11 September 2015

I Understand Why You 'Get' Trump, I'm Just Not Sure What We'd Be Getting In Return

Listen, I, personally, get why people are pulling for Trump, who is neither a conservative nor a libertarian.  We are all frustrated to the point of blind fury.  We feel betrayed.  We feel like no one is either listening to or working for our interests.  We love the fact that Trump takes it to the PC Crowd, the Establishment, and the media.  Even Bill Maher gets it.

Throughout the world, elites in government, business, society, media, and academia have said to us:

1. We know better what's best for you than you do.

2. We don't care if only a minority of you support what we are doing, we are doing it anyway. See the 21% support for the Iran deal, for example.

3. Democracy is 'too messy' and so is republicanism.  We, elites, cannot wait for the consent of the government.  So sorry.

4. You are just a bunch of nuts, cranks, sticklers for the Constitution and the rule of law, racists, sexists, homophobes, Islamophobes, bigoted reactionaries clinging to your guns and religion.

5. Learn that the system is rigged...in OUR favour...and we are going to keep it that way...even if we have to flat-out deceive you and dismiss your vote.  Besides, we have to  take into consideration the opinions of those who can’t be bothered to get off the couch and go vote!

'When it becomes serious, you have to lie.'

- Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the EU, who claims that unelected representatives and apparatchiks should be able to overrule the opinions and rights of 500 people because WE. ARE. THE. EXPERTS. AND. WE. GET. TO. DECIDE. WHAT. IS. SERIOUS.

Note: Every member of the EU has abolished the death penalty, BUT, interestingly, in the EUSSR with its 28 unelected, unaccountable apparatchiks, the death penalty was reintroduced in a footnote to the Treaty of Lisboa, upon neither the whole nor part of which the overwhelming majority of Europeans were allowed to vote.  In its “explanations” and “negative definitions” accompanying the fundamental rights, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union allows a reintroduction of the death penalty in case of war or imminent war, BUT ALSO THE KILLING OF HUMANS TO SUPPRESS INSURGENCY OR RIOT.  You see, unelected and unaccountable bodies cannot be bothered with things like human rights if their very existence comes under ever the slightest threat.

These are the same people, along with the ECB and IMF, that have:

A. Orchestrated the overthrow of the Italian government and installed a technocracy.

B. Ordered the bank accounts of Cypriots be raided even though they violated the EUSSR and ECB's own deposit insurance programmes.

C. Put a gun to the head of the (irresponsible and not particularly sympathetic either) nation of Greece and stated that the results of the referendum were irrelevant.

D. In 2005, both the Dutch and the French overwhelmingly rejected adopting the EUSSR Constitution. 'So? We'll just impose it on you via this new interpretation of this old treaty.'  Ireland was supposed to vote in 2005 or 2006, but after the Dutch and French failures, the EUSSR pushed through the Lisbon Treaty, which changed the mechanisms.  In 2008, the Irish rejected the Constitution.  The EUSSR said, 'You'd better have a do-over'.  So, in October 2009 when Ireland's finances were melting down and it needed a bailout, a referendum was scheduled and the government fearmongered a majority into voting 'Yea.'  The 'gutless' PM Gordon Brown - and everyone knows how much I detest the man - was bullied into signing the Lisbon Treaty, which basically removed jurisdiction over immigration to Brussels, among other things, by the  then-EUSSR President Jose Manuel Barroso and Premier Jose Socrates of Portugal.  I can go on and on (look at the ongoing invasion and the EUSSR's demand that 'refugees be redistributed' and countries pay huge fines if they fail to accept their quotas), but you get the idea.

This rejection of democracy, self-government, and the individual rights of man is happening all over the world and it will not end well....BUT, it does not nor should not mean that we elect comedians, like Beppe Grillo, or radical nutters like Jeremy(!) Corbyn.  Reagan was an entertainer, true.  He was also a successful, two-term governor and had been a movement leader for decades.  He didn't decide to run for President as a Republican in 1980 after donating to Democrat Jimmy Carter in 1976. Trump has been a successful businessman, but how will he govern?  He also needs to learn that, if he wants to be taken seriously, he can’t claim to be just an entertainer.

E. Progress is always good (even when pre-cancerous cells progress into a terminal condition...we don't have to pay for your old white arse.  We can import some new 'brown' children,)

F. You WILL bend over, grab your ankles, and like it.  Then, you will say: THANK. YOU. MEIN. FUHRERS. MAY. I. PLEASE. HAVE. ANOTHER!

As I admitted yesterday, there are days when I wish that some people in power would turn out to pasture or just fvcking die already.  I hate myself for it because I don't want to wish horrible things on other people, but I'm human and I get seriously frustrated at times.  Of course, there are other people that I hope everyday will die...like the Ayatollah, ISIS fighters, Lil' Kim's Lil' Un. Just like I would have wished for Hitler and Stalin to die.

8.. When those in power try to censor and ever more restrict people, the latter is eventually going to turn to the loudest brawler they can find.  It's almost like we are all becoming Jon Stewart's audience.  We whoop it up and love it when one of ours 'destroys', 'annihilates' one of theirs (even if Stewart was credited with far more kills than he actually achieved).  Perhaps, civilisation hasn't really progressed much since the Romans cheered on the lions to eat the Christians.

To paraphrase Mark Steyn (because I cannot find the actual quote):

When supposedly responsible and sober leaders forbid the governed to vocally recognise reality, eventually the latter will turn to irresponsible and shoot-first-aim-later ones.

His quote is much better, but I think the sentiment is the same.  Those in power have been telling you 'NO, NO, NO!' for so long, that they do not deserve your support or loyalty.  In our legitimate anger, we cannot, however, just turn to anyone simply because s/he's taken it to the objects of our fury.

I understand the anger and frustration.  I share it.  I really, really do, but I don't know if I am ready to burn the place down.  History tells us that, almost always, what comes next is worse. French monarchy ~> French Revolution ~> National Razor Begins to Consume its own ~> Revolution gives rise to the dictator, Napoleon.  When things get really bad and chaotic, most people opt for security and call for a strongman rather than fight for their liberty and freedom.  Remember, the majority of colonialists were NOT on the side of Washington and the Revolutionaries.  The land was divided into roughly three camps: 1. Pro-Independence; 2. Pro-English; and, 3. The 18th century's version of 'Y'all didja see Bey's new video and what Kim & Kanye did?'

Donald Trump isn't a conservative nor is he one with a libertarian streak.  He is a successful businessman and a marketing genius, especially when it comes to self-promotion.  He has some good ideas and he is certainly bringing up and making the country talk about things that the 'elites' normally say are off-limits.  But, even the most avid supporter has to admit that he doesn't always hold what one would consider to be 'constitutional principles.' 

I can't say that I would never, ever, ever vote for him.  There are others of which I can definitely say that.  Nevertheless, I gotta tell ya, I'd still be very uneasy pulling the lever for him because, FOR JUST ONE EXAMPLE, HE SUPPORTS THE KELO DECISION, one of the worst decisions ever rendered by the Supreme Court.  Ever.

We should never be meek in our fight.  We should make the other side play by their own rules (Alinsky Rule #4).  Yet, we shouldn't loose our heads and become the kind of people that we oppose.  You can attract more flies with honey than vinegar.  You can slip a shiv between the 5th and 6th ribs and get right to 'the heart of the matter', figuratively (of course), with the sweetest smile you've ever given.

I like tough guys, but not mercurial ones.  Reagan gave Gorbachev an ultimatum, was prepared to walk out at Reykjavík, and did.  He wasn't going to negotiate with the Communists as our equals nor try to meet them halfway, which would be like us saying to Russia 'You can keep your nuclear warheads aimed at only half of our cities!' or to Hitler: 'Listen, Herr Hitler, if you give us back France and 3 million Jews, you can keep Czechoslovakia, Austria, Poland, Romania, Hungary, the Balkans, Ukraine, Western Russia, etc, along with the other 3 million Jews, plus all of your slave labour acquired east of the Rhine and north of the southern most grain of sand on Gavdos!  Just let us have peace in our time and welcome you back to the community of nations!' 

Reagan had a plan and it was a simple one: We win. You lose.

I don't want leaders that treat the ruthless, homicidal mullahs in a theocracy with a GDP that has the grand total of $400 billion, who call for our deaths and those of our allies, like they are our equals, which they are not.  I don't want leaders who bargain from positions of weakness and give away the store to people that have murdered our people and have global aspirations of conquest.  And, I certainly don't want leaders that give the leading state sponsor of global terrorism the US GDP equivalent of $8 TRILLION so that they can carry on with their evil acts.

Yes, I have no doubt that Trump is a strong negotiator.  At this point, however, I am not yet convinced he has the principles, depth of knowledge, and/or temperament to be an effective President.  I just can't shake the vision of him banging his shoe on the table à la Khrushchev or pointing at Angela Merkel and saying, 'Look at that face!' 

Pic of the Day: On Eve Of 9/11, A Glorious Rainbow Appears To Emanate From The WTC

Screen Shot 2015-09-11 at 12.01.50 PM

Never forget.

Never again...

And, NO!, President Barack Obama, America cannot nor should not be prepared to just 'absorb another 9/11.'  We are talking about real people with real families!  We, Americans, are not like some on the Left, especially on the far left in Israel, who are willing to make 'sacrifices for peace'!


It's 9/11.

A rainbow is over the WTC.



10 September 2015

Pic of the Day: Racist & Homophobic Georgia Farmer Honours Chris Kyle; Does Nothing For Mumia, Trayvon, Michael, Chelsea And Caitlyn!

SJWs' heads to explode in 5...4...3...2...

What? The mass murderer, Chris Kyle, gets an honour while the real courageous heroes, Caitlyn Jenner (who may be going to jail), Chelsea Manning (who is in prison), and Mumia Abu-Jamal (who is no longer on Death Row, but is now ill and heinously suffering in general population) get persecuted!  Our democracy has been stolen!  The Military-Industrial Complex, the Koch Brothers, capitalists, the Mossad, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderbergers have, obviously, conspired with this redneck farmer to honour American aggression and Imperialism while working to keep 'The Other' down.  We all know this since there isn't a crop circle encompassing this field.

Chris Kyle kills more than 150 brown people and is murdered by another mercenary and veteran of the American war machine and he is bestowed some kind of Horticulture Honour???  What jingoistic insanity is next?  Is some moron in Bumfvckville, Indiana, going to create a Topographical Topiary for Sgt York or is some RWNJ in Infinitassimal, Iowa, going to put a giant Ronald Reagan garden gnome in front of his house to express his intolerance and bigotry?

These arseholes' right to express themselves freely and engage is trivial cultivational pursuits didn't get those rights because of people like Chris Kyle.  No, my friends!  These stupid-racist-sexist-homophobic-Islamophobic-xenophobic-home-schooled-dirt-eating-snake-handling-sister-marrying-deer-shooting-squirrel-eating-hick-n-hustering-moonshine-running-meth-cooking-one-tooth-brushing-single-hair-comb-overing-blue-plate-'n-light-special-luvin'-stand-at-attention-WalMart-shopping-ignorant-untravelled-flag-waving-cry-in-their-beers-and-with-Lee-Greenwood-Teabag-waving-guns-n-Bibles-bitter-clinging morons have these rights because people like Mumia, Bill Ayers, Joanne Chesimard, Malcolm X, Louis Farrakhan, the Black Panthers, the Black Guerilla Family, ActUp!, etc, understood 'The Struggle' and stood up to 'The Man'...not some white killer from Texas who would have pried the gun from Charleton Heston's cold, dead hands if it meant he could kill a few more Muslims!  I know that.  You know that.  We all know that. 

It's the truth just as 'Hands Up! Don't Shoot!' was even if the Fascist sellouts in the Obama Administration and Eric Holder's DOJ said otherwise.  Don't forget that the turncoat, Holder, used to defend Gitmo detainees for free, but how many poor, black men, who ain't hurtin' nobody when dey knock over a Quik-Trip for a box of Swisher Sweets and are oppressed by PoPostapo every day, has he defended?  And, doncha forget, Holder called the United States 'a nation of cowards' because we ain't engagin' in a 'real conversation' on race.  Dude don't know the time for talking is long past.  It's time for all of 'The Others' to stand up and take out the other others.

I mean, c'mon, grandma-loving, church-going, and future, perennial college Dean's Lister, Michael Brown, gets murdered and what does this oppressed, black man get?

A fvcking plaque?!?!?! It's not enough! We need to demand that the memorials in Washington named for slave-owning, white dudes with wooden teeth, who ain't did nothing to further the rights of man or move civilisation down a road of freedom, liberty, self-rule, and Progress!, should be renamed for men of true virtue, like our dearly departed brothers, Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin!

It's time to bury dem crackas!

And, we should protest until the Federal government takes Emma Lazarus' poem off of the Statue of Liberty and etch the updated, paraphrased and immortal words of Robert Watts, 1966, there instead:

'(My people have for too long been oppressed and given commands by the white oppressors in this country. I ain't going to fight for this immoral country and its racist people and institutions. Those people ain't never sent me a dime of reparations, but) I have already received my draft classification as 1-A and I have got to report for my physical this Monday coming. I am not going. If they ever make me carry a rifle the first man I want to get in my sights is L.B.J. (or any white cracka if they don't gimme room to destroy)!'


'You go, Robby! And don't forget the part about the need to end all American aggression and prove to the world how contrite we are (me: for saving Europe's arse twice, etc) for our imperialistic behaviour and that we will, in the future, be a reasonable member of the global community by ensuring the honourable, inclusive, diverse, tolerant, and benevolent mullahs of Iran to develop nuclear weapons. Why should the only country that has ever used nukes get to tell other countries that they can't? If Iran wants to wipe the Jews of Israel off of the map, why should we intervene? In fact, because like my friend libfreeordie says, Israel is the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism, we should be giving the beautiful and righteous people of Iran the weapons to liberate the oppressed Palestinians, who only want to live in peace and prosperity!'

- Medea Benjamin, Code Pink

Mr Farmer, have you no shame???

(sarc tag)

Photo h/t WeaselZippers.us

08 September 2015

Pic of the Day: Hey, Ya Know, Black-On-Black Crime Prolly Isn't A Myth...Says Al Sharpton

Better late than never.  

It does present a question: How has this race-pimp figured out how to make some ('non-taxable') money off the corpses of black bodies?  What's in it for him?  Whatever it is, I'm sure we will be paying for it somehow.