mind (at 4:39 PM):

The Left is soooo BUTTHURT there are now Memories Pizza Troofers!


PS: Yes, of course, I know that not all LGBTers are fanatical, insane Fascists.  There are some like this lady:

She's fantastic. So is Tammy Bruce

But, here's my problem: It's getting harder and harder to be civil and take a 'Can't we all get along?' - 'Live and let live' approach when the other side, the victors so far in this Cultural Revolution, are not content to do either and are now shooting the wounded on the battlefield.  'Torture' for confessed enemies of America is bad, but complete annihilation of fellow Americans, who merely hold different views, is fine with this crew.

I'm struggling here.

I often say:

Islam is the Religion of Peace...and some Muslims will kill you to prove it.

Now, we're moving into:

The American Left is peaceful and tolerant...and some of them will seek to destroy, bankrupt, burn, and kill you to prove it.

Frankly, the Left has a lot in common with the Fascist theocracies they pretend to loathe. Well, you know, Fascist theocracies that aren't America 'cuz, like, um, ya know, the conservatives and libertarians in the United States are like the Islamic State and the Taliban or something.

I can't wait for the steel-cage match between the Westboro 'Baptist' Church and the Westboro 'Tolerance' Church!

Related Reading: #FabulousFascists To #MemoriesPizza: Donate That Money To #LGBT Causes!

02 April 2015

In This Cultural Revolution, Everyone Will Be Required To Wear Mao Straight Jackets

...And, they'll like it or off to the reeducation camps and gulags!

After the 18 August rally, the Cultural Revolution Group directed the Red Guards to attack the ‘Four Olds‘ of Chinese society (old customs, old culture, old habits and old ideas). For the rest of the year, Red Guards marched across China in a campaign to eradicate the ‘Four Olds’.

Interesting take from Ace...

My response:

True story:

A couple of weeks ago, I went into a small market and went to pay for some milk. The guy behind the register said that the milk that I wanted to purchase was halal and available for Muslim customers only. Fine. No problem. I wasn't looking specifically for Halal milk. I mistakenly picked it up. Did I get angry and start screaming about discrimination? No, I did not. I just purchased Infidel Milk and left.

Why? Because I am not some bloody insane person that is so sensitive to 'intolerance' or whatever that I fucking demand that 'In this Cultural Revolution, everyone must don Mao Straight Jackets!'..and that the government punish anyone who doesn't fall in line with the latest orthodoxy.

Great News, LGBTers! Muslims To Outnumber Christians In 50 Years!

'Welcome to the Tehran Pizza Hut!'
- Dave Burge a/k/a Iowahawk

All pizzas to be made using nuclear power in the near future!

New report:

That should work out well for 'Queer Jesus' followers and their gay friends when they go to a Muslim pizza joint and demand the owners cater their weddings!

New Rasmussen poll: 70% agree that a Christian should have to the right to refuse a service that violates his religious beliefs.

Because Rasmussen Reports won't likely be in existence during the Next Nirvana where the world is Muslim-Majority, we'll look into the Zogby crystal ball:

New Zogby Poll in April 2065: 70% agree that a Muslim should have the right to rip out his trusty-rusty scimitar and saw off the head of any person that insults the Prophet Mohammed, May Peace Be Upon Him, or a homosexual that demands a Muslim photographer work his gay wedding.

But, hey!, at least you won't have that many Christians to kick around and out of business anymore! 


LGBTers, don't say you weren't warned...

#Stonewall (pun intended) from private Islamic school that receives $6 million in taxpayer funds per year:

01 April 2015

That's Not Amore - Any Way You Slice It!

When the moon hits you eye like a big pizza pie That's amore (That's amore) 
When the world seems to shine like you've had too much wine That's amore (That's amore) 
Bells will ring ting-a-ling-a-ling, ting-a-ling-a-ling 
And you'll sing "Vita bella" (Vita bell- Vita bella) 
Hearts will play tippy-tippy-tay, tippy-tippy-tay 
Like a gay tarantella (lucky fella)

'These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered.'

- Thomas Paine, The American Crisis

Unlike race, religion, gender, and national origin, sexual orientation has NEVER been a protected class under Indiana state law. Never. 

The RFRA doesn't change that. 

Regarding this Indiana pizzeria brouhaha, both sides are wrong. First, the owners are incorrect in claiming that the RFRA gives them the 'right' to refuse to cater a gay wedding. They are incorrect. Apparently, they've always had that right. Second, the other side also seemingly believes that the pizzeria can now do something that it could not before the RFRA. Again, apparently, that is also incorrect since sexual discrimination has never been a protected class (I am assuming that, since the establishment is (supposedly) in a rural area, there isn't a local ordinance that confers protected status based on sexual orientation). It is impossible to take away a 'protection against discrimination' that was never in existence. 

In other words, this pizza establishment has NEVER had to cater a gay wedding...unless the local law prohibits discrimination based upon sexual orientation. Considering the business is evidently in a rural area, I doubt that is the case. 

This was the law before RFRA...and remains the law now. Yet, rather than addressing the lack of protected status for sexual orientation, the Left is going nuts over religious freedom.

As it stands, it would be illegal - and a cause of action - for the pizzeria to refuse to serve blacks (race), Muslims (religion), women (gender), and Irish (national origin). It would not be illegal or a cause of action, under current law, for the establishment to refuse to serve gays -- at least, that is what I have been able to determine after reading existing law. 

Now, it is one thing to have the 'right' to discriminate. It's another to actually discriminate. This is not unlike having the First Amendment right to parade through Skokie in your Neo-Nazi uniform while screaming despicable things. One might have that right. One should also think twice. It is hateful and tends to harm the actor more than anyone else. Do I think a business should refuse to serve gays? No. Do I think that a business should be able to refuse to participate in an event - any event? Yeah, pretty much. Let the free market reign. If you disagree with a business, don't frequent it. If enough people agree with you, that business will soon be history anyway. Why seek to have the government FORCE it to do something?  Do we really want to force printing companies owned by gays to make signs for the Westboro Baptist Church?  Really?

As it pertains to Indiana, it seems to me that, if the LGBT community were really concerned about discrimination, rather than focusing on a RFRA that changes nothing for them, they would be seeking to make sexual orientation and gender identity protected classes under Indiana state law. What really gets me about this whole Indiana RFRA brouhaha is - listening to the hysterical lamentations - that members of the LGBT community have had something taken away from them by this state law. Under state law - and most of the geographic area of the state - they have never had such protections. You can't lose something that you never have. 

I have been absolutely shocked and dumbfounded by the LGBT community's choices here. They have been attacking RFRA for - allegedly - permitting discrimination based on sexual orientation...something that has been permitted under Indiana state law for 199 years. If there exists a problem, it is with the lack of protections for sexual orientation rather than the RFRA, which changes absolutely nothing for them...at least under state law.

In this latest uproar, there has been a lot of ignorance exhibited on both sides. Some business owners apparently believe that the RFRA gives them a blanket right to discriminate against anyone if it infringes on their sincerely-held religious beliefs. That's not true. They should be made aware of the fact that RFRA merely grants standing and a possible defence to actions taken in either administrative or court proceedings. In other words, they can't just post a sign in the window that says 'No Gays, Jews, Blacks & Dogs Allowed.' First of all, they will certainly be sued. Secondly, that possible defence only arises AFTER some action has been taken. They will have to deal with the expense of litigation and counsel. RFRAs aren't some cheap 'Get out of discrimination actions free card'.

See: Democrats Turn Against Religious Freedom Laws. Voters Don't Agree With Them.

Image result for gay pizza

But, congratulations to those jackbooted retards out there! You have forced a pizzeria in Bumfuck, Indiana, to close its doors due to your death threats.  Of course, even after your victory scalp, you have the exact same protections against discrimination based on your sexual orientation under Indiana state law that you had before...by which I mean NONE.

On both sides there have been flags planted that claim that they represent LOVE.  Sorry, but I don't see much amore around the country...any way you slice it.

Related: Despite What The Hysterics Claim, Indiana's RFRA Will Not Lead To A Discriminatory Dystopia


I happened to see this earlier this evening:

A couple of years old...
I wonder what will happen when the Westboro Baptist Church starts descending on bakeries, florists, printers, etc, that are owned by gays. And, remember, the WBC has a surprisingly high success rate in court cases...even at the Supreme Court.


Christian Man Asks Thirteen Gay Bakeries To Bake Him Pro-Traditional Marriage Cake, And Is Denied Service By All Of Them (WATCH THE SHOCKING VIDEO)

31 March 2015

Despite What The Hysterics Claim, Indiana's RFRA Will Not Lead To A Discriminatory Dystopia

Indiana's RFRA Doesn't Give People The 'Right' To Discriminate Against Gays. They Already Kinda, Sorta Have That 'Right'.

The Indiana RFRA does not give Indianans some new 'right' to discriminate. It is a law that gives individuals and businesses a DEFENCE in court or administrative hearings - one that still must be proven. 

FACT: Sexual orientation is NOT nor has it EVER BEEN a protected class under Indiana state law. 

In other words, if a business wanted to discriminate against gays, it doesn't need the RFRA. It can merely avail itself of the same laws that existed in Indiana last week, last month, last year, a decade ago, fifty years ago, a century ago and right back to the creation of the state. The RFRA doesn't change that. 

I will acknowledge that most of this hysteria is based on PROFOUND LEGAL IGNORANCE, but there is, at least on some level, something else going on here. If people were really concerned about discrimination against the LGBT community in Indiana, advocates would be pushing for legislation that would prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation. They haven't. They aren't. Instead, they are going after religious freedom. Hmmm... 

If you think Native Americans, who use peyote in their rites, should not be denied benefits, then you should support RFRAs. 

If you believe that Hindus Sikhs should be able to carry their sacred kirpans, then you should support RFRAs. 

If you believe that Muslim men should be able to grow their beards, then you should support RFRAs. 

If you believe that the Amish should be able to drive their buggies, then you should support RFRAs. 

If you believe that Jewish prisoners should be able to get Kosher meals, then you should support RFRAs. 

If you believe that Muslim prisoners should be able to get Halal meals, then you should support RFRAs. 

If you believe that Native American children should be able to grow their hair and not get expelled from a public school for doing so, then you should support RFRAs. 

For more examples, read: Meet 10 Americans Who Have Benefited From Laws Like Indiana's RFRA 

Question: If Indiana is so full of bigots, they why are there no or so very few examples of businesses discriminating against the LGBT community since they have had the 'right' to do so since 11 December 1816? 

Question: If the critics of Indiana are so concerned about - thus far, non-existent - discrimination against gays, then why are they screaming about a law that will change NOTHING when it comes to that issue rather than seeking legislation that would prohibit discrimination against the LGBT community? 

Question: Why is the Left - and I ask this as an atheist - so afraid of religious liberty? 

Question: If you could outlaw religion, would you? If you could incarcerate believers, who refuse to accept your secular orthodoxy, would you? 


So, where are the myriad examples of rampant discrimination against gays from the last 199 years that RFRA critics believe and have assured us will happen 'if Indiana permits discrimination against the LGBT community'? 

One more question: How is it that APPLE, a corporation, can have a conscience when it comes LGBT discrimination, but Hobby Lobby, also a corporation, cannot when it pertains to abortifacients?



Pence admits to being wrong and today he is calling for an amended law. It was broken beyond all rational defense. The federal RFRA protected people from government. The Indiana RFRA pitted people against people.'

Christians Love

Once again, sexual orientation is NOT a protected class in Indiana. It never has been. The RFRA doesn't change that. 

If a business wanted to discriminate against members of the LGBT community, under Indiana state law, it could before RFRA. It can now. Again, Indiana's RFRA changes NOTHING. 

If you want the LGBT community to have legal protections, then advocating against the RFRA isn't the way to do it. If you want to prohibit such discrimination, YOU MUST MAKE SEXUAL ORIENTATION A PROTECTED CLASS...just like race, gender, national origin, and religious affiliation. 

If, as you say, Indiana's RFRA pitted people against each other, repealing it will not change the situation one iota, at least as it pertains to the LGBT community. 

Say Indiana repeals the law. Guess what? 

Indiana businesses will STILL be able to discriminate against members of the LGBT community for any damn reason they choose.

'Again, Indiana's RFRA changes NOTHING.' Then repeal it. 

Reposted from below for your edification: Advance America, the organization that helped lead the campaign for SB 101, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, described its rationale: "Christian businesses and individuals deserve protection from those who support homosexual marriages and those who support government recognition and approval of gender identity (men who dress as women). SB 101 will help provide the protection!" 

Now, tell us how it isn't meant to target gays.

- rhymes with angelic

So, you want to deny Hindus from laws that prohibit them from carrying their kirpans; prevent Native American children from getting expelled from public schools for growing their hair; deny kosher meals to Jewish prisoners and Halal meals to Muslim prisoners, etc. Amirite? How very 'tolerant' and 'inclusive' you are! / 

'Reposted from below for your edification: Advance America, the organization that helped lead the campaign for SB 101, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, described its rationale: "Christian businesses and individuals deserve protection from those who support homosexual marriages and those who support government recognition and approval of gender identity (men who dress as women). SB 101 will help provide the protection!" Now, tell us how it isn't meant to target gays.' 

Dude, you aren't paying attention. Gays have NEVER had protection from discrimination under Indiana law. Sexual orientation is NOT a protected class. It never has been in the 199-year history of the State of Indiana. Repealing RFRA won't do a goddamn thing to protect gays, but it will absolutely harm religious people. 

I guess you will support a law, if passed in Indiana, that prohibits Muslim men from growing their beards. Right? It's obvious that you do not give a bloody fuck about protecting their interests.

Once again, Indiana's RFRA Doesn't Give People The 'Right' To Discriminate Against Gays. They Already Have That 'Right'.

Time to end the last legal prejudice. This old evil can be remedied by protecting all citizens from discrimination.

Christians Love 

Fine, but advocating against this legislation is not the way to do it. Fight to make sexual orientation a protected class in Indiana...and on every level, including federally. Democrats couldn't even pass ENDA when they had veto-proof majorities in Congress. 

Listen, I support SSM and, as an atheist, religion hardly plays any role in my arguments. As a libertarian, however, I have a real problem with government forcing association and contractual relationships. I think a printing company owned by gays should be able to deny service to the Westboro Baptist Church. I think a Jewish bakery should be able to refuse to make a Neo-Nazi cake. I think that Alpine Village restaurant in California should have been able to refuse service to Neo-Nazis, who refused to remove their swastikas - California's insane Unruh Act notwithstanding.  

Do I think that businesses should discriminate? No. Should they be allowed to? Yes. The free market will take care of bigots. A couple of weeks ago, I went into a small market and went to pay for some milk. The guy behind the register said that the milk that I wanted to purchase was halal and available for Muslim customers only. Fine. No problem. I wasn't looking specifically for Halal milk. I mistakenly picked it up. Did I get angry and start screaming about discrimination? No, I did not. I just purchased Infidel Milk and left. 

Many states have RFRAs and I cannot think of one where Christian businesses won the right to discriminate against homosexuals. Jonathan and Elaine Huguenin lost their business - Elaine's Photography - in New Mexico. Aaron and Melissa Klein lost their business - Sweet Cakes by Melissa - and are facing bankruptcy in Oregon. Barronelle Stutzman has been fined and may lose her business - Arlene's Flowers - in Washington. Jack Phillips has stopped selling all wedding cakes at his bakery - Masterpiece Cakeshop - in Colorado and is facing all sorts of legal problems. In other words, RFRA defences seldom win in public accommodation disputes. 

The fact of the matter is that the Indiana RFRA - regardless of what some of its religious supporters desire - is not really about permitting legal discrimination against homosexuals and it certainly doesn't change the very fact that members of the LGBT are not protected currently under Indiana state law because they lack protected class status. 

If you are really concerned about discrimination based on sexual orientation, I would suggest that you focus your energies on that rather than the RFRA.

Also, since the LGBT community hasn't been protected under Indiana state law since 1816, where are all of the cases of discrimination? If Indiana's RFRA would produce rampant discrimination - it wouldn't - because it would permit discrimination against gays - it wouldn't - then why has there not be a LGBT discriminatory dystopia in the state before now? After all, the if repealing the rascally RFRA would not change the fact that sexual orientation is not a protected class under Indiana state law, where are all of the tonnes and tonnes of examples of businesses discriminating based on such?


For years - as many of you know - I have supported SSM.  Yes, I was warned about what might happen.  Naively, I believed that we could move to a more enlightened and tolerant society - at least as it pertained to this issue.  Now, I am no longer so sure.  

Lefties, if you thought that your Gestapo tactics would ensure that more and more would fall in line, then: Congratulations, you have managed to push me away - or, at least, begin that transition.

First, they came for...


Truly dumb comment. Thank goodness your vote on this issue won't matter in the end. If you are attempting to claim that Christians are victims because they can't refuse to bake cakes for gays, then you are on the wrong path. These religious freedumbs bills are nothing more than bigotry clothed in a new clothe. We're not buying it. Sorry, but baking cakes, taking pictures and arranging flowers aren't religious rites nor rituals. If you bake a cake for a gay wedding your beliefs are not compromised. I'm an Atheist musician and have performed for dozens of heterosexual religious weddings. I entered the sanctuary as an Atheist and left as one. My beliefs were not compromised when I participated in a religious wedding. It's lame, and thankfully most courts are not buying it as an argument.


Dude, in the 199 years of the state of Indiana, sexual orientation has never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever been a protected class; yet, you fools believe that, somehow, Indiana's RFRA will permit discrimination against a heretofore protected class. LOLZ. AGAIN, sexual orientation has NEVER been a protected class under Indiana State law. If businesses wanted to discriminate against members of the LGBT community, they could have...under the law today, last week, last year, five years ago, a decade ago, fifty years ago, a century ago, or 199 years ago.

You are - quite ignorantly, I might add - screaming and hollering over something that you quite evidently do not understand. You believe that Indiana's RFRA creates some right that permits businesses to do something that they heretofore could not do. Bullshit! Demonstrate that sexual orientation was a protected class under Indiana state law and that, somehow in the RFRA, gays were given rights and they had then rescinded all within the RFRA. It didn't fvcking happen.

And, as far as a few bakeries, photographers,. and florists, who the bloody fvck cares? An RFRA has NEVER protected a business from discriminating against gays. NEVER.

And, even if a few cranks were protected, again, who the bloody fvck cares?

Recently, a Muslim refused to sell me 'Islamic milk' in a store. Did I bloody cry, wet my pants, scream discrimination, and demand that you come to my rescue? F.U.C.K. N.O. I bought the Allah-damned 'Infidel Milk' and left the 7th century shop.

If you believe that my backing away from your cause is of no consequence, please know that I have fought tooth-and-nail for SSM on the best 'conservative' websites out there much to the chagrin of the vast majority of members. I have done that for years.

Go on with your authoritarianism and totalitarianism. Convince yourself that people like me are nothing more than old gum stuck to the bottom of your old shoe. No biggie. No problem. No worries...

'My beliefs were not compromised when I participated in a religious wedding. It's lame, and thankfully most courts are not buying it as an argument.'

Really? Riddle me this:

What was the holding in Hobby Lobby?

Held: The government cannot force individuals and businesses to act in a manner that would substantially burden their sincerely-held religious beliefs without meeting each prong of strict scrutiny.

What do you want to mandate at the state level?

You want the government to force individuals and businesses to act in a manner that would substantially burden their sincerely-held religious beliefs and forget strict scrutiny.

Riddle me this, too, genius: If the courts are 'not buying into that argument', then why, pray tell, did the LGBT leadership groups drop their support of ENDA after the Supreme Court ruled in Hobby Lobby

Yes, I know, understand, and realise that you are going to require more than a few minutes to absorb all of this and begin to comprehend what it means. 

Thankfully, you've told me that you no longer either need nor desire my help in these matters. Considering the fact that you obsessed over gay wedding cakes, etc, - a non-existent matter - good luck figuring them out on your own.