18 December 2014

'White-Shaming' And The Coming Epidemic Of White Dysmorphophobia

Just in case you need a daily reminder of how your white skin is harmful and discriminatory (or something)...

EJI is proud to announce the release of our 2015 calendar, A History of Racial Injustice. This full-color wall calendar expands on EJI’s previous calendars with new historical entries and short essays highlighting historical events and issues in our nation’s racial history.

 The 2015 calendar is part of a series of reports and educational materials that explore the legacy of racial bias in the United States and its continuing impact on contemporary policies and practices. Many of today’s issues have been shaped by America’s racial history – the history of racial injustice in particular.

The legacy of slavery, racial terror, and legally supported abuse of racial minorities is not well understood.

EJI believes that a deeper understanding about our nation’s history of racial injustice is important to addressing contemporary questions of social justice and equality.

The calendar is designed to be a helpful tool for learning more about racial history. Expanded content from A History of Racial Injustice is now available in our online timeline.

These freaks won’t be happy until they have white kids sitting in bathtubs of dye like black children used to soak themselves in bleach.

Mark my words: This White-Shaming will lead to dysmorphophobia and, when white children begin committing suicide because of ‘white guilt’, their blood will be on these people’s hands.

Evidently, ‘Born This Way!’ only applies to sexual orientation.


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