15 January 2000

They Pretend They're "Sane And Rational." We Pretend They're Relevant.

Mohawks!  Getcha Mohawks!  Middle Class Accountant From Wichita, Getcha Mohawk Heeeeyah!  Not!

If Obama, the Democrats, Progs, MoveOn.org, Occupy Wall Street, unions, etc., think that the Middle Class is going to buy what they are selling, then they are more bloody crazy than anyone has ever thought.  The Middle Class realises that there are not enough rich people to pay for OWStreeters' nirvana and the Middle Class isn't going to do it.

Slut Walk = Wall Street?   Evidently, it does in ObamaWorld.  Sort of like Jew = Janitor, I guess.

The Middle Class in America does not hate Capitalism.  It doesn't hate the products that make life more enjoyable.   It doesn't hate the rich.  It wants to be rich.  It doesn't consider Mao, Che, and Lenin to be role models.  It doesn't believe that "power comes from the barrel of a gun."  It doesn't believe in "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs."