President Obama once wrote a book about audacity. He'll be able to write a sequel when he leaves the White House because what can be more audacious than asking Americans to trust him and his administration after they've lied, misled, and been busted for being too cute by half?
First, let's start with President Barack Obama. Here are his own words on civil liberties, national security and snooping...and, a YouTube video is not responsible.
Next, let's move on to Congressman Hank 'Capsizing Guam' Johnson on 20 March 2012 at a hearing of the House's Emerging Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee of the Armed Services Committee:
Hank Johnson: Does the NSA intercept Americans’ cell phone conversations?
Director Keith Alexander: No.
judicial consent is required for NSA to intercept communications and
information involving American citizens?
the United States, that would be the FBI lead. If it were a foreign actor in
the United States, the FBI would still have to lead. It could work that with
NSA or other intelligence agencies as authorized. But to conduct that kind of
collection in the United States it would have to go through a court order, and
the court would have to authorize it. We’re not authorized to do it, nor do we
do it.
The Director also said on several
occasions during this hearing that the NSA didn’t even have the ability
to collect such data.
the way, is there a better perjury trapper in Congress than the Useful
Idiot, Hank Johnson? In his attempts to defend the excesses of this
Administration, he has walked both Attorney General Eric Holder and the
Director of the National Security Administration, Keith Anderson, into
making false and/or misleading statements.
A few months later, Alexander spoke at
the Aspen Institute conference and addressed a question about a statement from
ex-NSA official William Binney, who had said that the NSA is assembling a
dossier on every American. “Is there any truth to that, and why do stories like
this persist that you’re spying on all of us?”
Alexander flatly denies the question’s
premise. “To think we’re
collecting on every U.S. person… that would be against the law,”
he says, and goes on to list every agency that oversees the NSA in every branch
of government. “The fact is we’re a foreign
intelligence agency.”
Relative to that last line, pay close
attention to the Establishment in the coming days, including spokesliars for
the Administration. FISA stands for the ‘FOREIGN Intelligence Surveillance Act.’ On
several occasions already, they’ve changed the name to the ‘FEDERAL Intelligence Surveillance
‘Don’t worry, folks. What we are doing is totally legal and is all part of the Federal
Intelligence Surveillance Act that has been in place since 1978. You
are getting all wee-wee’d up about something that has been in effect for
most of your lives.’
- Surveillance State Supporter
In July 2011, Senators Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Mark Udall
(D-CO) sent a letter to the NSA asking for answers about its collection
of data on American citizens. The NSA’s response read, in part:
You asked whether communications of Americans have been collected… Section 702 of the FAA [FISA Amendments Act] explicitly prohibits the intentional targeting of persons reasonably believed to be located in the United States or United States persons located abroad. The Intelligence Community has put in place a variety of procedures, which have been approved by the FISA Court as required by law, to ensure that only persons reasonably believed to be located outside the United States are targeted and to prevent the intentional acquisition of any communications as to which the sender and all intended recipients are known to be located in the United States. Guidelines are also required by law to ensure compliance with other limitations on FAA collection, including the requirement that a U.S. person may not be intentionally targeted under section 702.
Well, surely, the Director Of National Intelligence wouldn't lie or mislead Congress, would he?
Why, yes, Virginia, he would.
the 12 March 2013 hearing held by the Senate Intelligence Committee on
warrantless geolocation surveillance and National Security Agency
On March 12, at a hearing of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Wyden asked Director of National Intelligence James Clapper: “Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?” Clapper responded: “No, sir.” When Wyden followed up by asking, “It does not?” Clapper said: “Not wittingly. There are cases where they could, inadvertently perhaps, collect—but not wittingly.”
Lies, more lies, and even more lies on top of those lies and the government has the effrontery to ask us to trust them?
No dice.
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