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04 January 2013

Chart of the Day: What 'Social Democracy' Looks Like

The UK FY2012 budget:

Budget 2012: tax and spending graphic

Personal social services:  £33 billion
Social protection:  £207 billion
Housing and environment:  £21 billion
Health:  £130 billion
Education:  £91 billion
Transportation:  £22 billion
Public order and safety:  £32 billion
Defence:  £39 billion (Good luck defending the Falklands!)
Debt interest:  £46 billion
Other:  £43 billion


Business rates:  £26 billion
VAT:  £102 billion
Corporate tax:  £45 billion
Excise duties:  £48 billion
National Insurance:  £106 billion
Council tax:  £26 billion
Income tax:  £155 billion
Other, including stamp duty and auto excise duty:   £84 billion

Borrowing:  £91 billion

38.21% of outlays, not including healthcare, is on so-called "safety-net programmes."  With healthcare, the sum rises to 57.25%.

44.09% of revenues, not including healthcare, is spent on so-called "safety-net programmes."  With healthcare, the sum rises to 66.05%.

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