27 July 2009

Norway: A Tolerant, Inclusive, Diverse, Multicultural Society For Everyone...Except Jews...Part VII


"Death to the Jews!"  "Blow the embassy up!"    
 "Gas the Embassy!"

Afterward, thousands joined a march to the Israeli embassy. The author tells how many shouted "Death to the Jews!" in Arabic. Others screamed "Blow the embassy up!" or even "Gas the embassy!" An Israeli flag was burned. Placards equated then-Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert with Hitler, or flaunted the word Israel with the S turned into a swastika. The "militants" had children standing between them and the police, using the human-shields method employed by the Palestinians. 

In the riots that followed, McDonald's restaurants and other shops were attacked and partially destroyed. These places were targeted because a false rumor had been spread on the Internet that all money McDonald's would take in that day would be sent to Israel. 

These riots exemplify how the Muslim community and their allies now operate in Western Europe. The aim is to dominate the public domain and destroy anything Israeli or Jewish there. Hence the calls for the murder of Jews and the equation of Israel with the Nazis, while the Muslim leaders who are present remain silent. Various leftists support the violent Muslims more or less actively. Although the Norwegian press has initially denied that there is any significant anti-Semitism in Norway, after this development they can hardly do so. At present, the Norwegian apologists who are in denial try to blame what happened solely on "immigrants,” but it is only a matter of time before it will no longer be possible to deny the Norwegian component of the hate and incitement against Jews. Much of this hate-targeting takes the form of anti-Israelism.

It has now also emerged that one of the out-of-town participants in the pro-Israeli demonstration of 8 January 2009 was maimed for life. Jon Gunnar Aksnes related that he had been beaten with a flagpole, and subsequently by another gang with truncheons. When he went back to his bus, bleeding, a reporter for the notoriously anti-Israeli state television NRK saw that he was hurt and had the camera turned on him. When he told them who had attacked him, the reporter rapidly had the camera turned away.


One of the internationally best-known Norwegians is the anti-Semite and wartime prime minister, Vidkun Quisling, whose name has also become a synonym for "traitor" in many languages. The time has come for a study of how elements of this ugly national heritage have persisted, reemerged, or mutated in various sectors of contemporary Norwegian society.”

“Jew…A Swear Word?”
  In 2010, the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation revealed that anti-Semitism was common among Norwegian Muslims.   Teachers at schools with large shares of Muslims revealed that Muslim students often "praise or admire Adolf Hitler for his killing of Jews," that "Jew-hate is legitimate within vast groups of Muslim students" and that "Muslims laugh or command [teachers] to stop when trying to educate about the Holocaust.” Additionally, "while some students might protest when some express support for terrorism, none object when students express hate of Jews,” claiming that it says in "the Qur’an that you shall kill Jews, all true Muslims hate Jews". Most of these students were said to be born and raised in Norway. One Jewish father also told that his child after school had been taken by a Muslim mob (though managed to escape), reportedly "to be taken out to the forest and hung because he was a Jew.”  Many Jewish families no longer allow their children to play outside.

A recent survey by the Oslo Municipality found that 33% of Jewish students in the town are physically threatened or abused by other high school teens at least two to three times a month. The group which suffered the next highest amount of bullying was Buddhists at 10%. “Others” were at 7% and Muslims at 5.3%. Furthermore, the survey found that 51% of high school students consider “Jew” a negative expression and 60% had heard other students use the term.

Continue in Part VIII.