01 May 2011

Wilson: America's First Fascist President

Which American president invented the very first propaganda ministry in the West?

Wilson. Committee on Public Information led by journalist George Creel and Edward Bernays, whose books and essays were collected by Joseph Goebbels.

Which American president has his own version of the Gestapo?

Wilson. American Protective League.

Which American President urged Congress to pass laws that forbade Americans from criticising their own government in a time of war and made it a crime for citizens to “utter, print, write or publish any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language” about the government or the military," and signed them into law?


Which American president created a board to control all industry in service to the state?

Wilson. He charged Bernard Baruch with running the War Industries Board, which would serve as a precursor to the corporatist policies Mussolini and Hitler. Grosvenor Clarkson, a member and later historian of the WIB, would characterize the WIB as follows: “It was an industrial dictatorship without parallel–a dictatorship by force of necessity and common consent which step by step at least encompassed the Nation and united it into a coordinated and mobile whole.” He would also later say that the war was “a story of the conversion of a hundred million combatively individualistic people into a vast cooperative effort in which the good of the unit was sacrificed to the good of the whole.”

Which American president segregated the military and the Federal government?


Which American president locked up anti-war protesters, suffragettes, homosexuals, etc.?


Which American President sent Robert Goldstein to prison for 10 years for making a movie, The Spirit of '76, that depicted the British in the Revolutionary War in a negative light and was ultimately responsible for him dying in a Nazi concentration camp years later?


Which American president interred Americans of German descent?


Which American president actively promoted forced sterilisations?


Which American president screened "Birth of a Nation" in the White House?

Wilson.  He called it "history shot with electricity."

Which American president, as Governor, appointed a eugenicist, who was later convicted of war crimes as one of the “Butchers of Buchenwald”?


Which American president sought the Sedition Act and incarcerated tens of thousands of "dissidents"?

Wilson and this doesn't even take into account the infamous Palmer Raids, which occurred after the end of the war.

Which American President said this about education:  “We want one class of persons to have a liberal education and we want another class of persons, a very much larger class of necessity in every society, to forgo the privilege of a liberal education and fit themselves to perform specific difficult manual tasks"?


Which American president said that his first recollection as a child was of hearing the "horrible" news that Abraham Lincoln had been elected President and would free the slaves?


Which American president advocated progressive imperialism in order to subjugate lesser races?


Which American president applauded the annexation of Puerto Rico and the Philippines saying, "they are children and we are men in these deep matters of government and justice"?


Which American president regularly denounced what he called "the anti-imperialistic weepings and wailings that came out of Boston"?


Which American president believed that giving blacks the vote was the "foundation of every evil in this country"?


Which American president said, "while we are followers of Jefferson, there is one principle of Jefferson's which no longer can obtain in the practical politics of America.  You know that it was Jefferson who said that the best government is that which does as little governing as possible...BUT THAT TIME HAS PASSED.  AMERICA IS NOT NOW AND CANNOT IN THE FUTURE BE A PLACE FOR UNRESTRICTED INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM AND ENTERPRISE"?


Which American president said, "segregation is not humiliating but a benefit, and ought to be so regarded by you gentlemen"?


Which American President decried the "separation of powers” and “checks and balances” that are the foundation of American government and said, “Government does now whatever experience permits or the times demand"?


Which American President said, “no doubt a lot of nonsense has been talked about the inalienable rights of the individual, and a great deal that was mere sentiment and pleasing speculation has been put forward as fundamental principle"?


Which American President said, “the President is at liberty, both in law and conscience, to be as big a man as he can. His capacity will set the limit"?


Which American President said, in 1913, “I do approve of the segregation that is being attempted in several of the departments.  I think if you were here on the ground you would see, as I seem to see, that it is distinctly to the advantage of the colored people themselves that they should be organized, so far as possible and convenient, in district bureaus where they will center their work"?


Which American President while Governor appointed American eugenicist, Dr Edwin Katzen-Ellenbogen, later called one of the “Butchers of Buchenwald” and convicted of war crimes in a trial at Dachau, as the Chief Eugenicist of New Jersey? 

Wilson.   After Wilson finally blessed America by dying from another massive stroke, Dr Katzen-Ellenbogen went on to bigger and better things becoming a founding member of the prestigious but pro-Nazi Eugenics Research Association headquartered at the Carnegie Institution.

Which American President signed bills banning miscegenation in the District of Columbia and segregating DC streetcars?


Which American President appointed white southerners to his administration who introduced segregation into their previously unsegregated departments, including the postal service which was a major employer?


Which American President said, "said that a “true leader” uses the masses of people like “tools" and wrote, “The competent leader of men cares little for the internal niceties of other people’s characters: he cares much–everything–for the external uses to which they may be put…. He supplies the power; others supply only the materials upon which that power operates…. It is the power which dictates, dominates; the materials yield. Men are as clay in the hands of the consummate leader"?


In June 1917, which American President said, “Woe be to the man or group of men that seeks to stand in our way,” in response to counter protests to the fascist regime that he created upon entering WW I?


Which American President has the worst civil rights record, according to, among others, Matthew Yglesias of Think Progress?


Which American President has called the "Father of American Progressivism"?

Pic of the Day: Axe and His Bucket?

potd may 24

Not really.

A visitor tries on a metal mask, used as a torture device by the regime of Iraq's ousted leader Saddam Hussein, displayed at an exhibition gallery at the Martyrs Monument in Baghdad.